It is important to realize the need for managing a work environment that is characterized with multicultural forces as this means to apply new leadership styles that can find solutions for the problems relevant to cultural diversity. The diversity of cultures in work environment can lead to different fights and misunderstandings as a result of the change in languages, religion and other issues. This means that communication may be difficult within employees and each other. Then management should be able to discuss the different problems with employees and focusing on what they really suffer and need to feel satisfied with their jobs.
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Saturday, September 23, 2017
Thursday, September 21, 2017
mobilizing Orpic
Orpic is a company that tries to reach success and competitive advantage which makes it gives care and interest to innovation and creativity as being basic elements of success today for any business organization. Innovation and creativity are very important for helping the organization achieve its organizational success and goals as creativity and innovation can work as shortcuts for many long tiring tasks as they can provide instant easy solutions for many problems and can provide new methods for achieving missions and tasks of the work. Management and leadership require creativity and innovation for changing the organizational behavior to reach better high working performance levels and apply new technologies and new techniques in the business and production as this can lead to better outcomes related to the business, production, customers and human resources of the organization. The organization suffers different blocks to the proper achievement of creativity and innovation as there are barriers that work against achieving creativity and innovation and they represent great challenges to the organizational development so there should be effective solutions to face such barriers and challenges including individual blocks to creativity such as social and cultural blocks, concepts, beliefs and ideas that work against innovation and change as well as fears form change and the criticism resulting from applying it or the lack of effective communication within the work environment, individuals and employees and their leaders. (Gomez, 2007) This case study aims at analyzing the climate of Orpic and investigates its ability to provide creativity and innovation to be applied by employees in the organization effectively and checks the management's abilities in doing this and in encouraging human resources to be creative and innovative using different techniques and methods for developing the organization. This is done by discussing the relevant literature and referring to the most important evidence based experiences in relation to how to face the blocks to creativity and innovation.
Orpic is an oil company that is based in Oman and has an Omani business that is prevailing in the Middle East and the Arabian Gulf representing a developing leadership and a modern organization that has different plants for aromatics as well as polypropylene in addition to the company's refineries that produces oil products for being marketed inside and outside Oman. (orpic, 2016) Creativity and innovation are two main important concepts that the organization is trying to apply currently in order to reach higher performance levels and to save much effort and cost as they are inserted within the strategies and styles of management and leadership in addition to production and marketing operations and the organization is doing well in spite of some challenges resulting from the different blocks that hinder the way to creativity and innovation achievement as they are either social, cultural or individual blocks. Davial, Epstein and Shelton, (2007) discussed how business organizations can apply innovation and creativity in spite of the different blocks found in the organization and they referred to the ability of leaders to adapt the work environment to face such barriers and how leaders can encourage employees to face their individual blocks to creativity and to use the different structured techniques for being dare enough to apply innovative ideas and creative suggestions. In orpic, the leadership is wise enough to realize the blocks to creativity and has effective teams that do different researches and apply different models and structured techniques for facing such barriers.
In our organization, there are many successful and failing attempts to apply creativity and innovation and by referring to the literature, this can be seen according to Proctor, (2010) as he confirmed that any organization that seeks effective application for innovative transformations should at first analyze and assess its organizational creative climate and find out how far it is able to apply creative ideas and make full use of them without being hindered by the different blocks, they depended on a category element attribute model that can be used by business organizations for assessing the business environment and climate and evaluate it to check and identify the different blocks to creativity and innovation; they explained that the model is based on eight categories to assess the creative climate of the organization and they are the characteristics of the work, the support of management, co worker support, safety levels, different resources, risk taking, processes, diversity and the systems. This view was confirmed by Isaksen, (1993) as he asserted the idea of the creative climate but in a different way as explained that achieving an innovative change in an organization can be done when the leadership style is innovative and has a large area for accepting change as he referred to an example which is the transformational leadership style. Orpic is advantaged with a transformational leadership style as employees are encouraged to provide and apply creative ideas and innovative projects as the company is able to take risks after deep studying for it and leaders focus on facing social and individual blocks by applying new technologies and new structured techniques such as brainstorming and computerized techniques. An example is the new petrochemical products the company produces and encourages employees to innovate in them as those employees receive great encouragement from leaders and are motivated in a good way by appreciation, recognition, promotion and prizes.
Orpic is trying to be innovative but in fact the obstacles and blocks to creativity in the organization are too many and they work against the efforts done to raise the innovation level in the organization according to Isaksen, (1993), there is a framework that can be used for business organizations creative climates and this framework includes different concepts for creativity that explain the real meaning of creativity, relevant concepts, how to reach it and how to develop it within the business organization. In Orpic, creativity needs development and the blocks to creativity including the attitudes of some employees against it make it hard to apply any creative idea, in Orpic, there is a shortage in understanding the nature of creativity and employees have great fears about taking risk and implementing it as employees are not sure the results will be good and effective so they hesitate in suggesting any new project, product or a marketing idea and there are some managers who themselves have individual blocks to creativity and don't encourage employees to be creative or innovative. In Orpic, there is also a lack of proper motivation climate that provides enough encouragement for those employees who do well and provide effective creative ideas as the transformational leadership still lacks transformational motivation that focuses on better motivation styles and methods that can raise the morale of those creative innovative employees as they can for example receive special grants and scholarships to increase their educational background or to be trained on a higher level on innovation and creativity in the field of oil production. Cropley and Cropley, (2015) discussed the psychology of innovation in business organization and how the organization's human resources management should focus on spread that innovation culture and raise the employees' morale to be innovative by encouraging the good innovative ideas and apply them in order to make innovation a culture and a value that human resources have.
In developing any business organization, there should be a great role for creativity and innovation as being the same all the time can leave passive impressions on customers and can reduce sales and reduce the quality of services in comparison to other companies. Hogan, (1995) related organizational development to creativity and innovation as he discussed how to achieve organizational changes to develop the business and make new successes in the market. This was also confirmed by Flaherty, (2008) but he added that to reach effective innovations and apply creative ideas, there should be deep analysis for the organizational ability to generalize such innovations and how human resources management is able to drive creative change and urge employees to apply it; he discussed how behaviors of the human resources should include creative idea generation and he referred to a model for rephrasing the mechanism for generating creative ideas via leaders who can make sure that the organizational climate is suitable for creativity by ensuring that risk taking is well studied and success is ensured. Orpic is well doing in achieving studied risk taking analysis as well as in human resource management that ensures engaging most employees in innovation and creativity climate as budgets and resources are well measured in relation to the business abilities and potentials but there should be stronger plans based on applying a variety of structured techniques for facing any possible challenges to creativity and innovation.
In conclusion, creativity and innovation are basic elements for the success of any business organization; they can achieve any required changes that can help the organization reach higher levels of success and competitive advantage as there are some innovative ideas and projects that make the work go better and save much effort and cost to achieve what costs higher using traditional methods as creative ideas can distinguish the business in the market and help employees provide the company with the best they can do. This is good but there are usually blocks to creativity that hinder it. Orpic is a company that is trying to do well on the innovation paths and tries to apply new creative climate through choosing the transformational leadership that can engage the company's human resources within the creative and innovative business climate but the company is hindered by some blocks to creativity and innovation that may be resulting from some employees or leaders who resist changes and fear risk taking but the company is following different structured techniques to face these challenges such as brainstorming, training and using computerized techniques to develop the business and help human resources provide creative ideas that can be applicable.
Orpic is highly recommended to do more researches in the field of innovations and creativity of oil production and marketing as the company is still in its first steps of innovation and creativity but it has made good successful innovations. The organization needs to apply new frameworks and new structured techniques that are able to face the blocks to creativity and enable employees to take risks and apply innovative ideas. Transformational leadership in Orpic needs more understanding as transformations require a suitable climate for creativity and a work environment that encourages effective communication between leaders and employees in order to ensure that employees can discuss their ideas without fears with their bosses and that they can be encouraged to apply that ideas and add benefits to the business organization they belong to; this can raise the employees' morale and retain them to the organization that they have positive ideas about its future in business as business future is related to creativity and innovation.
Operation Management
Operation management is very important for any company that needs to improve its position in the market as it has many areas that requires to be focused on by the organization. The current paper is a critical analysis and discussion for three areas of operation management in ORPIC company which are quality, location and human resources and job design. The paper also provides a critical analysis of the relevant activities of ORPIC to the three operation management areas suggesting ways for improving performance. The paper also provides a critical evaluation for how the five performance objectives will enhance the company's competitive advantage. The case is ORPIC Oman which is a great Omani company in the oil filed in Oman and in the Arabian Gulf. The company has different refineries in Sohar and Muscat in addition to the plants related to the company for producing aromatics and polypropylene and for producing chemicals, plastic and petroleum products that are used in Oman and in other countries. (orpic, 2016)
Orpic gives much interest to quality in all the activities of the company; this applies on the products the company delivers to the oil market related to the way they are performed and the last materials delivered to customers as there are quality specifications and measurements that need to be cared for when manufacturing and delivering such products. The quality standards Orpic follows are always identical with international standards of quality as the company is keen on ensuring high quality levels in all its plants and refineries so as to ensure a high quality product and high quality levels of safety and efficiency in manufacturing processes. Contracts, delivery dates and energy usage are all under high quality specifications known and agreed internationally as working in petroleum and oil products make it important to raise the levels of safety and quality in all the activities of the business. Local and international relevant laws and legislations are all regarded by the company in production processes because general and particular safety measurements are highly considered and followed by the company through a very precise quality control. Inspection operations are always done over products before delivery to ensure quality as unneeded or poor products are not delivered to the market and discard. According to Hiraishi and Nyenzi (2016), quality is a main business component for success and managing quality should be made by special teams who understand methods of quality assurance. This was confirmed by Brennan, (2012) who added that all activities related to production have to be set under high levels of quality to ensure competitiveness. In Orpic; this is really done and the quality teams always ensures quality in all production and delivery procedures in addition to a supervision team that compares levels of quality to international standards such as ISO and SQ systems to ensure the date of validity and accurate data and specifications about each product.
The second operation management area in Orpic is location, the company considers it very important in order to reach competitive advantage as locations where the company's activities are done are highly carefully chosen and this includes the work environment and the different facilities needed to be existed in these locations. According to Kumar and Suresh, (2009)location is very important for business organizations that seek success and high levels of competitiveness as location decision should be made after studying the locations where the business is going on and identifying the conditions that make it a good location for successful businesses. In Orpic, the company depends on a specific location strategy and sets a number of conditions and specifications for these locations in order to ensure safety and comfort of all stakeholders. The company also chooses vivid places for building its plants and at the same time to be away from harm others such as its Sohar plants and refineries in Muscat and in Mina Al Fahl. The company also chooses these locations in a way that reduces cost and ensures profits. Wild, (2002) confirmed that the location should be well chosen to suit the type of business and should be equipped with the needed facilities for making the business easy and effective. In Orpic, the location strategy of the company ensures enough and suitable facilities to be existed in all its locations as equipments are always to be ensured and existed at the time of needing it. The company also gives interest and care for delivery locations and transportation used in it in order to deliver products in the correct locations agreed on in the contracts with clients. Locations in Orpic are chosen based on its location strategy for finding locations that can reduce in costs of delivery and transportation as the company's plants and refineries locations are connected in an intelligent way that ensures this. The company's supply chain locates the best materials and stores them in the most suitable locations to ensure their safety and quality. Location is also regarded in distributing the products of Orpic as the company chooses Oman and other areas in the world where the company's products are highly needed.
Regarding the third area of Orpic's operation management; it is human resources and job design. Orpic gives this area great care and interest as the company considers its human resources and job design as a basic asset that deserves to be invested in. Talents and special employees are usually sought by Orpic to ensure having the high efficiency workforce and this begins from selecting to recruiting. According to Wild, (2002), any business organization that wishes to succeed and reach competitive advantage is in need for having motivation for its human resources and should ensure that its human resources are on the right and proper jobs where they can feel satisfied and appraised as this can help the organization reduce the conflicts and turnover rates in it and retain the employees who can benefit the organization more than others. Wilson et al, (2013) confirmed this and added that there should be specific strategies for retaining and motivating employees as jobs should be well designed and roles should be well portrayed to each position in order to ensure effective operation management. In Orpic, human resources and job design receive a great part of interest as the company gives much care to interpersonal issues, satisfaction and motivation in addition to making the proper analysis that enable management to choose the most suitable employees to be recruited in the company and then there is a retention plan that depends on motivating and recognizing employees. Job design issues include making the needed analysis for requirements of recruitment such as analyzing the shortage after retirement or quitting and preparing the layouts related to each job to state clearly the requirements of the new jobs and who is best suiting them. Orpic management tries to find creative solutions for different conflicts and encourages effective communication between its human resources and their managers in order to maintain high retention of employees.
Orpic can improve its organizational performance by many ways such as focusing on its decision areas and identifying each of them deeply in order to improve it and reach better level of performance in this area. According to Shaheen et al, (2013), Orpic can improve performance if different analysis are made to operation management areas such as analyzing quality and deciding its real level and then to compare this level and details of quality application with levels of quality in other organization working in the oil field and producing the same products and try to find out weaknesses in the current quality level in order to improve them. This can be applied on other different areas of operation management such as human resources and job design and location and others. Improvement of performance can also be applied on different areas of the business such as packaging, delivery, distribution and promotion as the company has to develop its operations and encourage employees to improve their performance which in turn improves the organizational performance as well. Employees also need to be trained in order to gain more skills and experiences that enable them to be more efficient and effective which improves performance.
The five performance objectives can enhance the company's competitive advantage as according to Greasley, (2007) when a business organization defines its operational performance objectives; this helps it recognize them well and find measures to check if they are met and then to identify methods to improve and accomplish them in is working environment based on each operation management area. The five objectives are quality, speed, dependability, flexibility or costs.
Quality Performance Objectives
Quality performance objective can help the company improve its quality levels not only based on quality measurements and specifications but on seeking quality in all details and activities of the business as products should meet the functions they are manufactured for and should meet and exceed customers' expectations. Orpic should make investigations about its products and find out customers' expectations in its products in order to improve the quality of the products and meet them. Quality should also cover service such as delivery and durability of the products and should be of good value to their prices to reach competitive advantage in the market.
Speed Performance Objectives
Speed objectives are those objectives representing the rate that sales quotes of the company are generated with and the rapid the company delivers its products at. Speed can also refer to any operations and activities that are timed and needed in specific deadlines as these deadlines should be exactly met by the company and it also refers to times of producing and manufacturing certain products and the time needed to achieve each procedure of manufacturing. Opric can apply this through time management schedules included within its operation management systems.
Dependability Performance Objectives
Dependability here as a performance objective refers to the degree of the company's ability to manage its operation in an dependable way which means to keep all the business operations to be done dependably such as time of delivering products, following certain set procedures, achieving goals, working according to the set objectives and follow designed missions in order to meet expected performance and exceed it as well.
Flexibility Performance Objectives
This refers to the different operations of the organization and how far it is flexible in dealing with clients, requirements of different products and in making the products adaptable and adjusting to the markets' needs as change can help in improving the company's performance. For example, in Orpic, the company can check the market needs and be flexible in adding new oil products and making them suitable to the needs of the market and customers as this level of flexibility can raise sales and increase customers' trust in the company.
Costs Performance Objectives
Cost performance objectives represent the unit cost variations as a result of the change occurring in the volume of products based on the variety of delivered products in the market and on the demand on products as the company has to produce more varied products to boost the market and should be able to manage cost with price units in order to achieve reasonable success and profits. Neely, (2007)
In conclusion operation management is a very important part of any business organization because it can help the organization succeed and reach competitive advantage if all areas are properly dealt with by the management. Orpic company in Oman can deal with its operation management areas such as quality, human resources and job design and location in a way that ensures success and competitiveness. Organizational performance can be improved by focusing on the different areas of operation management and making the required analysis for them and to compare them with other competitors in order to improve any weaknesses in them. Performance objectives can help the business succeed and can enhance the organization's ability to reach competitive advantage if each of them is well managed and met.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Oral Hygiene
There has been great interest given to oral hygiene as a main part of nursing work. Providing oral hygiene care to patients by nurses requires many guidelines which should be evidence based and prepared for the purpose of ensuring better patient outcomes and gives nurses an opportunity to work on a scientific basis based upon past clinical skills and experiences which are proved to be true and accurate. The current assignment will explain what is meant by evidence based practice as well as oral hygiene with presenting the nursing care intervention practices related to oral hygiene and how nurse role can be very important in helping patients have better oral hygiene.
Barker(2010) found that evidence based practice can be defined as getting evidence via research and theory information and using it for preparing care plans and making care decisions which are suitable for the patients each according to some considerations as patient's status, health condition and medical diagnosis. Oral hygiene is the cleanliness activities concerning the mouth area including tongue and teeth, it is practicing some examinations for mouth and teeth and cure any found diseases and kill germs and bacteria in order to make the patient enjoy oral health that affects the general health. .(Perrie et al 2011)
A nurse work in care intervention mainly depends on the condition and requirements of each patient. Nurses in their work are usually making decisions which should be evidence based in order not to cause dangerous effects that may harm the patients after that. All care interventions need nurses to follow an evidence based strategy that ensures having effective and excellent results, oral hygiene is a care practice which requires to be evidence based as being strengthened by past researches evidences. Caregivers answers to patients questions regarding oral hygiene must be evidence based and this is much important for nurses who have to be used to this in order to achieve the best care practice for patients which improves their condition. Nurses can get evidence via researches available and compare them to theories and choose the best practices which help in improving the situation of patients and lead them to have better outcomes. When nursing interventions are done without evidence basis, the work becomes random and perplexed with great possibility of error occurrence which exposes patients to dangers of harm and having retarded health condition. (Howlett et al 2014, 287)
Oral hygiene importance became necessary for all nurses to practice during care interventions because of some reasons as oral hygiene is the first step in nursing care so as it gives them a chance to provide care effectively. Another reason is the little place of interest that oral hygiene has in medical care field as bing proved by research as oral hygiene needs more deep knowledge by nurses. (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt 2005) Also it is proved that the shortage in oral hygiene care leads the patient to unneeded extra problems in mouth area and in teeth in addition to the low psychological state the patient suffers when being neglected regarding oral health. Patients may suffer dental problems, eating difficulties and respiratory problems to be added to the disease already existed. Nurses role which is basically help patients get rid of their pains includes helping them get better oral health so nurses should do the role she is responsible to by protecting the patient's mouth and teeth area via providing them with oral hygiene care which must be periodic, systematic, well organized and evidence based to help them have best well being. (Sonde et al 2010)
I got my information via the internet and the sources provided me with the required material for completing the assignment such as websites, medical researches published in medical journals, I logged on google books which enabled me to look at some books previews and read reviews about the books but some pages can not be shown or downloaded which was as an obstacle to me when trying to get them. There were many other problems that I faced while preparing for my assignment such as being sure regarding the researches reliability which made me look at the researches carefully to choose the most reliable ones. Another obstacle I met in doing my work was the terms definitions and how this must be relevant to nursing practices as much as possible and also to be relevant to medical clinical care and to provide the required information. I faced a problem when trying to paraphrase the work which was finding sentences too complicated which made me sometimes translate them and underline the terms then rewriting them again in my words. Some medical dictionaries like the online medical dictionary helped me a lot.
The process of writing enabled me to gain good amount of knowledge and information about the topic of oral hygiene and how nurses can practice their role in care interventions related to oral hygiene. I already had some background about oral health yet the research I read and studied helped me increase my information about oral hygiene. This is in fact very useful for me as a nurse when practicing professional nursing work in oral health care. Oral hygiene importance lies in its role in helping the patient have a mouth free from problems with good scent which raises the patient psychological state and keep the mouth away from problems which hence improves the patient's general health.
In conclusion, nursing work includes many great roles to achieve during care interventions provided by nurses for patients specially the oral hygiene which is considered of the first nursing care steps as it ensures patients' protection from dental infections. Evidence based care is the type of care needed to be provided by nurses to help the decision making processes nurses do and to provide patients with accurate safe interventions got past excellent experienced benefits which leads a nurse to be successful in her work and also leads the medical organization to have a good ranked position among other health organization according to the patient satisfaction expressed everywhere.
Market segment
Market segmentation is a definition which could stand alone as a business strategy which targets customers as subunits, this dividing technique is made upon a demographic, behavioral and geographic backgrounds of different customers. (Kotler, et .al, 2006, P 45).
The purpose of this strategy is to cover wide areas of Asia, the Gulf area and the Middle East so it set two main segmentations for this mission which are the demographic and the psychographic ones.
Psychographic segmentation: This would present the chance of allowing the company to focus on attitudes of customers, their values doctrines , lifestyle and the type of their needs for the purpose of satisfying them and providing them with the best products they wish to purchase. The company is mainly a garment production company that produces garments according to the countries special values , Indian values for example are completely different than those of Kuwait. Psychographics are targeted by the company so as to understand methods of achieving success.
Demographic segmentation: This kind of segmentation is meant to focus on the demographic characteristics of different places as gender , age, income, literacy levels and family class. Products that are launched by the company would be varied according to the demographic characteristics of the people they are produced to.
Type of business
The company as being a garment producing company would concentrate its activities on producing different garments to be delivered and distributed in showrooms , retailers' shops and selling branches in the different places of spreading. The good thing is that the company would choose its retailers carefully so as to find the strong ones that customers trust, for example Carrefour. There would be a plan for studying the market and people's buying attitude in order to reach what they think of to buy most and to know what are needed in the market most in order to produce it and achieve high sales.
Operations extension
Operation extension is a main mission which needs to be applied , the company would extend its activity in all the possible places in the Gulf area, the Middle East and Asia. The Gulf market is a remarkable market when searching for one to target. Extending the business would enable the company to collect more profits out of the successful achieved bargains which are made all around the area.
Let's talk about the market of Kuwait as an example. This market is characterized with generous people who are buying lovers as they search for the good fine product and purchase it. Luxury items with good quality would attract those customers that would achieve the company's main target which is sales and earnings.
Type of assets
According to the specialization of the company which is producing different garments we can refer to two mains of assets in the company , they are the fixed assets and the current ones. Let's have a glance at each of them :
Fixed assets; Those assets which are not liable for consuming or liquidating by the company, their existence in the company is an essential for all the company's operations and processes. The company is not supposed to liquidate them before a year of real business. Lands of projects, machines for business work, buildings for offices and other utilities and equipments are considered fixed assets.
Four Season Company is privileged with fine fixed assets used by the company in all its operations and processes. Examples of these fixed assets are the lands on which the projects are established, cars used for the company transportation processes and the buildings of offices and other main operations.
Current assets; They are so-called as they are short term assets liable to liquidation at any time of need , they are transferred either to retailers or to distributors. The raw materials, finished products and cash assets are all examples of these current assets.
If we are to discuss company promotion , there are four areas of discussion to be touched as follows:
Advertising: Media tools without exceptions should be depended on by the company in order to reach a good level of fame which leaves a good impression in customers' minds. TV, Radio, newspapers and the internet sites as facebook, twitter or using google Adwords program to reach all possible sections of society. Advertisements which are well planned brings more customers with more profits and fame to the company.
Discounts; The services of discounts to the company can not be counted as they can encourage customers of different natures to buy as there are low level persons who wait for discounts , buying lovers who has a buying mania and people who think they are cleverer than others in buying and many other kinds of customers who love discounts. A discount of 10-20 % is enough to attract a fine number of customers and their friends which raises sales and earnings.
Special offers; The company is in need for many factors to serve its success process and special offers is an effective one that encourages customers to buy at some special occasions which need studying from the company in order to present the special offer at its exact time. In Kuwait for example , the company should make good use of the National Day and the Liberty Day of Kuwait and other festivals on which the buying is important specially when there are good special offers.
Sponsorship: Why not to share in sports event or music concerts loved by people who could be possible faithful customer to the company that supports their beloved sports teams and singers. In fact this way is successful in having long run loyal loving customers who appreciate the company's sponsorship activities.
SWOT analysis
SWOT analysis is a good model which is well known and applied by most companies for the purpose of analyzing the company's environment internally and externally. As for the internal environment there are strengths and weakness yet the external one includes threats and good opportunities.Strengths: This refers to gaining a strong name for the company's brands , being provided by loyal hard working human resources, having excellent training and development programs and of course being well equipped by the most advanced machinery and technologies.
Weaknesses: Costs in fact represent the weakness at the company as there are salaries high costs in the Gulf areas , big costs of lands and buildings, transportation costs and other expenses.
Opportunities: In Kuwait the chances and good opportunities are too many as there is high living level , continuous buying , varieties in demands and the government's facilities for businessmen and investors which low taxes are the best of them.
Threats: Competition levels are too high , they need continuous plans for beating the rivals in the market and presenting surprises for customers. High advanced technologies are also threats because every day there are new updates for technologies that never end.
Machines of good qualityLoyal human resources Good training and development programs |
Renting costs that are too muchLabor high salaries and wages |
Customers not ended needsFacilities by government The demand for garments |
Competition with famous brandsUpdated technologies |
Forecasted Income statement
It is expected that the first year would not yield good profits to satisfy the company with them. This is mainly caused by the fixed assets expenses at the first year which are going to change in the following years due to not purchasing more expensive fixed assets. The forecasted expenses need to have all the expenses of the company for the first three years like this example:
| |
Cost of goods sold
165000 KD
185000 KD
215000 KD
Gross margin
Wages expenses
Fuel expenses
Equipment expenses
Maintenance expenses
Rent expenses
Net Income
At the end , we have to confirm the importance of targeting customers according to the segmentations suitable for each area and to give interests to the company's activities in Kuwait and in the Gulf areas so that the company would be able to achieve its targets fast and to get the satisfying limits of profits. Promotion activities are needed to raise the people's awareness and perception to the company and to address the public by convincing ways. Good and planned promotion strategies brings success to the company with all its branches of profits, fame and future operations. Choosing the right strong retailers and distributors can make the products of the company are clearer and easy to be reachable by customers. The company should make good use of the opportunities found in Kuwait as a country for successful investments and it should study this market from all sides to reach strategies of reaching the top levels of success in it.
Brainstorming Ideas
-What is meant by excessive hunting and why I disagree with it.
-Excessive hunting leads to dangerous impacts.
-Effects of excessive hunting on animals.
-Regulation have to be strictly executed on excessive hunters.
-How to fight excessive hunting.
Hook:. Why it is difficult to accept excessive hunting practices.
Background information: This study discusses hunting as being excessive and its harmful effects.
Topic sentence: there are many aspects of harms resulting from excessive hunting.
Steps in sequence:
-How environment is affected by excessive hunting.
- Excessive hunting negative impacts.
Topic sentence: Disappearance of some creatures and natural life harms are of excessive hunting effects.
Steps in sequence:
-Naming some extinct animals out of excessive hunting.
-Naming some endangered animals to die out due to excessive hunting.
Body 3
Topic sentence:
-Limits of practicing hunting.
Steps in sequence:
-Finding safer places for rare species.
-There must be severe punishment over excessive hunting practices.
Restatement: It is important to fight excessive hunting by all means.
-Hunting can be limited according to some considerations and global activities.
This assignment deals with a very important issue which is called excessive hunting and its effects on nature, the wild, environment and people. I disagree with excessive hunting although hunting could be a legal activity and my disagreement is of many reasons such as the damage happen due to practicing the excessive hunting which is in fact a cruel activity practiced by human hunters who have no reasonable explanations for killing wide range of a species numbers whether animals, birds or fish. Excessive hunting refers to killing great numbers of animals to make a species ends from earth and it may be just a brutal act or for beneficiary of the hunters as getting expensive things from the animals as feathers, oil, meat or leather or whatever. Excessive hunting effects on the nature can not be accepted at all.
Natural life suffers a lot as a result of human excessive practices over its creatures and one of them is the so-called excessive hunting. This kind of hunting exceeds all legal limits by its committing persons who may be crazy about killing act or running after wealth. Whatever, they destroy the balance of nature and its heavenly rules. Excessive hunting can exterminate species of animals, birds or fish by the continuous killing of one species and this makes the natural world disorder as creatures life cycle is defected and other animals die out because they depended on that extinct species in their living. Excessive hunting negative impact are too many of which is pollution of air or water as some hunters use harmful materials as gunpowder or dynamite in order to kill as many as possible of the creature they are after as some fish species for example, another one is causing panic for animals which live safely and then animals suffer psychologically. Excessive hunting is harmful even to human hunters because these cruelty on animals leads to a violent attitude in human life in general. (PETA, 2014)
Among the effects left on earth by excessive hunting, disappearance of animals species for ever is considered the most harmful effect at all as there were some creature that lived one day on earth but excessive hunting lead them to be memories after their extinction. Examples of those animals that disappeared completely from earth natural life are as follows:
1-"wooly mammoths" as it died out when great numbers of them were killed due to greedy hunters desires of fur, meat and trunks.
2-Tiger rare species as " Tasmanian Tigers" as died out after being killed by hunters for fun.
3-"Dodo bird" which is a rare not flying bird with no wings and it died out of people's hunger.
4-"Great Auk" which were water birds looked like penguins and died out of hunting in 1850s.
5-"Quagga" which were extra beautiful zebra hunted to extinction.
6-" Carolina Parakeet" which was a beautiful parrot hunted for its colorful feather and extinct in the 190s.
There are other creatures which may extinct in future due to hunting if not saved soon as:
1-Polar bears of the pole.
2-White sharks.
3- Cheetah.
5- Grizzly Bears. ( Mother Nature Network, retrieved, March, 2014)
Hunting that causes harms must be banned, stopped, found and punishment must be strict with those hunters who just enjoy killing or are greedy looking for fortunes from safe animals living on earth. There are in fact regulations and rules that limit hunting specially on the endangered species but hunters neglect them and go for killing even rare animals, this could be due to the kind of punishment put over hunters who use illegal ways and illegal techniques of hunting as they may be asked to pay a fee for example which can not be that strict that makes hunters really afraid of being punished. Governments try to solve the problem by building wide parks and natural reserves for rare species to breed new generations and hunting there whether banned or allowed according to limits, this could be a good way to solve the problem but still some excessive practices occur everyday and those practices must be considered to be punished severely in order to reduce or end that dilemma. (League against Cruel Sports, 2014)
To conclude, it is important to refer to the danger that excessive hunting bears over the earth, humanity, nature, wild life and rare species as excessive hunting is completely refused by all organization of animals' rights in the world. Excessive hunting must be fought through setting more serious laws regarding hunters, increasing people's knowledge about what excessive hunting really is, making international and national campaigns that held meetings and conferences to discuss the problem and make magazines and online sites for raising people's awareness towards protecting nature which helps to live in a stable clean balanced environment.
B203B 2ND
Management is a very complicated process specially when it is in a company like Marks & Spenser which is worldwide famous with many branches that are employing various human resources. In the current essay, there will be a discussion for roles and duties of managers in retailing operations such as the financial manager and the commercial manager as their roles will be identified in reference to the budget and the financial plan in retailing setting with a presentation for the skills and required features of a commercial manager in the company of H&M.
Explain three of main duties of the financial manager in a retail setting.
Retail setting is a business field that requires a good financial manager whose duties include firstly to be a mentor and a controller of the retailing operation in the entity through watching its performance of costs that can be either direct ones or indirect. Marks & Spenser is a great company that its costs can be food waste, bags presented for customers, stationary, phones and electricity expenses in addition to staff and security settings. Making a regular examination for large to tiny costs provides a chance to control it which occurs in Marks & Spenser company retailing department.
Secondly, a financial manager is the one who has to use applications of financial plans with its tasks such as the plans of implementations for new systems, profit statements plans and security matters plans. Among the missions that a financial manager has to perform is being a creative thinker and suggest new ideas and creative strategies to help the whole business be a good rival in the market and suggest methods and ways for having a more profitable store with the least loss or wastes by using perfect planning as well as data which is updated, timed and right. (Grimsley, 2013)
Thirdly, it is finding solutions for hard problems which is the third duty of any good financial manager who is able to learn everything about all variables that are related together which allows him to manage any sudden obstacle or problem or any matter that needs dealing as feasibility maters that a financial manager interferes to give advice regarding for example Sundays and how costs are reduced in them or how to make use of them, time matters also need advice of the financial manager as opening times in all stores and branches.
Explain the difference between a financial plan and a budget. Evaluate how a budget can contribute to a business achieving its aims.
A budget is not the same as a financial plan but they are different in many things. Although the budget is a financial plan but a financial plan is not only the budget as the budget is a short term future kind of financial plans as the business depends on it for a period that does not extend to a year but less. Long term planning for two, three, four or five years is within the financial plans. The concerns of a budget are business tactics but the financial plan concerns are the strategies the organization is based on. (Foley, 2014)
Aims of any business need many assistants to be achieved as budget is one main of which that needs to be well studied to control the organization performance, comparing actual results with budgeted items is a good idea to do this as this reveals the variance analysis different points. There are benefits for a budget for managers as it enables them to think forwardly and have progressed performance and initiate system controls well. The budget provides a space for forecasting loss and profits so as to avoid loss and increase profits depending on last year statistics and this budget studies all costs as staff costs, light, phone, gas, uniform and other costs. It is beneficial to use budgets so as to comparing activities and forecasting them to promote better decision making strategies as budgeting policy in Marks & Spenser. Practice can be learnt through comparing different branches budgets analysis as this occurs in Marks & Spenser company as this helps focusing on the best practice and studying it so as to learn how to avoid mistakes in planning for budgets. (A Marks & Spenser case study, 2014)
Imagine you have just taken a new job as the commercial manager at a retailer such as Marks & Spencer. Discuss in some detail five key qualities or skills that you should have in order to succeed in this position. Analyze why these qualities or skills are important for your job.
H&M is a great company to work in as a manager and I have to be an efficient manager to work there as a commercial manager with the full needed skills and qualities as being well experienced in sales managing and having an overall background of commercial items in the company. I have to be good at communication and correspondence to make strong communicative relations with members of the human resources of H&M branches. Work efficiency must be enhanced via my skills of persuasiveness with customers, purchasers and employees. The convincing task is not an easy one but there are methodologies I have to discover to support this point that raises work levels of sales, profits and having good reputation in the market. Leadership abilities are also required for me as a commercial manager that deals with sales assistants and there must be direct contact with them to understand all about the sales affairs to maximize sales size and suggesting new ideas to encourage sales movement. Strategic thinking is urgently needed for a commercial manager to promote the nature of work and initiate marketing strategies that develop the business. H&M is a company that must be supported by my planning ideas that tend to raise profits and reduce loss in addition to encouraging the company's human resources. H&M stores include many items that suit all customers of all ages and social levels to make them feel at home with parts and departments divided in a comfortable way to the customer as the company policies tend to provide the best services to customers so as to encourage them stay as long as they can in the store which provides more sales chances. As a commercial manager, I have to master analytical skills highly and effectively for making the right balance of loss and profits as loss can be reduced also via costs reduction. A commercial manager must be the good listener for all human elements to deal with whether they are employees, customers or others as complaints neglecting could make the company liable for more loss and customers satisfaction is a duty of the commercial manager specially in a great company as H&M. (Huiru, 2011)
In conclusion, it is vital and essential for a business like Marks & Spenser to have skilled financial manager with all the required duties done by him for purposes of elevation of the business and towards having better future results in the work. The commercial manager duties and responsibilities as mentioned in the essay above are very important to be exactly mastered to make more profits for the company. A business as H&M needs perfect commercial manager knowing all to do for the sake of work welfare.
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