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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a term used by the public to refer to a neurological condition that affects the human body and it involves a developmental disability and a damage that cause some dysfunctions which vary according to the place and the degree of the damage which occurs in the developing brain and this case affects the patient's muscle coordination as well as the patient's normal movement. This case usually affects the child during birth or after it with little time and then the child suffers slow motor development related to muscles' weakness which results into a difficulty in walking and having balance which affects the whole family psychologically besides the retard in the child's psychological state.
 Most cases of cerebral palsy affect fetus before birth time due to a problem in the brain development which occurs in a specific part of the brain so development stops being normal. It could be caused by a shortage in oxygen supply during pregnancy or an infection. Yet sometimes no cause are specified for cerebral palsy but birth complications can lead children to have it, among such complications are during delivery asphyxia. Head trauma could also be one of the reasons for having cerebral palsy in children during delivery.  

Cerebral palsy is of three main types and there are conditions that mix between two types. The most common type is spastic cerebral palsy and it affects the body in one side or in both sides, the muscles become contracted bending the limb. Another type is athetoid which is also called dyskinetic cerebral palsy  which leads to slowing in muscles and the whole body is affected by it and it leads to writhing hands and arms movements that are lessened when the child sleeps and are high when the child is stressed. Speech could also be affected by it. The rarest type is ataxic cerebral palsy which affects coordination and balance as it causes problems in the child's motor skills.   

Monday, June 2, 2014

Should every college student take a course in public speaking?

Every college student is practicing class presentation which mainly requires public speaking besides other aids which could be visual, audible or others. To present a speech or a project into class and face class mates is not an easy task and most students hate it but it is a very essential part of most college programs. This gives an answer for the main question of this assignment which is:  Should every college student take a course in public speaking? The answer is Yes of course.

There are many reasons for taking a course in public speaking as any student needs to learn how to face an audience, learn tools of speech and practice it. Joining a speaking circle can enhance the presentation skills of students, encourage them to use all potentials and abilities they have and this can happen through earning how to use gestures, word influence, intonation, humor and body movements to affect their listeners, this helps students when they present their projects and when they share in college's events and activates as their communicative abilities are raised and strengthened besides having enough self confidence through the good training courses on public speaking. In colleges, students could be asked to share in debate events or interpretation events which could include oral interpretations so a student is in need for having a good course in public speaking where he or she can be well prepared for real life situations when an event which involves public speaking activities is like a burden without learning how to act and react with others.
Even If the student is having the public speaking craft and is gifted with the oral abilities and self confidence, a course in public speaking will add much experience to such a student as well as adding extra skills that can help the student get good education outcomes.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Family Centered Nursing Care for Burnt Children

Social awareness in many countries which are economically advantaged helped creating the concept of family centered care because this kind of care is a comprehensive one which provides care for both the patient and the members of the patient's family and it considers the psychological needs of the patient alongside with the patient's developmental needs. This could be achieved via family centered care basic focus on the role of the patient family as the family can be of great help to the patient well being and health promotion. When family centered nursing care is presented to children, it is very important to focus on monitoring them so as not to be injured or burnt as burns are so common in children. Burns injury can affect many areas and levels of the children's skin as they are of many types and could be caused by different reasons such as fires, touching hot surfaces, touching a bare electrical cord, electricity, chemicals, scalds and radiation. Hot tubes can be a common source for scalds which is very common in children as they could occur when a child under five years drinks very hot things, touches a hot tube or eating something which is very hot. A child who is older than five years is more liable to burns that happen as a result for direct contact with fire. It is a good thing that burn injuries are easy to be cured by a general pediatric practitioner who can deal with them in outpatient settings but it is a fact that some burns are very sever and serious with the need for long term treatment. Scarring could be an example of this. A good nurse needs to be well trained on how to manage such burns, deal with the patient and educate the family of the patient about how to deal with the patient with the burn injury. The danger of adverse outcomes can be raises if the patient is not receiving the proper care via all the care providers which makes it an essential matter for a nurse to be well prepared for such a task. A care provided by a nurse for a patient with a burn involves changing the dressings and it is very important for the burns nursing staff to ask the patient's family members to attend the process of changing the dressings to the burnt patient so as to let them watch how this occurs professionally by a skilled nurse. A well set care plan must be made for such nursing intervention which helps the family of the patient receives enough information about the care provided for the patient which raises their care awareness and builds good communication therapeutic relationships between the nurse and the patient as well as the patient's family and this also increases their satisfaction of the service provided for the patient. It is important for a burns nursing staff to consider the bio psychosocial impact of both the patient specially if the patient is a child besides that of the patient's family.   

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Business Analysis

Economy is a field that needs companies and business institutions to be competitive in order to face the great market races among different business entities and this raises the importance of business analysis in order to understand the business needs and work directly to achieve them without wasting time in working on the wrong problems or repeating the same done work. To discuss business analysis, it is should be first defined as a system of research which recognizes the main needs and requirements of the business, identifying problems and suggest the perfect and most suitable solutions to them. Solutions can be of many aspects such as developing the main components of the systems, improving the business processes, upgrading the business techniques to cope with the state of the art technologies in the market, achieving planned organizational change and doing the strategic plans required to reach competitive advantage in the relevant business field. This returns back with great benefits for the company and it also saves the company efforts and time. Business analysis is usually done by a business analyst who can work in technology progress and analyzing technical issues to be a technical business analysis or to develop the software of the system to be an IT business analyst and there are also other types of business analysts regarding to the kind of analysis they perform in the company. Requirement analysis is usually heavy and overlapping, however, its main task is to achieve specified strategic goals via applying some organizational changes in almost all parts of the business and its policies.        

The Importance of Nursing Interventions in Heart Failure

To define heart failure or Cognitive Heart Failure, it is important to refer to it as a condition of the heart disability of meeting the body metabolic needs via pumping the needed amount of blood to it and it is a physiologic state that occurs to human body due to changing functions of the left ventricle systolic and diastolic. The normal blood volume is very essential for the body and when it is difficult to manage it by the hear, heart failure occurs. Some diseases can cause it as intrinsic disease. Heart failure is not a disease specifically and there are some other conditions that helps its development as such conditions could share in the heart damage or weakness which leads the heart to the state of disability to pump blood. Heart muscles may be weak , ventricles may dilate and failure occurs. Not all cases of heart failure are congestive as a person may only suffer breath shortness or weakness due to heart failure but not a must to have fluid building up. Right side, left side or both heart sides could be affected by the heart failure but the left side is the most frequent begin of heart failure. A specialist nurse can be very helpful in cases of heart failure as she can provide the patient with health care that could cover any deficiencies in the medical care provided to him or her. Routine care must be allied with the nursing interventions which proved to reduce relevant death cases to chronic heart failure. Nursing interventions related to heart failure states can include contacting patients by telephones and planned home visitations in order to provide them with the best education regarding treating heart failure and how to deal with the situation as well as encouraging patients to follow a special dietary system that helps them to be cured soon and to take the needed drugs for treatment besides following a sporting exercise program suitable for their health condition. Self management is also taught via nursing interventions as a patient needs to know how to monitor his case and early detect any signs of heart failure. A nurse should be helped by the work of other members in the multidisciplinary team specially social workers and psychologists who can provide patients with psychological help when needed. A nurse can do the routine hospital interventions which include assessing the patient's heart rhythm and frequency, assessing the pallor and cyanosis skin, recording sounds of the heart as well as ensuring that the patient is receiving care in a clean safe comfortable care environment in heart failure 1 which differs in heart failure2 and 3. When the nursing interventions done specifically and carefully by a specialized nurse who is well acknowledged with the nursing role, readmission risks can be reduced in the hospital as well as reducing deaths rates specially in old aged patients. Nursing interventions in heart failure cases are very important specially when the case is still in the beginning as educating the patient to follow a diet and do some exercises can help a lot in preventing future patient complications.   

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Intestinal Parasites

According to (Bundy, 1997) the world is encountering a great problem and it is apparent specifically in developing countries as it is the intestinal parasites which represents a great health problem that needs much work from researchers. Reports issued by the World Health Organization, 1999 show that yearly there are deaths caused mainly by parasitosis as well as infectious and this happens to an estimated number of three million persons every year.(WHO, 1999) Intestinal Parasites are of two main kinds which are protozoa and helminthes which are many cells containing worms such as pinworms, tapeworms and roundworms which are very common in USA. They do not have the ability of multiplying in human bodies when they are in their adult state. It is only one cell that forms the protozoa which has the ability of multiplying into human bodies which is a very serious case of developing infections into human bodies. Infections via faces specially are most common for getting infected by intestinal parasites such as getting contact which is direct with an infected person.  Such as any other health conditions, intestinal parasites have symptoms and signs that distinguish them from other diseases while parasites can spend years living in a human intestine with no clear symptoms. Symptoms can appear as diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, bloating, gas, weight loss, tiredness, tenderness, dysentery or passing a worm into one's stool. Intestinal parasites are caused by many things but there are specific things that raise the risk of having it such as going to a place that is carrying parasites, being in a poor hygiene areas, having AIDS or HIV or having an immune system which is weak.A healthcare provider when diagnoses if a patient has intestinal parasites or not asks a patient about losing weight, traveling and asks the patient to make some tests such as fecal testing, the "Scotch tape" test and x-rays in serious conditions. Intestinal parasites could be treated via many ways such as drug therapies, conventional medical treatments and alternative methods of treating will be used by a healthcare giver in order to treat the patient and this depends on each individual condition.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Electronic Marketing

In the past, marketing depended mainly on exporting and importing processes in order to distribute goods to as many people as possible locally and internationally through making advertising campaigns for the products in newspapers, on TV, in magazines, in streets, via post mailing and in local communities campaigns. It was difficult for some small businesses to market their products internationally as international marketing depended on traveling abroad, using telephone services which were very expensive and it could not also access to remote places of the world but this has changed today due to the revolution of communication which resulted in various aspects of marketing that depended on communications of this age such as mobiles, faxes and internet services such as e-mails for example. This essay is going to discuss what is known today with electronic marketing which has changed the lives of many people who turned to be rich through their efforts in electronic marketing.

There are many people who defined electronic marketing and some of them referred to it by email marketing because it is simply marketing a product through using the email services via sending a message to people's emails, a message that contains a commercial content aiming at a specific commercial target. The use of emails within electronic marketing is very vast and comprehensive as such commercial emails could differ in their contents, for example; some companies prefer to send emails that contain advertisements of their products, donations, sales and offers can be included in the emails. Listing and database building are very essential steps for electronic marketing as business entities give them great interest as such lists could include the current clients of a business company or the scales of interested people in a certain field that the business deals with so renewing and updating them is very important. Email marketing could be of two main types which are the direct emails or the transactional ones. There are advantages and disadvantages for email marketing just as any thing else, among the advantages are that the fast immediate reach for anyone's email which saves the company's time and efforts, it is considered a marketing strategy that is very profitable for any business, the low costs compared with the post mail, the good number of people who chose to subscribe to receive such emails and get offers in time and the fame of digital marketing among internet users who are the majority of people on earth today. Yet there are also disadvantages for such kind of marketing as the illegal marketers who force people to receive their emails and sometimes to deceive them to buy bad products or may be to steal their bank accounts, hack their computers and cause many other harms to them. Spam laws must be more strict with those people who try to deceive others via email marketing. Email marketing or electronic marketing is a very useful strategy for marketing any kind of services or products even if the business is very small but it is important to get a legal mail list and to stop bother others who are not interested with the spam emails.