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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Loss angles abrasion and aggregate impact value.

  1. TITLE: Loss angles abrasion and aggregate impact value.
  2. AIM OF THE EXPERIMENTS: To knowledge the difficulties course of Aggregate that through Angles abrasion loss test.
In experiment 7, The test is to determine the total impact value of coarse aggregates as IS: 2386
( Part IV ) – 1963
  1. THEORY: In experiment 6, The Testing for Loss Angles Abrasion in Machine composes a hollow through steel cylinder and closed in both ends, an inside  having diameter of 28" and an inside length 20". Cylinder is placed in the shafts stub  that will be attached to both ends of the steel cylinder, which do not enter and mounted in such a way that it can be rotated around its center in a horizontal position. Slot is provided in the cylinder for the introduction of the test sample and that it can be closed dust-tight with the removable cover closed in place. The cover is designed to preserve the Contour of the cylindrical inner surface. They are placed on the shelf so the charges do not fall into the cover or come in contact with them during the probationary period. Steel rack removable radial projection 3- ½" into the cylinder and extending its full length is mounted along one thing of the interior surface of the cylinder. Also, The shelf is such thickness and so mounted by bolts or other approved means to be strong & firmThe position of the shelf, which is like the distance from the shelf to the opening of the measure along the perimeter of the cylinder, which should be in the direction of rotation of at least 50 ".If It stops the lid on the bottom, so it can be difficult to access the site, and move the barrel through the panel and then the weight of the external push forward and then reverse with the withdrawal of move the barrel to the wanted position.
In experiment 7, the road aggregate it was  has been manufactured to a specified grading stockpiled,  transported, spread loaded into trucks, tipped, and set up when was manufactured. Some degradation may take place and result in a change in grading and the production of excessive and undesirable fines if the aggregate is weak. However, when an aggregate complying with a specification at the quarry in the pavement, it may fail to do so. It can be quite high for  the Granular base layers and surfacing to be prone to repeated loadings from big truck tyres and stress at the contact points of aggregate particles. These crushing tests can manifest aggregate properties vulnerable to mechanical degradation of this form. The table below shows requirements. A . KAIKADE, J . (2005).

Experiment 6:
Standard Sieves , Los Angeles Machine ,  Drying Oven , Steel balls Charge , Scales and 1.70 mm(No.12) sieve.
Figure 6.1: Equipment’s of experiment
Experiment 7:
  • Weighing Tools: Impact testing machine conforming to IS: 2386 Sieves and sizes  10 mm 2.36 mm and 12.5 mm).
  • A cylindrical metal measure of ( 75 mm dia.)+( 50 mm depth ).
Figure 7.1 : Equipment’s of experiment

Experiment 6
Aggregate Coarse

Experiment 6:
1.Wash and so ovendry 5000 grams  sample  of the aggregate - dry to a constant mass at 230 ºF ( + / - 9)( 110  ° C  ( + / -  5 )) nest sieves in order of decreasing size of the opening, and place sample  of aggregate on the top sieve.
2. sample of separate  to the individual size fractions with sieving material retained weight in each sieve.
3. Reassemble material  sieved to the required grades - the total mass of the nearest record 1 gram.
4. Rotate the drum for five-hundred revolutions at a constant speed of 30 to thirty -three rpm - approximately a quarter-hour - shelf recommendations up charge + sample at bottom of drum  -  charge  +  sample dropped as drum goes around  crushing - charge  & sample roll at lower side grinding.
5. It should remove sample from machine.
6. Dry Sieve over a No. 12 sieve
7. Passing Material=degraded
8. Retained Material=intact
9. Wash and oven retained dry material ( if required  )
10. Near of weigh 1 gram
11. Calculate percent loss because abrasion with calculating the difference between the original sample of weight and larger particles  for retained material. The difference  weight is reported as a percent from the original weight and called " loss  of percent  ".

figure 6.2: weight of aggregate

Experiment 7
1) The sample test should adjust to following grading:
Passing on IS : (12.5 mm )Sieve 100 %
Retention through IS: ( 10 mm ) Sieve 100 %
2) The sample which will be oven-dried for four hours from 100 to 110 oC temperature and cooled.
3) The measure is about one - third full prepared aggregates and compacted with (25 ) strokes of the compacting rod.
A more similar quantity of aggregates will be added and a further tamping of ( 25 ) given strokes. The measure will finally be filled to surplus, tamped (25)times and the overflow aggregates struck off, using a tamping rod for straight edge. The net weight aggregates in the measure will be determined to the nearest g ( Weight A ).
A) The effect testing machine cup will be fixed securely properly on the foundation of the machine. The total of the sample test  placed in it and tamped by(25) strokes for tamping rod.
B) The hammer will be elevated to ( 380 mm ) over an upper surface of the aggregates in the cup and allowed to fall freely onto the aggregates. sample test will be prone to an overall total of ( 15 )such blows, and each one will be delivered at an interval which not less than one second.
figure 7.2: weight the fine aggregate

Loss angles abrasion
2500 grams of 9.5 mm
2500 grams of 12.5 mm
Retained from 1.7mm =    4285 grams
LAN= ( 5000    -   4285  / 5000   ) *   100% = 14.3%

Aggregate impact value
1- The sample will removed by IS sieve (2. 36mm). The fraction moving will be through ( Weight B ) and the fraction salvaged on the sieve will be ( Weight C). So, if the overall weight B+C is less than first ( weight A ) by more the 1 gram, the end result will be rejected and a new test will be achieve.
2- The weight of rate fines formed to the overall sample weight should be as a percentage.
Weight 1=   38.2 grams
Weight 2=   33.6 grams
W.  of  Coarse Aggregate =Weight 2 – Weight 1 =38.2-33.6= 4.6grams
  passing A = 33.6 + 4.6 = 38.2grams
  retuning B  = 33.6grams
Aggregate impact value= (   B  /  A  ) x 100  %
Aggregate impact value= ( 33.6   /    38.2) x 100% =    87.95 %

  1. Discussion
Experiment 6:
The Loss angles test to scrape test pilot. Therefore it is not directly linked to the performance in the field of aggregates. Observations generally do not reveal A good relationship between the values of Loss angles abrasion  and field performance. Loss Angles friction loss is able to field performance expected. Specially, the test may not be satisfying for some types of aggregates. Some aggregates, such as some limestone and slag, tend to perform adequately in the field but have high Loss angles abrasion. Loss angles abrasion loss seems to be well related with dust be during handling and production of HMA in those aggregates with higher Loss Angles. values of abrasion loss  and usually generate more of dust. Through the result gained in the experiment, it is clear that rubble fit in the use of construction such as the foundation because it was given less than 17% and this resists external affecting factors. We all used, 11 balls for 500 cycles and which gave required  result of specifications
Experiment 7:
This experiment discussed the geological description of the aggregate, particle size and the source quarry. Also, it showed  the applied force,  dry is different in the weight and the masses of material after sieving  while calculations for result  was 5.3% . Moreover, it will discussed the results using in the range and collect results using from other group, then compare the  obtained values. Millard, R.S. (1993).
  1. Conclusion
The experiment investigated  the possibility of assuming the loss angles abrasion from the crushability index and the results of  loss angles abrasion, density, crushability and porosity tests . These tests were analyzed using multiple regression analyses and simple. Important relations  were generally gained from both multiple regression analyses and simple. The Simple equation is practical and reliable enough for the estimation of the loss angles abrasion from crushability index. However, who wants to make more precise assumption which can alternatively using two multiple regression equations.

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