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Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Brainstorming Ideas
-What is meant by excessive hunting and why I disagree with it.
-Excessive hunting leads to dangerous impacts.
-Effects of excessive hunting on animals.
-Regulation have to be strictly executed on excessive hunters.
-How to fight excessive hunting.
  Hook:. Why it is difficult to accept excessive hunting practices.
  Background information: This study discusses hunting as being excessive and its harmful effects.

Topic sentence: there are many aspects of harms resulting from excessive hunting.
 Steps in sequence:
 -How environment is affected by excessive hunting.
- Excessive hunting negative impacts.
Topic sentence: Disappearance of some creatures and natural life harms are of excessive hunting effects.
Steps in sequence:
-Naming some extinct animals out of excessive hunting.
-Naming some endangered animals to die out due to excessive hunting.
Body 3
Topic sentence:
-Limits of practicing hunting.

Steps in sequence:
-Finding safer places for rare species.
-There must be severe punishment over excessive hunting practices.

Restatement: It is important to fight excessive hunting by all means.
-Hunting can be limited according to some considerations and global activities.

This assignment deals with a very important issue which is called excessive hunting and its effects on nature, the wild, environment and people. I disagree with excessive hunting although hunting could be a legal activity and my disagreement is of many reasons such as the damage happen due to practicing the excessive hunting which is in fact a cruel activity practiced by human hunters who have no reasonable explanations for killing wide range of a species numbers whether animals, birds or fish. Excessive hunting refers to killing great numbers of animals to make a species ends from earth and it may be just a brutal act or for beneficiary of the hunters as getting expensive things from the animals as feathers, oil, meat or leather or whatever. Excessive hunting effects on the nature can not be accepted at all. 


Natural life suffers a lot as a result of human excessive practices over its creatures and one of them is the so-called excessive hunting. This kind of hunting exceeds all legal limits by its committing persons who may be crazy about killing act or running after wealth. Whatever, they destroy the balance of nature and its heavenly rules. Excessive hunting can exterminate species of animals, birds or fish by the continuous killing of one species and this makes the natural world disorder as creatures life cycle is defected and other animals die out because they depended on that extinct species in their living. Excessive hunting negative impact are too many of which is pollution of air or water as some hunters use harmful materials as gunpowder or dynamite in order to kill as many as possible of the creature they are after as some fish species for example, another one is causing panic for animals which live safely and then animals suffer psychologically. Excessive hunting is harmful even to human hunters because these cruelty on animals leads to a violent attitude in human life in general.  (PETA, 2014)

Among the effects left on earth by excessive hunting, disappearance of animals species for ever is considered the most harmful effect at all as there were some creature that lived one day on earth but excessive hunting lead them to be memories after their extinction. Examples of those animals that disappeared completely from earth natural life are as follows:
1-"wooly mammoths" as it died out when great numbers of them were killed due to greedy hunters desires of fur, meat and trunks.
2-Tiger rare species as " Tasmanian Tigers" as died out after being killed by hunters for fun.
3-"Dodo bird" which is a rare not flying bird with no wings and it died out of people's hunger.
4-"Great Auk" which were water birds looked like penguins and died out of hunting in 1850s.
5-"Quagga" which were extra beautiful zebra hunted to extinction.
6-" Carolina Parakeet" which was a beautiful parrot hunted for its colorful feather and extinct in the 190s.
There are other creatures which may extinct in future due to hunting if not saved soon as:
1-Polar bears of the pole.
2-White sharks.
3- Cheetah.
5- Grizzly Bears. ( Mother Nature Network, retrieved, March, 2014)

Hunting that causes harms must be banned, stopped, found and punishment must be strict with those hunters who just enjoy killing or are greedy looking for fortunes from safe animals living on earth. There are in fact regulations and rules that limit hunting specially on the endangered species but hunters neglect them and go for killing even rare animals, this could be due to the kind of punishment put over hunters who use illegal ways and illegal techniques of hunting as they may be asked to pay a fee for example which can not be that strict that makes hunters really afraid of being punished. Governments try to solve the problem by building wide parks and natural reserves for rare species to breed new generations and hunting there whether banned or allowed according to limits, this could be a good way to solve the problem but still some excessive practices occur everyday and those practices must be considered to be punished severely in order to reduce or end that dilemma. (League against Cruel Sports, 2014)


To conclude, it is important to refer to the danger that excessive hunting bears over the earth, humanity, nature, wild life and rare species as excessive hunting is completely refused by all organization of animals' rights in the world. Excessive hunting must be fought through setting more serious laws regarding hunters, increasing people's knowledge about what excessive hunting really is, making international and national campaigns that held meetings and conferences to discuss the problem and make magazines and online sites for raising people's awareness towards protecting nature which helps to live in a stable clean balanced environment.

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