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Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Impact of COVID 19 on using interviews in qualitative Researches

There is a great and strong impact of COVID 19 left on many areas of life such as the way business organizations and educational institutes get their resources for qualitative researches such as surveys and interviews. Making qualitative research about COVID 19 is a process that requires making interviews that include many questions that ask for information. This is difficult today because COVID 19 reduced social meetings between people and led business organizations make their meetings and interviews online and this also raised the need for questionnaires and surveys in spite of the shortage they may have. Interviews can be considered kinds of researches that depend on training because they usually depend on questions and answers that relate to certain issues. Focus groups can have interviews too not only individuals as interviewers here present the questions to the group as a whole and follow the discussions and surveys can be made too when the identity of the respondents shouldn't be clear and the surveys are made with known number that includes a group of people only. Interviews that are made with children are necessary too as ethnographic and phenomenological research depend on interviews to discover the way they consider life in their own perspectives.  

Interviews are completed based on interviewees' answers. The interviews are personal to a great extent when they are compared to the surveys and the questionnaires and among the important domains they have is the economic industry and electronics in particular. Interviewers usually work directly in making interviews as they have to meet the interviewees while surveys and questionnaires can be easily made online, by e-mails or on sites such as Google. Yet interviews are different because they can let the interviewer realize feelings and impressions of the interviewees and they take more time and need more resources. Interviews are made face-to-face as meetings and this can reduce any conflicts and make them less difficult than surveys. Interviews enable the organization to surprise the interviewers and measure the reaction of the surprise on them and this can lead them to present different answers than those they would present if they answered the same questions through surveys or questionnaires. COVID 19 has made researchers and business organizations that depend on researches turn to online surveys and questionnaires instead of interviews and others tend to make online interviews that are made through means for video conferencing online using different applications and social media sites that enable making easy and effective meetings and interviews online where all things can be made online and measured impressions too.  This shows how far the impact of COVID 19 has been left on many areas of life, business and education. This makes it important to consider the effectiveness of online meetings by having a strong internet streamline and broadcast and make the needed preparations for holding these online meetings.  




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