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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Electronic Translation Programs versus Paper Dictionaries

Chapter One
Electronic Translation Programs have being used widely since the technology revolution expanded and this way has advantages and disadvantages against the old ways of translation.
Translation is a very technical process which depends on conveying the meanings of a text from one language to another and this needs high professionalism because translation is not just turning the words from a language to another but there must be a preservation of semantics and features of the text in addition to forming the translated sentences in an understood way with the same literary style they were written in as in the original text. Translation is a process that depends on vocabulary understanding in addition to know how to form sentences and phrases correctly in the two languages used in translation so using dictionaries is a basis factor in the translation process. A dictionary could be defined as resources that provide the needed meanings of words, their origins, transcription, pronunciation, classifications as being parts of speech, antonyms and synonyms. A dictionary also provides examples of how words could be used differently in sentences and it provides words arranged according to the alphabetic order. There has been great changes in dictionaries throughout times and ages till there are today electronic dictionaries and electronic programs for translation or what is called Machine Translation (MT). Electronic dictionary is a kind of dictionaries which includes the same information that could be found in a paper dictionary but in a digital form and they can be accessed via the internet or saved on a CD or a DVD or any suitable computer hardware. It can be read or used on computers' software. The current research is discussing how electronic translation programs are used today for translation purposes and comparing it with human translation using paper dictionaries or electronic dictionaries mentioning the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.
A: Hypothesis
Using electronic programs for translation became a phenomenon today. Such programs are found online easily and most of them are free which made people find it easy to use them even if the quality of translation is not as good as that of human translation. The use of electronic programs in translation was found to produce a translation output which is different from human translation in many aspects. The differences are in the lexical form of sentences, punctuation, phrases, semantics, structure of the output and in the mental outlook impression left on the translated texts. The prevalence of using electronic programs in translation does not mean that using such programs is not good but there are advantages and disadvantages for this. Many translators use electronic programs in translation and this is not a wrong thing but training on using such programs is very good and it makes the professional translator gets the utmost benefits of these electronic programs.
B: Sampling
Samples were collected from students in my college who are at level seven, they were gently asked to perform a task which will be helpful for this research as they were asked to translate some texts from English to Arabic. They were divided into two groups, the first group (group A) contained five students and the other group(group B) also contained five students, group A was delivered the three texts and paper dictionaries and was asked to translate, group B was delivered the same texts but with tablets that contained internet connection and they were asked to use google translate in their work. Time was calculated for each group.
 Chapter Two
Using electronic programs for translation became one feature of today's world that depends mainly on technologies in everything. Today's world cannot do without the internet or computers, their software and applications but translation is a complicated process that humans are main factors in producing it properly.

The Reasons of Using Electronic Programs in Translation 
There are many reasons for the prevalence of using electronic programs in translation by many people today among whom are professional translator, students who study English specifically and people who seek their work translated easily and cheaply. There are many reasons that make people of all kinds look for translation programs and electronic dictionaries to use them in purposes of translation, among these reasons are the following ones:
1-Internet Business

Due to the rapid movement of internet business today, business owners see that the English language is very important for them as people from all over the world can purchase items from any place in the world and most purchasing processes occur in English including banks transactions and other related matters which made business owners and also purchasers think of ways that enable them to use English easily even if they do not know anything about English, they find that it is easier to use a translation program to help them understand and do the translation of texts or perhaps whole sites to understand what they need on different websites and as their need of translation is not technical or professional, the use of such programs spread and it became common among youth and even aged people to log on any translation site and translate any text neglecting any defects that could be found in the output. You can find some websites which are translated to Arabic with sentences and words which are hard to be understood or with no relation to the site ,hence you understand that an electronic program was used to translate it as a whole. (Craciunescu, et al. ,2004).
2-The Desire for Reducing costs
Costs of human translation is usually high which lead people to search for other resources for translating their work such as google translate program, Babylon and others. They tend to get their work translated without paying extra money specially when the translation needed does not have to be perfect or terms are not used in it. Some businesses use electronic translation programs in addition to asking human translators according to the needed work as contracts and commercial papers cannot be well translated using electronic translation programs alone. The problem is that most people who seek electronic translation programs ask for human professionals in translation to retranslate the done papers by programs due to their lack of being convincing.
3- The Desire for Saving time
Some people use electronic translation programs to finish their translation tasks faster than if being given to human translators. People today are in need to save their time by any means specially those who work in business fields or in internet business so such programs sometimes help them save time and do tasks which are urgent in the business such as translating labels, cards, titles or other texts which are not very specialized.
4-Luxury life of today
Today most people live easy lives, they don't exert great efforts to watch a film for example or get a book, buy something from another country, make friends, talk to someone in a very far place in the world or even get a job as the communication revolution has changed many measurements of the past and made accessing to things easier than it was in past times, this attitude made people seek comfort and luxury life where everything is got easily and quickly. This theory can be applied to translation as most people think it is a difficult job to look up words into a dictionary and then consume more effort and time trying to form sentences in a new language rather than understanding the original text deeply and thoroughly to translate it properly. They go to electronic translation programs to make the translation task a more comfortable one.
5-Computer use
Using computers today became a phenomenon that made people and translators use PDF files and word documents to do the translation tasks they need and this way of using computer software instead of using paper documents made it easier to look up words in electronic dictionaries and use electronic programs to help them in the translation process and some people just put texts into the program and then wait to have them translated. Computer using which is prevailing everywhere around the world today helped increase the use of electronic translation programs.
6-Lack of Trust in Human Translators
Today's world is characterized with the lack of trust in general so most people think that human translators do nothing but using translation programs and then get paid for a work they did not make effort in so they try to do the translation by themselves as a result of their doubts in human translators' abilities and hard work.
7-The Availability of Electronic Translation Programs
Because it is not easy to find a human translator who is good at his or her work, people think it is easier to them to do translation tasks by themselves using the available electronic translation programs found on the internet and save the time wasted in finding a good translator then waiting to receive their texts translated.
Examples about Using Electronic Translation Programs
1-Using Google Translate Program
Using Google Translate program became very familiar and common today due to many reasons as even people who are not good at a specific language can do some translation with the help of this program. It is also used by students and teachers, even professional translator use it sometimes instead of traditional ways of translation and it has many advantages in fact. It is considered a free service available 24/7 provided for everyone in the world. This program can translate from about 80 languages to other different languages instantly and it also provides new services everyday such as adding the service of voice translation and adding a service of translating documents and large texts. Although the program has many advantages, it also has many disadvantages that limit its use by professionals and those who study languages academically. (Google, 2014)
2-CAT tools
Such electronic translation programs are usually used by professional human translators who are well trained on them for purposes of saving time and effort in addition to improving the translation quality. These tools depend on a system which keeps many things during the translation process a human translator is doing such as keeping translated terms, idioms and even full sentences and phrases that may be repeated within a text to be translated so this memory system helps a translator a lot during the translation process. These programs have disadvantages also besides their advantages as they need high levels of training on them before working with them which may cost a human translator to spend money to take training courses on how to use them and this also consumes some time of the translator time. (Sánchez, 2014)

Effect of Using Electronic Translation Programs
The use of different electronic translation programs left great effects on the language use today. Among such effects, there are negative effects and positive ones. Using these programs gave people who are not good at languages at all some self confidence in using languages which made them think themselves are really good at a specific language or perhaps many languages and this can be a positive effect when those people use the translation program properly or in good things but it can be a negative effect if their use was too much and they exploited such sites and programs in bad affairs, it also could be a bad effect if they fill the web with bad quality translation which is spreading and is accepted by many people everywhere in the world.

Using electronic translation programs made the translation movement more energetic in fact as they encourage beginner human translators to be trained on how to use them properly and get the utmost benefits from them, they also saved their time and effort.
Learners of a language who are in the beginners levels also get benefits from these programs and throughout time, they can improve their translation and stop using these programs for getting whole texts translated but to use them as helpers only.
It was clear that each of the two groups of students was following a communicative approach in translation as they all worked together to produce the translation outputs as soon as possible. The two groups were separated and each group worked by itself. The outputs were compared according to terminology, spelling mistakes, meaning completeness, clarity, punctuation, editing, language and style. Group A which worked with paper dictionaries took longer time than Group B that used Google Translate program. Both groups translated three texts from English to Arabic. Group A took 90 minutes translating the three texts while group B took only 60 minutes to translate the same texts. Each text contained about 37-44 words, the output was evaluated according to a trusted translation kept only with me. All students mother tongue was Arabic and they all study English as a foreign language. Group A used AlMawred paper dictionaries and group B used Google translate program on their tablets devices. The translation process of the two groups went under the same conditions of the university.
As shown in table 1, total mistakes of group A were less than the total number of mistakes of group B. Lexical mistakes were more in group B than in Group A. Spelling mistakes were more in Group A while group B did not have spelling mistakes. Group A had grammar mistakes and also was group B. Group A had eight mistakes while group B had fifteen mistakes. Mistakes of group B shows that they depended on the program greatly and did not exert the needed effort to perform the task properly as their mistakes were almost in meanings, grammar formation, wrong word order but their punctuation and spelling were correct compared to group A. Group A had spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes but less than those of group B, their meanings and style were better than those of group B.

Differences in
Group A
Group B
Translation Method
AlMawred Paper Dictionary
Google Translate Program
Time Consumed
Number of Mistakes
Spelling and Punctuation
Semantics, style, word order and Syntax

Table1:  Differences between translations of the two groups

Advantages and Disadvantages of each translation method used
Results show that the use of electronic translation programs such as Google Translate had its advantages as it helped the human translators save time and effort and provided them with Arabic words in the correct spelling but it also had disadvantages as it made them neglect forming the sentences carefully, make grammatical mistakes and produce translation that lacks elaborated literal style. It was clear that paper dictionary use or the traditional translation method had advantages as it made translators more aware of forming sentences in a good style keeping their semantics and grammar while it also had its disadvantages such as it is time consuming and it puts all the effort and hard work over the translators.

Chapter Three
The current research is discussing a very common problem around the world today which is the vast use of electronic translation programs against traditional methods of translation using dictionaries such as paper dictionaries and this problem was discussed according to a test made for students of my college who were divided into two groups, one that used paper dictionary to translate three texts and the other used Google Translate to translate the same three texts. Results showed that each method has its advantages and disadvantages.
In my own opinion, I think that it is important to cope with new technologies and not to be old fashioned but at the same time, it is important to use human minds against the full use of machines so as to add a natural feeling on the translation output as translation is a way of communication and exchanging cultures not just meanings.
The solution for this problem is to mix the use of the two methods together by using electronic translation programs by human translators but with great care and not to depend on them fully in translation in addition to raise people's awareness about these programs and how to use them.

Friday, July 3, 2015

The Importance of Good Sleep

Most of us think that working and working all day and night is better than having a rest. Some people think that when they study all night, drinking coffee to be more focus, will help them to memorize better. They are totally wrong. Having a good sleep time at night makes you do better. Good sleep is a very important function for our body. It helps our body organs to have some rest to restart working next day. For example your brain should have some rest through sleeping to be able to remember what you have studied yesterday. As some scientists said that while sleeping, your brain makes a function called restructuring. There's a theory called a forgetting curve which means that we forget 40% from the new information because they don't transform from the short memory to the long memory. This process is done by an important part in the brain called hippocampus. We should ask ourselves why do we remember some particular things and we don’t remember other things, that’s because of the way we have these things. We can remember  Information or things which are taken by feelings or stress or even by one of our senses than any other information. One of the good rezones to remember information is having a good sleep night time. so try to rest yourself  having a good rest of sleep.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Burns and nursing care

Family centered care is a concept which developed in the countries that  have economic advantages. The great social awareness lead to it as it has main focus on the needs of children as both developmental and psychological needs have to meet and on the family role in improving their children wellbeing and health. (Massimo et al. 2009) Children almost all of them are liable to be burnt as during everyday activities, children could be burnt. Burns injury includes those resulting from fires, chemicals, scalds, radiation, hot things and electricity. The most common burns are scald ones resulting from hot tubes, hot food or drinks as it mostly happen in children under five years old. Burns resulting from fire occur more in older children. Most burns are not very big and fortunately, they are spontaneously cured and can be well dealt with by the general pediatric practitioner in outpatient settings. Yet there are also some big burns that may need long term sequelaes and have infections, for example, scarring is. This makes it essential for providers to learn well burn management and treatment so as to reduce the dangers of their adverse outcomes. (Katrina et al 2013) During changing the dressings, burns nursing staff invite members of patients' families to attend dressing change which is a step to check how far it is useful for plan of care of the patient to bring families to be present and to see if this increases communication and education regarding the plan of care of the patients and if it raises the readiness of patients for discharge and raises their satisfaction. (Sundara 2011; Pieper et al 2007) This assignment presents a discussion for family centered nursing care as a definition as well as children burns, types, causes, trends and burns risk factors. The assignment explains how children and their families are affected by the burns' bio psychosocial impact and presents an evaluation for family centered  care as a positive model for burnt children care.     
A burn could be defined as an injury in any tissue mainly occur due to heat, electricity, radioactivity, friction, radiation or chemicals. (WHO 2012). Smeltzer and others (2010) suggest that burns happen when there is a transferring for heat from a place to another. Protein denaturation, coagulation or cellular contents ionization can cause tissue destruction that includes upper airways mucosa and skin. Damage can occur in deep tissues as viscera due to contacting deeply with heat or by electrical burns. There are results from skin disruption as infections, scarring, hypothermia, changes in body image, functions and looking besides compromised immunity. To define nursing care, it could be said as those medications or procedure that are prepared for presenting comfort to the patients and relieving their pains, distress and any symptoms, it also refer to what is included of hydration and oral nutrition. .(Schantz 2007) Family centred care was defined by Shields and others (2006) as a method for providing children with care as well as their families via services of health that prepare care plans that include the family as care recipients and not only the person or the child. (Shields et al 2006, p.1318)          
Explore in depth the risk factors for, developmental trends and causes of burns in children nationally and internationally.

Burn injuries patterns may differ in various communities according to different factors such as gender, age, sex, local customs, incomes and circumistances whether environmental or social as they affect them. (Al-Shehri 2008). Burns in childhood are preventable by the percentage of 90%. There are underlying problems as overcrowding, informal housing and having no electricity. Contact burns, flames, electrical, chemicals, hot liquid burns and hot tubes are the most common causes of children burns with various frequencies and the most frequent being burnt are toddlers and infants. (Niekerk et  al 2006) At homes the danger of burns increases by some hazards. A safe home environment is important which could be available by aware parents. Of these hazards are ovens, hot liquids, hot taps, lighters, matches, fires, chemical outlets and electricity or drinking hot drinks. There is a higher risk at homes of smokers, alcoholics and drug takers. 28% of the fires that cause death refers to cigarettes. Alcohol causes about 23.24% as a helping facto of minor burn injury as in WA prospective review in addition to a percentage of 44% related death rates. Another risk factor for burns is kinds of open fires. More burns are caused due to campfire ashes and coals which are still hot more than open flame fires. Children aged under five years are more liable to burns due to environmental hazards they are not well acquainted with. (Rea and Wood 2005; Edelman 2007) The mean age in Saudi Arabia was 5.97 with a ratio of 1.5:1 male to female. Scalding was the most common of causes as rated(81.7%). There are about 92.8% of the patients were injured by burns with 25% burnt on all the body skin. Toddlers are more liable to be burnt by scald burns. (Gari et al 2012) Children under five global burns are about quarter to half of the total of burns visiting burn centres. Most burns in children happen as home accidents a the most kind in young children is scalds. (Tarim et al. 2005). As hot water is the main cause for such scalds, there are also some caused by other hot liquids. Burns resulting from household appliances as stoves, hot ovens, open fires and irons are also frequent in children. Electrical devices as cords, electric machines, plugs and outlets also cause burns to young children.   (Ramakrishnan et al. 2005).Type of burns is affected by the child developmental progress between 0-15 age on the physical and neurogical levels and also there is an effect made by the ability of a child to protect himself or herself. (Robert et al. 2007).
Provide a very brief overview of the types of burns.
Classifying burns into types depends on the depth of the burn as well as the space affected. The affected area of the body is referred to as (%TBSA) ranging from <1% to 100%. A chart is usually used to estimate how far the pediatric burnt area is extended and it is based on Lund and Browder diagram as it makes compensation for the changes in the proportions of the body as being commensurate with growth. (Lee and Herndon 2007). As burns calculated with size 06e in small places, the rule used is the palm of the child with fingers state for 1% of all surface of the body. As to the burn depth, it depends on the affected skin layer. There are two layers in the skin which are epidermis and dermis. (Sheridan and Thompkins 2007). It could be referred to the dermal layer in further classification as papillary dermis(upper) and the (lower layer) reticular dermis. The traditional classification for burns is as degrees first, second and third as burns could be superficial, partially thick or fully thick. When burns affect the underlying tissues as muscles they are called fourth degree ones. (Bessy 2007; Greenhalgh 2007).
Analyze the bio-psychosocial impact of burns on children and their families.
Severe pains are very painful than all injuries and it is horrible to see a burnt child. The limitations on the survivors of paediatric burns on quality of life on the long seem affecting social relating more than affecting functions. Results qualitative synthesis stated that prevalence was in anxiety of child, behavioural problems and stress reactions in the months following the burning. Parents were found to have guilt feelings, depression and posttraumatic stress with high rates. There are studies to suggest there are psychological long term problems in children as social difficulties, anxiety, depression and social functioning difficulties. These cross sectional studies found little evidence on the relation between burns and problems as low self estimation, behavioural problems or body image change. Studies regarding family outcomes on long term suggest parents' substantial subgroups have psychological problems. The factors that were reported as most consistent were the Child peritraumatic ones as pain, anxiety  and psychological reactions and the most reported factors as consistent were family functioning as connected with outcomes of child. Studies which are more recent suggested that there may be an indirect effect of burn severity on the psychological outcomes of the injured child. Reviewed studies limitations, methodological strengths and clinical implications were discussed as well as the future research directions. (Phillips et al 2007; Blakeney et al 2008; De Sousa 2010; Bakker et al 2013). Many studies say that the image of the body has many dimensions as self perception and thinking of how others see one's appearance. There is integration for one's strength beliefs, sexuality, physical sensation, movements, facial expressions and physical boundaries. There may be alterations in burns survivors in all previous areas. All children experience body image developmental stage effects which occurs in burnt children too. Clinical observations are the basis for literature on burnt children body image as well as scant empirical data. Studies results show how difficult it was to assess body image of burnt children. Among children who are not in clinics , social anxiety is a very important factor affecting social and emotional functioning. Rejected children are having more anxiety than the accepted ones among peers. Children who are rejected have lower self esteem and higher anxiety than the socially accepted ones. (Bakker et al 2013; Nitescu et al 2012; Moi et al 2008)
Consider also the emotional impact on the nurse when caring for a child with burns.
In nurses there is a group of emotions associating nursing practice and they are affected by how nurses can meet the needs of patients. Nurses who have a sense of wellbeing are able to relieve patients' pain and be positive in sharing in care. Hilliard and O'Neill (2010) suggests that the emotional response of nurses towards patients could have an effect on the nursing practice they have. Among children injuries, burns are of the most distressing ones. It is a challenge when nurses care for burnt children and their families with all emotions they suffer as anxious, depression, pain and disfigurement. There are intensive procedures to be practiced by nurses in burn units and they could be painful as changing wounds dressing and debridement of wounds. It is noticed in literature that nurses suffer emotionally when they could not help patients well. Feelings of guilt, helplessness, anger and stress are expressed by nurses being unable to aid patients with pain and stop their pain. Nurses have to manage their emotions and control them as they do not have to suffer long term negative effects of their work in challenging situations and be stressed and anxious. The emotional impact of burns on nurses have been discussed in few studies. (Hilliard and O'Neill 2010) Although nurses expressed the negative emotions they suffered, they also expressed positive ones as being satisfied and happy when relieving a patient's pain and providing aid to a person feeling pains. Yet literature existing state only negative emotions that nurses suffer. Comfort was expressed by participants due to the positive emotions that helped children be better with nurses knowledge about managing pain and stopped the suffering from emotional challenges associating the job. Nurses satisfaction is expressed when patients have positive outcomes because nurses see the results on their patients who reached best expectations. (Archibald 2006; Camhi and Cohn 2007) Nurses working in busy work environments suffered limitations in their ability to help children emotionally which is a difficult situation to accept. Parents also need emotional aids from nurses as well as children in hospitals as today care considers parents as part of the care process as partners. (Coyne 2008; Gustafsson et al 2009). Parents' care for their children needs to be compromised if nurses time was not enough to provide them with the required emotional care. Board (2005) stated that children in hospitals were comforted with having a chance to talk with nurses and this made their hospital experience a better one that helped them get rid of anxiety. Livesley (2005) states that the word 'stepback' used as a metaphor (p158) refers to nurses hiding their feelings from children as a way to control their emotions to let children be relaxed. This step-back helped nurses to be away from anxiety and stress and it is better than decreasing being more sensitive with children and this helped them provide aid better to children. (Sahraian et al 2008)

Evaluate the family centered model of care as a positive approach in caring for children with burns.
Since along time, patient focused care was a part of nursing but it is recent to learn how important is the role of families in providing their children with care they need. To define family centered care, it could be referred to as an approach which is innovative towards healthcare planning, delivery and evaluation. It could be shared within many partners such as patients of the healthcare, providers and patients' families. Patients and families health care can be applied on all aged patients and could be performed in any health care system. There is few data regarding the interventions of the family centered care of burnt children although there are many practices adopted many years ago to improve the family centered health care as palliative care, pediatric critical care units and children units. Critical care patients' families need good opportunities for communications and proximity to patients with the medical team as well as with nurses. Family needs or some of them may be met by involving them into the health care program .   (Bishop et al 2013), Sproul et al (2009) found that 87.8%  of  patients with burns stated that the support of their families was very important and helped them recover sooner. Risk of psychological problems on the long term can also be reduced by family assist as financial problems, posttraumatic stress disorders, depression and anxiety that affect burn survivors. . (Wu et al 2009; Park et al 2008; Wallis et al 2006) The concept of participation is mainly met by applying the family centered care as a model which occurs when families attend time of dressing changing so as to be a chance for families education on care in a burns unit. (Bishop et al 2013) When potential changes are discussed in units, apprehension was expressed by both nurses and physicians as being seen and watched while changing dressings. There were many concerning voices about giving interest to giving families the opportunity to watch dressing changing. These concerning voices raised the interests of leader nurses to tell all nursing staff about the vitality of educating both patients and their families which helps in having better patients outcomes. There must be addressing for patients and families different needs as patents' spiritual and emotional needs. This addressing includes a collection of interventions by a team of specialists to provide the patient and the family with the proper education. There must be further investigations for burn patients discharge preparation.  (Sundara 2011; Sproul et al 2009; Farrell et al 2006; Pieper et al 2007) Difficulties and benefits are probable to occur associating the family centered care provision as how much the patient's family is seen in responsibility of the care of their child. In some cases, there were interpretations for family centered care as if it was a care practiced by parents as if they were a child care experts and getting advice from the health provider just as consultant. Families feel they are the most  responsible yet they have great expectations. Both planned or unplanned children hospitalization is tiring and stressful for families whatever functional and organized they were. Stress may affect both families and providers when there is an adjustment in each one's roles. Studies suggest educating families more and providing them with required information can reduce stress levels. Yet, involving families can lead to extra stress and anxiety which could be on short terms at least on both family and child. Parents' expectations may go far beyond reality of the care they could present to their children or they are not ready to hear some specific information regarding their child case.  (Zhou et al 2012; Shields et al 2012; Shields et al 2006)
Family centered care is a recent expression that refers to involving families into the health care process to improve the patient's status and assisting their patient while being in hospital and after that. Burn injuries include those injuries occurring due to open fires or at home accidents as resulting from hot liquids, stoves, hot irons, chemicals or electricity.  A burn is an injury in body's skin or tissue and it has three degrees and the fourth when the burn hurts deep muscles. A burn occurs in children in environments that are not safe enough so parents need to be well educated about how to protect their children and how to manage burns. Types of burns differ according to many factors as gender, age, economical level or the environment itself. Children burns are very severe in pains and in changing the body image. The psychological effects of burns can be depression, social withdrawing, anxiety or other psychological problems. There must be care given by nurses to children burnt but nurses have to be aware of how to control their emotions in the interventions as some nurses feel guilt or dissatisfaction by their work when losing the ability to relieve patients' pains. Families need to be well educated about how to be part of the family centered care model by being present in nursing practices as changing dressings. Families' emotions and psychological reactions also should be cared by nurses so as not to affect the injured patients on the long term. The family centered care model is a successful positive model as applied on the children with burns and their families. Responsibility should not be all on families but roles must be well divided on patients, families and care providers. Future researches and studies are suggested as literature is not enough regarding family centered care model.   


The renaissance period of the English literature witnessed the emerge of a number of great artistic figure such as William Shakespeare who was born in 1564 and died in 1616. He was a great playwright whose plays are now having fame and glory as it was at his age. He was a poet and wrote many poems. Among his great works, "Othello" is a masterpiece and a marvelous work of love and jealousy. The play was written between 1601 and 1603 and represented many values concerning humanity, races, envy, revenge and regret. Othello, the hero was a character that raises questions in mind as he was a dignified warrior, leader and a lover whose love was his disaster. In this essay we are going to discuss many aspects of Othello's character regarding his positive depiction both verbal and behavioral as well as the views of other characters as parts of the society surrounding Othello then we will try to make an assessment for the ending of the play. (Brownlow, F. W. 1979)        
Throughout the play, readers learn about Othello as a man of positive depiction as well as negative sides yet his positive depiction leaves more effects on the readers as he was a sincere lover, a brave warrior and a war leader who has a reputation which gives him great assistance against Turks. While reading the play, his character is clearly appearing to be of such positive depiction as being a governor of Cyprus and a courageous man who feared no one which was clear when he said:
"My services which I have done the signiory
Shall out-tongue his complaints. 'Tis yet to know
Which, when I know that boasting is an honor,"
(Othello, Act1, Scene1)
At this time of the play, Othello seems to be proud of himself showing verbal courage because he sees himself the brave man, the leader and the warrior whom everybody respects, he says that Barbantio respects and loves him and would not object his love and marriage to Desdemona, he sees the hero in himself which asserts the fact of having a verbal positive depiction as a man who can face anyone and a lover who can defend his love. (Kau et al, 1997)
   Othello was having positive depiction verbal and behavioral, his behaviors were very positive as he acted as a lover towards Desdemona, he dealt with his problems wisely using linear thinking, he asked the court to investigate his wife and know whether she loved him or not when her father made an accusation against Othello as accusing him of using an extraordinary force as magic over Desdemona whom her father think can never love such a man. When he saw that Casio did not deserve his position as he was fighting drunken, he demoted Casio. He was a good husband who carried fearing feelings for his wife as he refused to let her accompany him in war as he was frightened for her. Another positive situation of Othello was when he confessed his guilt at last when he said: 
"Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate,
Nor set down aught in malice: then must you speak
Of one that loved not wisely but too well
Of one not easily jealous, but being wrought"(Othello, act5, scene2)
At time of death, most people do not regret or express feelings of positive actions specially when committing suicide but Othello did show positive behavior as he regretted what he made of killing his beloved wife and he confessed he was jealous, he then appeared a man of responsibility whose decisions are strict even with himself that he decided to end his life by himself and this was just a sign for love for Desdemona whom he was not fair with. (Loomba, A. 2002)
Throughout the play, readers could be faced with many social problems regarding acceptance Othello into a society of the white European race, "Moor" was a word used to mean: "negro" and it is not a good word but it was said to refer to Othello as a black man which means in turn being mean to them. Othello's origins were from North Africa so the society elements refused him. It was a closed society that was not able to include the others easily even if pretended to be a civilized one. Othello lived in a society of spilt opinions and views about black people. When looking into the way Iago hated Othello, we can find it a strange way as it lacked reasons and even when Iago tried to justify his hatred, it was not convincing. Iago was that villain who was very distinguished among all literary works with his deep hatred and wicked acts, once in the play he tried to justify his hatred towards Othello was due to making Cassio promoted over him by Othello and in another time he said that Othello was making an affair with his wife and this did not occure. Iago carries envy feelings and a destroying desire for Othello which seems have no reasons but being black as he always called him a Moor. Iago had bad social views deep inside his dark soul, he had a good reputation and a trust he did not deserve. He represented the society of that era which gave interest to outers not insiders and which did not respect differences in other people.( Loomba, A. 2002).
  This was clear as this society had no acknowledgement that this was wrong as Iago justified his hatred even to himself as he said:
      "But for my sport and profit. I hate the Moor:
   And it is thought abroad, that " twixt my sheets
    He has done my office: I know not if't be true;
     But, I for mere suspicion in that kind,
     Will do as it for surety. (Othello, Act1, Scene 3)
Iago said that Othello was betraying him with his wife just to find anything to work as a reason for his hatred to Othello but I think it was just a social hatred due to Othello's race, he said that Othello was: "an erring barbarian" (Act1, Scene3) and also: "an old black ram…tupping… a white ewe…"(Act1, Scene1) and` described him to be a barbarian:"an erring barbarian" (Act1, Scene3). We find that other characters also described Othello to be a black man such as Roderigo as he said: "thick-lips""    (Act1, Scene1) which tells that they were representing a society of racist ideas full of narrow minded persons who never accepted others who are different. Another strange character was Desdemona's father who was not accepting his daughter to marry a black man although he was a respectable warrior and governor but at last he accepted the real situation and then dies of sadness before actions grow dramatically. He said to Othello: "O thou foul thief, where hast thou stowed my daughter?"   (Act1, Scene2) He thought that his daughter was under magician powers that he accused Othello once in court of doing magic over Desdemona. (Brownlow, F. W. 1979)
Yet there were contradicting ideas of different people in the play, they were those persons who could live with different people regardless their color and race. The Duke of Venice was accepting Othello whatever his color was, he trusted him as a leader and a man of war whose dignified soul ranked him highly to him. He defended Othello and Desdemona's love telling good words to Desdemona's father as he said:
 "   and, noble signior, If virtue no delighted beauty lack, your son-in-law is far more fair than black”.  (Act 1, scene 3)
He was a man of authority but at the same time he represented sympathy and being fair with a great warrior who should not be ashamed of his skin. Due to his honesty, he sent Othello to be a leader warrior defending the country against the Turks. Another character was Desdemona who loved Othello without concerning his race neither his color, she was a great woman with a delicate soul and clear heart, she did not feel proud that she was white and she was confident for her lover and her husband Othello. (Kau et al, 1997)
To conclude, we have to talk a little about the ending as "Othello" is not an ordinary love story but a story of love, hatred, jealousy, envy, revenge and regret. The end was not that happy one, the heroes did not enjoy a happily ever after end but it was a dramatic end. Othello killed his wife then killed himself as a kind of regret and feeling sorry for his beloved whom he was not fair with. Although it was an extremely sad end, I feel it is matching with the accidents of the play and whether readers expected it or not, it is suitable. I once thought If  Shakespeare changed the end and made Othello understand everything then kill Iago and live happily with his wife, it would be a happier end with two happy couples but in fact I changed my mind as I did not feel the great feelings of heroes specially that of Othello when he regretted his mistakes, his last words were very impressive that left deep conflicts in my soul which is the basic role of drama, to arouse conflicts and questions in hearts, minds and souls of the readers. The end seemed natural as I think Shakespeare himself  was bearing an attitude towards Othello as a man from the East, he presented him as a sensitive man but not civilized enough to think before killing his wife without enough evidences. The play was such a masterpiece that leaves readers perplexed a little but with lots of thoughts, feelings and new attitudes towards social life.

Reputation (Christopher Marlowe)

Reputation is not easy to be defined but it could be referred to as a group of thoughts, views, opinions, ideas, actions and beliefs that are related to someone or something. It could be formed due to the person or the thing real features and characteristics or may be a combination of the real actions and people's opinions. This essay is going to shed the light on Christopher Marlowe's own personal life so as to discuss the theme of reputation and how people could see someone and judge him through his reputation. Reputation is not always a mirror for a person but sometimes it reflects people's thoughts about some actions interpretations. We are going to discuss how interpretations that could be different from a point of view to another could affect people's reputation through looking into the life history of Christopher Marlowe, the author of the great famous play: Dr, Faustus. 
Christopher Marlowe was one of the most famous writers of his time (1564-93), his best known play "Dr. Faustus" was one of the most outstanding literary works in English literature. Marlowe was born in the same year Shakespeare was born in and both playwrights were encountering the same age. He was a government spy. His life was full of mystery as well as the way he died. He was stabbed to death in Deptford and this happened in a tavern. Marlowe's reputation as a writer is very good as he is known to be an important dramatist, he achieved great success on the stage with his great famous work appreciated by Shakespeare. His life despite being short was very turbulent as he began as a humble child who could reach Cambridge University to become a government spy and after that to be a playwright and a poet writing in blank verse yet history tells some things about Marlowe's violent side with breaking the laws actions. It was in 1592 when the court accused him of breaking the laws as threatened two constables. It was also said that he a tailor had been attacked by him with a stick and a dagger and this accident was referred to court. In fact there are many reasons for making Marlowe's reputation a mysterious one as the evidences on his life actions are not enough.
To verify the soundness of Marlowe's reputation, we found many obstacles as neither his life nor his death were clear. There were hostile attitudes related to Marlowe that his reputation was greatly affected with. He was accused by some people of being hostile and violent such as his friend Thomas Kyd, the playwright who accused him to be cruel but it is said that Kyd said what he claimed about Marlowe while he was under torture. It is difficult to know that a person like Richard Baines said that Marlowe was against religion and insulted Christ and his mother bearing thoughts against religion that he thought was a power tool. He also accused him of having homosexual affairs. Thomas Beard thought that his death was a god punishment according to the sins he committed. All these cruel descriptions they made about Marlowe were puzzling when we read other contrasting opinions of Marlowe such as those of his fellow dramatist George Peele as he described him to be a good dramatist and poet that he called him "the Moses darling" and Thomas Heywood who mentioned him as "the best of poets at that age". All these contradictions about him made it hard to make sure who was the real Marlowe.
Yet there are factors that help in favoring one part of opinions over the others and this could share greatly in constructing Marlowe's reputation. Being famous as man is one of these factors as he was not just a famous writer but the personal life participated in building Marlowe's reputation. Gossip was another factor to affect the way in which his reputation was constructed but this gossip had found a basis to be built upon which was the characters of Marlowe's works as they tended to break the law and challenge religion beliefs as well as sexual natural rules, this was clear through the characters of his works, Dr. Faustus who challenged Christian rules and King Edward who was homosexual. He himself provided the public with what they thought evidences for building such a reputation of Marlowe so he was another factor to help in producing his own reputation. These all were factors that contributed in constructing Marlowe's reputation of being cruel, careless to religion and rules, smoker and homosexual. Marlowe shared in fact as a factor himself in leaving such impacts on others.

Cultures and times have their special effects and they influence our interpretations for events with relations to reputation matters. As in the case of Christopher Marlowe, in the sixteenth century period and till the eighteenth century period he was considered as a scandalized writer in the view of critics of that age, his protagonists were seen from a biographical point of view as if he was expressing himself through his protagonists. These views could leave their effects on readers if they are much interested in the eighteenth century criticism. The nineteenth century literary period had different ideas concerning Marlowe, there had been a favorable look to Marlowe as an artist as in that period English studies was established as an academic system which raised interests in the great literary works such as the role of Marlowe in Shakespeare in Love. This shows how much it is important to discuss all different historical opinions when we are going to establish a reputation about someone.
A reputation of someone is usually constructed by many elements, one of them is the source materials that we should be cautious to use them. There are source materials concerning Marlowe whether historical or contemporary. Many authors wrote about him in the past or even in modern times. There is a question here which is: Are we obliged to believe all the news Kyd, Baines and others told us about him? The answer is no, we have to study the materials he and others left carefully. The works of him such as Dr. Faustus and others with their distinguished rebellion protagonist may not reflect his inner attitudes. He might have met characters who affected him and he tried to describe in his works. We have to read the materials without having previous attitudes towards the writer of the materials in order to be fair when we try to measure how far the writer reputation was messaged to us. There are also contemporary writers who used the character of Marlowe as a material for their literary works which needs to be read carefully so as not to misjudge him. Antony Burgess for example, used his character in his works justifying his homosexual affairs which should not be taken as an evidence for Marlowe's homosexuality but to be discussed as if it is just a view of an artist that may or may not be a fact.
Marlowe's life was very ambiguous that there are no records about it but the court records about the cases he was involved in. He had a short life but vivid enough to leave such inquiries in people's minds and souls. It was said he was a spy which left more mystery on his life. Some people thought he was a magician and a heretic who had strange affairs, his plays were also seen as if he was representing himself through his protagonists. People added too many details to the image of Marlowe to leave it hard to be interpreted as a true one or mythical. Dr. Faustus, the play he wrote in 1589 left impacts on readers and critics that Marlowe is Dr. Faustus and he had relations with devils yet these opinions are representing him as a myth or a legendary character which is of no evidence in fact. This leaves great impacts on the process of constructing a person's reputation specially if he was a playwright and a poet, people add their imaginary thoughts they might believe about the person so as to make him a legendary heroic character which may not be favorable for many people.
Atheist is the adjective many fellow writers gave to Marlowe's character in order to despise him and establish a negative reputation of his. Whether he was an atheist or a homosexual, Marlowe was a victim of hostile opinions against him. Authors who accused him of many bad things might have literary jealousy against him or over reactions to his against church attitudes which confirms the idea of competing reputation as authors tried to compete to get the best reputations which required not having rivals such as Marlowe.

 It was seen that the reputation of someone specially those famous people needs lots of studying before judging those people. In the essay we tried to discuss how Christopher Marlowe's reputation affected him a lot in life and in death which was a strange case. The readers must be careful when discussing a material about Marlowe or a work of his so as not to be unfair in our judgment on someone's reputation.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Project management can be referred to as a process that involves many procedures of organizing, planning, analyzing, controlling and preparing different aspects and protocols of a problem that belongs to individuals or to companies in order to reach specific results set by certain goals. It is also an approach which depends on specific methodologies that work for planning the processes of a specific project from its beginning to its end according to main goals. (Nicholas and Steyn, 2008) There are stages that guide such processes of a project as initiation, setting a plan, execution stage, control stage and the closing stage. This can be applied to any type of different projects. Business project management can be defined as an approach that tends to adapt the processes involved in a business project on strategies and detail action plans that can achieve the business objectives. The project dealt with by the business project management criteria must carry change to the business organization and managing the business project must make use of the available opportunities and be matched with the business statutory requirements. (Nicholas and Steyn, 2008) A business project management must be based on strategic implication to bring the most competitive advantage business outcomes. Cost, time and quality are three main constraints included within any business project management as they are called the project management triangle. Cost management includes budgeting processes, making costs control, estimating costs and planning the budget according to the project needs. Time management is essential for making required analysis for the project as it includes all the needed processes for planning and executing the project stages which are to be timely completed. Time management includes scheduling the project according to deadlines, logic, demands of customers and execution of the project stages. Budgets need to be timely managed in order to avoid bloating of the project. Quality is the degree that requirements of the project need to be achieved at according to some certain required characteristics. Project quality management is the activities that a business organization sets for defining quality measurements, procedures and policies according to the project's needs. The three elements are correlated and connected with each other as they all affect each other. (Stojcetovic, 2014) Project life cycle framework is considered the process that the project depends on to coordinate the processes of the project life cycle as funding, acquisition and the process of developing the system. (, 2014). 


1., (2014). Best Practices: Project Life Cycle Framework - State of California. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Dec. 2014].
2.    Nicholas, J. and Steyn, H. (2008). Project Management for Business, Engineering, and Technology: Principles and Practice. Elsevier.
3.    Stojcetovic, B. (2014). Project management: cost, time and quality. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Dec. 2014].

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Important Definitions for Nurses

1-Registered Nurse:

A nurse who is well and totally trained and having a certificate of competence such as a Bachelor of Nursing from a university and has the ability to communicate with people in her community in order to provide them with the needed healthcare.
2-Multidisciplinary Team(MDT)
A team of specialists in the healthcare field who work as one unit consisting of many members of professional skilled persons working in the medical field such as a physician, a nurse, a nurse manager, a social worker, a psychologist, a pharmacist and others in order to provide patient with the best care and treatment in order to improve patients' outcomes.
 3-Quality Assurance
It is a process that includes many procedures set with the purpose of reaching excellence in the care and services provided to the patients by training nurses to reach the highest standards of delivering quality patient care in addition to ensuring safety in the care environment.
 4-Care Plan
It is a plan that a nurse prepares for a patient, a family or a community and it outlines what nursing care is going to be provided and how through some organized actions to be implemented by a nurse in order to support the nursing diagnoses and it also helps a nurse when doing the evaluation process.