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Family Centered Nursing Care for Burnt Children
awareness in many countries which are economically advantaged helped creating
the concept of family centered care because this kind of care is a
comprehensive one which provides care for both the patient and the members of
the patient's family and it considers the psychological needs of the patient
alongside with the patient's developmental needs. This could be achieved via
family centered care basic focus on the role of the patient family as the
family can be of great help to the patient well being and health promotion. When
family centered nursing care is presented to children, it is very important to
focus on monitoring them so as not to be injured or burnt as burns are so
common in children. Burns injury can affect many areas and levels of the children's
skin as they are of many types and could be caused by different reasons such as
fires, touching hot surfaces, touching a bare electrical cord, electricity,
chemicals, scalds and radiation. Hot tubes can be a common source for scalds
which is very common in children as they could occur when a child under five
years drinks very hot things, touches a hot tube or eating something which is
very hot. A child who is older than five years is more liable to burns that
happen as a result for direct contact with fire. It is a good thing that burn
injuries are easy to be cured by a general pediatric practitioner who can deal
with them in outpatient settings but it is a fact that some burns are very
sever and serious with the need for long term treatment. Scarring could be an
example of this. A good nurse needs to be well trained on how to manage such
burns, deal with the patient and educate the family of the patient about how to
deal with the patient with the burn injury. The danger of adverse outcomes can
be raises if the patient is not receiving the proper care via all the care
providers which makes it an essential matter for a nurse to be well prepared
for such a task. A care provided by a nurse for a patient with a burn involves
changing the dressings and it is very important for the burns nursing staff to
ask the patient's family members to attend the process of changing the
dressings to the burnt patient so as to let them watch how this occurs
professionally by a skilled nurse. A well set care plan must be made for such
nursing intervention which helps the family of the patient receives enough
information about the care provided for the patient which raises their care
awareness and builds good communication therapeutic relationships between the
nurse and the patient as well as the patient's family and this also increases
their satisfaction of the service provided for the patient. It is important for
a burns nursing staff to consider the bio psychosocial impact of both the
patient specially if the patient is a child besides that of the patient's
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