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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Change management in practice: why does change fail?

The article is discussing how resistance to change can be useful if management regarded the reasons behind it as managers have to be trained on how to implement change and prepare the organization for change before implementing it by removing obstacles to change and making employees aware of such change. According to Anderson and Anderson, (2010), reasons for change have to be clear, leaders have to be prepared for applying change and there should be steps for implementing it gradually. Reiss, (2012) The current paper is critically analyzing the article with reference to relevant change management theories such as Lewin's model and ADKAR to show the strengths and weaknesses in the author's views in addition to presenting my personal view on how change can be implemented based on the evaluation. (Cameron and Green, 2015)
According to Voehl and Harrington, (2016) there are models of change management that can be applicable to the article's such as Lewin's model of change management as according to Liu, Akram and  Bouguettaya, (2011) it depends on three main stages to implement change in order to avoid failure in change application as they are unfreezing, change and refreezing; this is identical with the author's opinion as he stresses the need to prepare the organization for change and the need to train managers on this, the second phase which is change is reflecting the author's opinions about making change a part of the organization's culture and making leaders very close to change, the third is unfreezing refers to the author's opinions of making sure that change is accepted and properly implemented in the organization. Another theory that can support the ideas of the author is the ADKAR model that was explained by Bogner, (2008) who stated that there are five stages change should pass which are awareness, desire, knowledge, ability and reinforcement as this can be applicable to the author's views as awareness of the change nature and reasons should exist in managers and employees before implementing change, desire according to Procsi, (2016) can refer to the managers and employees' desire in making such success based on change, knowledge and ability according to Day and Leggat, (2015) can be maintained according to the author by training managers and employees on change management and reinforcement can be enhanced by applying change by understanding how it is going.
The author's opinions have weaknesses and strengths as the author is correct in seeing that change should be prepared for before implementation as according to Creasey, (2007), change needs an alteration system that should cover the whole organization and not a part of it only which is identical with the author's views but the author exaggerated in describing resistance to change as a pearl and can be very useful to the organization as when change is resisted it can lead to many damages, losses and problems as it can't be compared to a "pearl" as the author referred as according to Boonstra, (2008) who confirmed that resistance to change can work against any development that can be applied within the business organization and that the organization that has resistance to change is not advantaged but failing in achieving organizational goals which may lead to great loss. The article's change capabilities are clear in the author's opinions about the steps that the organization should follow to apply change such as preparing for change, understanding the reasons behind change, preparing leaders, following a change methodology, making change a part of the organizational culture and overall business and having a strategic direction for change as these capabilities according to Grady, (2012) can enable the business organization to achieve its goals that lie behind change implementation.
After studying views of authors as Leonard and McGuire, (2007), I can see that change management needs much interest from the business organization to be implemented as there are many different models the organization can choose from or the organization can even initiate a change model based on deep research and analysis for the organization and employees' needs in order to choose the most convenient method for change implementation. According to Auguste, (2013), Kotter's eight step model can be used in such case as the model can have the eight steps of creating urgency, forming a powerful coalition, creating a vision for change, communicating the vision, removing obstacles, creating short term wins, building on the change and anchoring the change in corporate culture; these steps are identical to the author's views as according to Mourfield, (2014), the Kotter's model seems to be very suitable to change management application as they are including all needed details for effective change. This was also confirmed by Rothwell et al, (2009) who asserted that the Kotter's model is suitable for maintaining sustainable change as it is based on deep analysis of the organization and employees' needs.  
In conclusion, it is important to refer to the need for applying change after preparing the organization for it, training employees and leaders on how to implement it and involving the change as a main component of the corporate culture in order to ensure its success. There are different models for change implementation such as Lewin's model, ADKAR model and Lotter's eight step model and the organization should make analysis for each model and then choose the most suitable model and apply it.

Strategic Management PEPSI, McDonald's

According to Narayan, (2000); strategic management model depends on some basic organized steps the organization depends on in order to improve its current strategic position in the market and reach higher competitiveness that can raise the company's profitability. The video related to cola wars explains how Cocacola and Pepsi companies competed together in order to reach market rivalry since they began as according to Mishra and Lomash, (2003) each company depended on a different strategic model such as using advertising campaigns, making good deals with restaurants as KFC and Burger King and making blind tasters tests which helped the two companies boost all other companies in the market and according to Karami and Analoui, (2003) the strategy of franchising the two companies helped making them global businesses. The current portfolio aims at discussing strategic management issues such as models of strategic management based on a video for Cocacola and Pepsi and using case study of CEMEX that shows how the company faced challenges by its strategic management plans.
According to Shahri, (2011) corporate branding strategy is very important as Cocacola company began in the American market with a unique branding strategy as the product was delivered in high quality and unique skirt shaped and then the main competitor appeared as Pepsi with a bigger sized bottle as Pepsi focused on providing a product with a digestive quality so as to attract customers to try a healthier product that helps in the digestion process. Pepsi depended on culturally relevant marketing and providing a reasonable in price product which was a remarkable strategic decision for Pepsi. Sustainability was focused on by the two companies as this was seen through the companies' advertising strategies. (Yoffie, 2009) The two companied depended on making relationships with the bottlers to make them strategic partners as Cocacola depended on fountain sales and Pepsi focused on retailers. Cocacola made good deals with restaurants as McDonald's and Burger King while Pepsi tried to follow inimitability strategy and made a deal with KFC and Pizza Hut. (McKelvey, 2006)The two companies were faced by social claims of the products causing diabetes and obesity so Cocacola presented Coke diet that was welcomed by many people and this helped in raising profits as the product was seen as regarding corporate social responsibilities. Pepsi used public figures such as Michale Jackson in its advertisements and sustainability can be seen by adapting with time and using a figure as Brittney Spears which left great impressions on people. Refranchising and operations were focused on by Cocacola as main strategies to beat the market other brands as Shweppes.(Whitaker, 2016)
Grundy, (2006) discussed how Porter's five forces model can be applied to different strategies and this can be applied on Coal industry as follows:
Barriers to entry
The two companies have international franchises where the bottling network controls bottlers from producing any new brand. The two companies are following special advertising strategies that depends on targeting different cultures as according to Hill and Jones, (2012); this technique is effective in finishing the cultural problems with the products. 
While Cocacola depends on fountain, Pepsi focused on retailers in their distribution strategy. According to Harrison and John, (2013); suppliers are very important to the business as applied by the stakeholders' theory. Cocacola and Pepsi applies the theory by choosing the most important suppliers and focusing on them such as food stores, retailers and fountains.
The two companies rivalry depends on sharing the market with the biggest share for each of them beating other competitors.
The two companies follow pricing strategies and advertising campaigns that attract customers.
The two companies depend on providing substitutes as mineral water, chips and other products for filling the market with them.
The two companies are recommended to make a new strategy to follow such as for example, making a mixing strategy that depends on providing new mixed products that customers can purchase based on the reputation of the two companies. They are also recommended to make a joint venture to boost the market.
In conclusion, strategies followed by business companies should be based upon models such as Cocacola and Pepsi's strategies that are shown in the video as the two companies witnessed strong beginnings when each tried to compete the other and get more competitive advantages over the other. The two companies followed steps in their strategies and they focused on sustainability and inimitability in the ways they followed to boost the market. The two companies were faced by claims of being harmful to customers' health which made Cocacola present its Coke Diet that was welcomed by large scales of customers worldwide. Depending on Porter's five forces' model, it can be understood how each company addressed the market and followed many strategies to invade the international market by making different franchises all over the world with high control in addition to producing other different products such as mineral water and others.

CEMEX Strategic Management

Any business organization that seeks success should give much interest to its strategies and strategic management in order to boost other business rivals and increase its competitive advantages. (Gates, 2010) CEMEX is a big cement company established by a Mexican family. The company's strategy to be among the leaders companies in that field globally depends on three major orbits which are strengthening its existence in Mexico, focusing on internationalization and focusing on the global market. The company that began as a simple local business in 1906 in Mexico grew to be interested in many fields including oil, mining and tourism to be listed on the stock exchange of Mexico but cement was focused on to be its main business. CEMEX had good international opportunities in the mid 1980s but the chairman focused more in Mexico and then went globally by investing the company's noncore assets to be the best cement producer in Mexico first and then to internationalize the business. The company succeeded in Europe as in Spain and then Asia as in Philippine, Thailand and Indonesia. The company's production capacity raises in 2005 to be a global company with a current international network but there are still two main markets where CEMEX is still absent from which are China and India. The current paper is aiming at discussing the strategic management of CEMEX and its critically analyzing its future state and aspiration explaining its competitive advantage in addition to designing an alternative strategic plan for CEMEX to sustain growth in Oman market and face the challenges in it.
Organizational vision, mission, objectives and strategic capabilities
CEMEX has a vision that depends on serving the requirements and needs of buildings for customers on a global level in addition to building a strong value for all the company's stakeholders via building a worldwide brand that reflects the most  profitable and efficient business and cement company. CEMEX is having a commitment for raising the effectiveness of the cement industry to be a partner in building nations with producing high quality cement. CEMEX mission is based on promoting the cement industry to be a key partner in the economic growth of nations and in building the infrastructures of countries and developing them. The company's mission includes having an effective advocate for all members of international cement and construction industry in addition being a responsive organization for the various issues relevant to the industry globally as well as establishing better stakeholders' relationships. (Husted and Alan, 2010) The company has organizational goals including making the company a global leader in cement industry, producing high quality products ensuring corporate social responsibility shown in many areas such as being environment friendly and helping for the world society, ensuring safety and security for all stakeholders, reaching higher levels of profitability and competitiveness in the field of cement production and ensuring sustainability in all activities and processes relevant to the business. The company also aims at invading new markets in the near future such as India and China, raising its human resources job satisfaction and retention rates and being a leader in the charity and helpful activities for the local and global societies. (CEMEX, 2016)The company has a number of strategic abilities that are used on a very professional level such as its capabilities in using technology for modernizing the techniques used in manufacturing and distributing its products and its capabilities un having strong human resources with different skills that are well used by the company to boost the global market yet the company should maintain some more core competencies that can be used for invading new markets such as India and China as these markets require new core competencies to be maintained by the company that are not found in other cement companies in these areas. (Ahlstrom and Bruton, 2009) 
Evaluation of the organization's Strategic management implications
Strategic management implications of CEMEX can be evaluated according to the international market expansion and the risk management processes. CEMEX has different strategic management processes as the company creates an environment that depends on making strategic alliances with the company's stakeholders especially shareholders who are well acknowledged with all the companies activities and policies, there are also the company's human resources who are given high interest to reduce turnover rates and retain them as the company invests in them in addition to other stakeholders including the world and local societies as CEMEX shares in many charity projects and sponsorship activates.(Harrison and John, 2007) CEMEX also tries to create value by establishing a global portfolio that includes many different activities related to integrated cement, aggregates and ready-mix concrete as the company makes sure of many steps such as valuing people who are the company's main competitive advantage as it helps customers succeed, help purchasers have long term profitability opportunities and ensuring sustainability to be fully embedded. (cemex, 2016) Yet the company should consider more risk management processes in order to consider risk as a core competency that can raise its competitive advantage as according to Lucia and Lessard, (2006), CEMEX has focused on two areas in risk management processes which are at first: growing in a very strong market and a strong institutional environment , CEMEX had the ability to succeed in markets that more powerful competitors didn't dare to enter. CEMEX has been famous for achieving many risky processes rather than avoidance of them which is a valued core competency for the company such as entering new markets in Asia and Europe; the second risk process is that CEMEX tried to make risk management as everyday activity of the company and nit as a separated process of the company's business as it became part of its cultural and organizational fabric. CEMEX includes risky decisions in the strategic planning of the company and align them with needs of the market and customers as it follows new innovative techniques in production and distribution of cement around the world. The biggest strategic risk CEMEX faced and succeeded in managing it is when its economic viability was threatened by the Mexican economy opening and the cement industry globalization as the company reacted to this threat by setting a stronger global scale and at the same time narrowing its product focus to cement and concrete only but the company has to develop new capabilities that can cope with new emerging risks in its field globally such as studying the demand risks in markets as India and China .
Explanation of competitive capabilities in improving trade margin and focus
CEMEX has competitive capabilities in improving trade margin and focus as the company focused on diversifying its geographic distribution areas to reach many new areas in addition to focusing only on cement as a main product of the company which raised its profit margin. In end of 2005, CEMEX got profits estimated with 1.5 million dollars out of its projects focusing on poor people in Mexico and although the trade margin of the company wasn't that high but it was improved by the company's capabilities in sharing in CSR projects in poor countries as Mexico and others in Asia and Africa which raised the trade margin as a result of improving the company's image at the countries where such projects were made and in other global countries based on such profitable partnerships with such countries. (Werhane et al, 2009). CEMEX is making deep analysis for the industry and this is among its competitive capabilities as the company has strong analysts who are able to study the market before entering it in addition to measuring loss and profit via different types of cost benefit analysis that can tell how much the company can gain from a specific market as for example, CEMEX is improving its trade margin by making good business in the USA as  the reasonable low price of portland cement and clinker the American companies import from CEMEX has made CEMEX get a disproportionate share of the U.S. market but at the same time this caused CEMEX problems such as the complaints of the  U.S. producers who accused CEMEX of selling its portland cement and clinker in prices that are less than the fair market value in which they described as predatory. (Bowman, 2010) According to Bovet, Martha and Consulting, (2000), margins of CEMEX are improving aligning with the strategy of CEMEX for paying down debt via selling off some of its real estate. As a way for investment; Cemex focused on its $520m contribution to its 2015 EBITDA from higher pricing policy and predicted a greater contribution in the year 2016. Debt reduction is a capability of CEMEX that is followed to raise trade market. CEMEX is also following a value before volume strategy that is able to raise its profitability and was followed for the past three years as the company's contribution was raised to $520m in 2015 after it was below $400m in years 2013 and 2014 at $395m and $390m.
Alternative strategic plan for CEMEX 's challenges and growth sustainability in Oman
Oman is a big market that all international businesses seek to inter and make business in due to many reasons such as the vivid investment conditions and supportive business environment as the government gives good opportunities to businessmen in related to taxation systems and import and export policies and tariffs. According to Hegazy and Doust, (2016) Oman is a main country of the Middle East where CEMEX is focusing as it has a large population and different industries that all requires construction projects for both housing and manufacturing needs. CEMEX needs to have an alternative strategic plan for facing any challenges in Oman and in improving the business there as the plan should be built on main goals of increasing the products distributed in Oman and perhaps there should be special plants for the company and this depends on the relationships between CEMEX and Oman government as the company can find many good opportunities for cement manufacturing in Oman with its different deserts and nature. The plan can be short term or long term as this depends on the size and volume of investment s set to be practiced by the company in Oman. CEMEX can also make deep analysis for the needs of the Omani market and how to control prices in the country and then to expand the business in other Gulf countries such as KSA and Kuwait where there are many construction projects. CEMEX should change its plans in Oman from those in other developing countries as Oman is not in that need for CSR via building homes for the poor but the company can be a sponsor for many sport activities such as football and others which improves the company's image at its customers' eyes. Oman also needs the company to make different advertising campaigns for manufacturing the product in Oman because the people in Oman needs to learn more about how powerful and effective CEMEX cement is in order to increase profitability and success in a country such as Oman that is a great opportunity to any business to invest in.
In conclusion, it is important to refer to how CEMEX became in such a successful position in the market of cement today as the company began simply in Mexico but with great efforts to focus only on cement and the different risk policies maintained by the company and how the company is applying them; the company was able to get a very high position in the world as there were three basic orbits the company focused on since its start as they are: the local market, international markets and global ones. As CEMEX has succeeded a lot in that field, it seems that it gives much interest to all stakeholders as the company is keen on making shareholders acknowledged with all about the business and its profits and the human resources are highly regarded by the company in addition to the different activities such as charity and others the company is sharing in them. CEMEX tries to have strong strategic capabilities that enable it to boost the international market such as being risky and taking risk decisions after deep analysis as when CEMEX makes such analysis; the company is also successful in improving its trade market by pricing policies, CSR projects and other ways. The company was also successful in taking serious decisions like focusing on cement only as a main product. The company is recommended to take more risks to reach markets such as India and China. CEMEX has also to put a different alternative strategic planning that can depends on goals and objectives that can share for raising the company's profitability and trade margin.

Critical analysis and evaluation of change initiated by the CEO of the Australian coal mine with relevant application of change and leadership theory

The CEO of the Australian coal mine applied a new system of appraising work performance and he didn't make any consultation before applying the change which lead to implement a performance appraisal system that is so simple and lacks main components relevant to HRM such as pay, performance and others. Miners were in need for a union official and this should have been regarded by the CEO and other managers as the miners should be job satisfied in order to do well at work as the lack of their needs made them refuse such change and just accept it by law and by force. This lead to reduced productivity and low performance as according to Wittig, (2012) the lack of understanding the occupational culture by managers can lead to not regarding the needs of workers which occurred with miners, the rating process also wasn't fair and was not accepted by miners. Lack of regarding needs and complaints of miners lead to their feeling of a lack of respecting them. Miners feel that they are abused by such appraisal system as they need to feel safe which is lacked in such a system. Another problem is that miners complained of being unfairly scored as this lead miners to work harder but not smarter which reduced the level of performance. Miners identities and the culture forming them were not understood by the CEO before applying the change which lead to problems and refuse to change as legitimating the process of change implementation lead to isolating miners and making them perform without the correct supervision of managers.  Pryor et al, (2008) discussed the reasons that make change fail referring to theories of change management such as using the change model that is suitable to the organization needs and nature of employees and their needs as they discussed organizational change versus organizational transformation; they explained that change should pass some steps in order to succeed as there should be a transformation not a change to occur, this was confirmed by Nickols, (2016) who added that preparing for the change is a very important stage and that change should be studied well and tried before its last implementation as employees' reactions to change should be studied and their needs must be considered when applying the change. Cummings and Worley, (2014) discussed how Lewin's model of change can be effective when it is applied by management as it consists of three stages that are unfreezing which includes preparing for the change and then change which refers to implementing it and refreezing which means to stress the change in the organization, this is useful as it can help managers adapt and modify the change in the unfreezing phase to the needs of employees and the nature of the organization to improve performance as a main goal. This was confirmed by Hiatt, (2006) who referred to ADKAR model of change that involves five phases or main components for implementing the change which are awareness, desire, knowledge, ability and reinforcement.
Critical explanation and analysis of miners' general views
Miners views show that they have fears of threats to their occupational community as one of the miners said that he had a problem with the rating process as he thought that he is rated without real understanding for his work abilities, performance and outcomes as he mentioned that he is rated before he goes into the rating room and there is no chance for changing the score he gets; this leads to reduction in the level of miners' performance as according to Thomas, (2014), effective leadership is the one that regards employees' needs and complaints about any new change otherwise they will resist change and find ways to work against the organizational goals. This occurred in the current case and many miners feel threatened in such work environment as a miner commented that the place they work in is dangerous and that leadership doesn't consider safety measurements for miners as if their safety is not regarded by the organization or managers. Adamshick, (2007) explained how risky work environment are in need for safety measurement applications rather than any other work environment as safety climate can raise the employees' morale and make them feel appreciated and respected by the work organization and managers which in turn can improve performance and productivity. Samuel, (2013) explained that change management is a crucial process that leaders and managers should understand before implementing any change as they should realize how far employees regard change and if they have different needs that change can't apply because this can lead to making the needed change instead of a change that will lead to passive results and negative outcomes in relation to performance. In the current case, one miner explained that he was very proud that he expressed his opinion to the manager and that he was able to change his score which tells how far the work environment in threatening to employees and may lead to high turnover rates because it lacks effective communication as it is clear that when one employee had negotiated a problem and was able to communicate it with the manager, he sees this is a great thing to do and not a common thing. This is very dangerous as it makes employees feel not respected or regarded by managers which was another opinion of another miner. Another opinion of miners show that change is not fairly implemented in the organization as some miners are low rated while others are highly rated without clear explanations for reasons for such unequal rating system as the miner expressed that he will react as other miners who work smarter not harder in a hint of not correct actions with managers. Farell, (2009) discussed this problem and he referred to equal and fair implementation for rating systems that can bring in the best results in performance of employees; this was confirmed by Mone and London, (2014) who stressed the need for avoiding errors of rating by managers via using successful rating systems that can satisfy all employees and really measure their performance.
Communication plan  
Erskine, (2013) confirmed the importance of communication plans in change management as he focused on two types of communication which are the communication that can discuss the change with employees and the communication that can get information when needed either from employees or managers. This was confirmed by Newton, (2012) who added that communication plans can help in managing change step by step.
Communication type
Meetings with managers
To make managers understand how to apply change with a model
Face to face
Trainers and consultants
Project team meetings
To make employees understand change and express opinions
Face to face
By reports
By e-mail
Trainers and managers
Reports about miners' satisfaction by managers
Realizing needs of miners and modify change to them
Performance Reports
Reports about managers' performance
Monitoring managers implication for change
Written reports
Supervisors and consultants
Performance reports

The plan can be achieved according to what was reported by Biech, (2016) as he reported that change management needs training for both employees and managers and this can be reached by implementing a communication plan for managing change and as confirmed by Attong and Metz, (2016) who asserted that to make a business change succeed, there should be a communication plan that can be updated to match the needs of the project applied as a change.
The current communication plan is set to focus on both managers and miners as managers are in need for understanding the process of change and to realize that it needs to pass different stages before implementing and there are right ways for the correct implementation of change. The plan has four types of communication which are meetings with managers, project team meetings, reports about miners' satisfaction by managers and reports about managers' performance in applying change. This can be done by the help of some trainers, consultants and supervisors who can provide managers with training needed for change implementation in order not to fall in errors as the occurred before. Supervisors and consultants can monitor managers' performance and report it in order to be estimated and to evaluate change. Miners' opinions and complaints should be listened to by the reports or via the meetings with them that can strengthen the communication process between miners and managers. The plan can be adapted and updated according to the needs of the miners, managers and the organization. The communication plan can be effective when needs of miners are met and when they have a supportive performance appraisal system that can help them have their rights, feel better and perform better in the work which can raise productivity and profitability as well as raising miners' moral which ensures better work environment as the communication process will reveal many opinions and complaints the miners may have which is helpful in meeting their needs and making them job satisfied.
In conclusion, it is important to refer to the importance of understanding change management process and how to implement change properly in the business organization. As seen above, the CEO of the coal mines in Australia has committed mistakes as he didn't prepare for the change or make analysis for miners' needs which resulted in great failure and resistance to change as well as a reduction in the level of miners' performance that reflected on the organizational productivity. The organization should give much interest to miners' opinions in order to raise their morale and make them job satisfied and this can be applied by implementing a communication plan that focuses on both managers and miners in order to establish a work environment where communication is well applied as this will help in recognizing needs and complaints of miners and apply a new change that can satisfy them.

Business Project Management

Project management can be defined as a management process that is including a variety of different steps and procedures for analyzing and controlling relevant protocols of a specific issue or a problem that an organization or individuals face and need to find solutions for it to achieve a group of relevant goals. Project management is a process and an approach that uses methodologies and techniques for planning a project since its beginning to end in accordance to a number of goals the project is based upon. (Nagarajan, 2004) The process of project management involves a number of steps and procedures including planning, control, execution and closing stages and they can be fit to many different types of projects. Business project management is defined as a tendency for applying business management strategies and setting plans and action plans for achieving business goals. (Nicholas and Steyn, 2008) The current paper is discussing a project for Oman Shapoorji company for construction Oman explaining the project management process with a time management plan, a cost plan, work breakdown structure, change management plan and a risk management plan. The assignment is discussing the Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC) project and how the project was managed.  The project life cycle 4 Ds are discovering, designing, developing and deploying the project. (Westland, 2007).
Time management plan
Iland, (2013) discussed time management planning and how it is important for business management, he referred that it has steps and stages as it begins by defining the project goals then listing the tasks and jobs required for achieving the goals then enlisting the mini tasks under each job or main tasks and jobs should be ordered according to their importance and priority and finally timelines should be listed and steps of tasks should be explained in detail.
Gnnat Chart
Oman Shapoorji
Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC) project
Project Objectives
Constructing package 3 of Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre
Making foundation works
makingthe electrical as well as pluming jobs.
Delivering the work on time & with specifications.
working along with time schedules
monitoring work application
Making sure of safety and security
ensuring electrical works, plumbing, painting and finishing
matching the amounts and materials with specifications
Working with a prescribed budget
Allocating money on tasks
monitoring tasks performance with money allocation
IP/Commercialization Strategy
Goal1: Achieving profits for the company.
Goal 2:Reaching higher revenues than before
Goal 3: Improving financial situation
Regulatory Strategy
Goal 1: Initial Regulatory Planning
Goal 2:meeting considerations
Goal 3: Regulatory exact Submission
Follow on Funding Plan
Making a Business Plan
Following a Funding Plan steps
Engaging a Commercial partner or partners
evaluating the plan after applying

The Gnnat chart explains how the project is going on and how tasks and jobs are set according to goals as the project objectives are constructing a package of three of Oman convention and exhibition centers, delivering work on time, making sure of safety and security and working with a prescribed budget. The chart shows that the project works according to a set of strategies such as IP/ commercialization strategy and regulatory strategy in addition to a funding plan for scheduling money allocation.

Matrix chart
Making the designs of the project
Making sure of materials and specifications according to designs
Making Financial allocations such as cost plans.
Making contracts with owners.
Do the construction different tasks according to engineers' orders.
Supervising the designs' execution
Giving orders to workers
Making schedules and budgets
Giving orders to workers with the aid of engineers
Making works of building, painting, plumbing …etc.
Giving advice for application
Making sure of materials allocations
Ensuring safety and security on sites and supervising work and giving advice.
Monitoring workers and amounts of materials.
Following orders of their bosses.

Cost plans

According to Gerstel, (2002), cost plans are made for identifying the costs of a project and they are made by financial consultants to set different costs along with the project and how contracts can deal with financials of the project. They are helpful in managing budgets, money allocation and in making effective execution of the project according to the budget.

Project's cost plan
Construction works
Employees' payments
Electricity works and plumbing works$

The company has prepared costs in a way that ensures profits to it as it was expected that the project will make a reasonable profits after the right money allocation as the money was allocated to cover construction works, employees; payments, different works and accessories to be$ but profits were estimated by 65.000.000 which means a net profit of 23.000.000$.
Work breakdown structure
According to Brotherton et al, (2008), a work breakdown structure (WBS) is a structure for the work divisions and tasks and it is used in construction works and other works to show the process of project management and how the engineering processes are going on in relation to percentages of dividing the budget according to the importance of each task. It depends on dividing work missions on smaller units and components in order to organize the different teams running the work and it is a hierarchical decomposition of the general overview of the project to be carried out by different teams of the project in order to meet the objectives and goals of the project. The work breakdown structure may contain elements that can be either services, products or even data or to gather all different types of tasks. It can also give the project detailed percentages of costs estimations and how budget is allocated on each mission and task. It is used for guiding the project towards achieving details of the works and it can be useful for engineers and consultants as well at the same time and it is helpful in allocating resources and dividing works on worker through using the time schedules with deadlines. 
The current project of constructing package 3 of Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre depends on a WBS that divides work on three main streams which are internal works, foundation works and external works dividing the 100% budget into three main parts on them to make internal works have 50%, external 255 and foundation works 25% as each of them is classified to include minor jobs and tasks with different percentages of the budget as shown in the figure.
Change management plan
Change management plan is a plan for managing any changes and facing any challenges that may occur during the execution of the project and applying its processes and it can document and focus on the needed information for managing the project changes till it is delivered to the client effectively. The change management plan is made in the project's planning stage as it focuses on works done by the project managers, team work, the sponsors of the project and leaders who give advice and support during the execution of the project in order to achieve the plan effectively. Change management process makes the procedures of the project are effective and orderly for monitoring its submission and evaluation processes as this helps managers approve to release the changes to the project during work. (Lorenzi and Riley, 2000)
Change management plan
Project nameConstructing package 3 of Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre
Introduction: the project may need to change some employees shifts, some main tools used for the construction process and add new tasks.
Project sponsors: the Omani government
Project objectives: constructing a package of three of Oman convention and exhibition centers, delivering work on time, making sure of safety and security and working with a prescribed budget.
Change objectives: Improving the results of the work, delivering work on deadlines and improving the HR work capacity.
Change plan elements: new more workers-more money-different shifting system-adding new tools and equipments.
Rational for the change: enhancing the work capacity.
Stakeholders analysis: employees and other stakeholders may find it good for them to make such changes but the sponsors may find difficulty in adding new money to the budget.
The table shows that changes may be in adding new more workers, more money, more equipment and changing shifts of engineers in order to increase the effectiveness of work and how stakeholders may react to changes as for example, sponsors may not agree on adding more money to the budget.

Risk management plan

A risk management plan is a plan for managing the potential risks a project may face and to define reactions to such risks and how to deal with them. Managers are the employees who set such plans by identifying risks and analyzing them. (Carpenter, 2010) Risks may be of positive or negative impact on the project and they should be tackled with by project management that assesses them and find solutions for them as risks may be avoided, controlled, mitigated or managed according to the type and effect of each risk on the project. A risk management plan can reduce errors that may occur during executing the project and can lead to better outcomes. (Inhofe, 2001)

Risk management plan




Current treatment actions

Proposed treatment actions


Loss of materials

Lack of effective work and lack of specification application.

Avoiding material loss by strict monitoring systems.

Adding new materials by buying them.


Budget is not enough

Work will not be done as asked.

Making an accurate financial plan.

Adding new elements to the budget.


Some employees turnover

Work will be delayed and not delivered on deadlines.

Making strict contracts with employees.

Bringing more workers.


Safety accidents

Reputation of the project will be affected. Employees may leave the project.

Ensuring safety measurements.

Bringing new equipments that ensures higher safety levels.

The table shows how the project managers can deal with the potential risks such as loss of materials, not enough budget, employees turnover and safety accidents as the current solutions may not be enough for dealing with the risks which makes managers give potential solutions for the risks to face them and deliver the work on deadlines according to specifications.


In conclusion, it is important to refer to project management and how it should be done according to what is needed from a project and that there are many elements that should be considered when managing a project such as planning, facing challenges and risks and controlling the budget and financials. Oman Shapporji is executing a project for Constructing package 3 of Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre and is depending on managing the work effectively as there is a time management plan that has main three goals which are constructing a package of three of Oman convention and exhibition centers, delivering work on time, making sure of safety and security and working with a prescribed budget so the project can be done according to the gnat chart. The project has a cost plan where costs are estimated according to the different tasks of the project and profit is estimated after costs. The work breakdown structure gives an idea about the tasks and mini tasks involved within the project which are main three and have minor ones with different set percentages of budgets. The project has a change management plan that focuses on basic potential changes the project may have to improve it and a risk management plan that provides current and potential future solutions to face and avoid different risks that the project may face and can lead to loss or delay of the project.