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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Death of Socrates,Jacques Louis David.

Paintings always express the age they were painted in, policy and feelings of peoples. Today I am going to discuss a very interesting one for a very important artist, it is "The death of Socrates" the masterpiece of Jacques Louis David. It deserves to be studied, analyzed and seen from  a philosophical point of view. From an artistic prospective, it is a marvelous work with its bright colors and strong expressive shades. Details were very clear to the eye of anyone rather than eyes of artists and art students. Jacques Louis David drew "the death of Socrates" and finished putting his last touches on it in 1787, this was during the French revolution that witnessed the emerge of many artists with their distinguished works. David was a figure of that time who proved to be one of the most effectual artists. He was one of the artists who were very impressive in the age that witnessed the Neoclassicism movement. David's life was full of actions from many sides such as the political and social sides which we will go near and try to discuss. He was that outstanding painter, artist and philosopher." the death of Socrates " was his painting that aroused many discussions about him as an artist or a philosopher.    

          The masterpiece is a word that is called by people and critics in order to describe a work which is such distinguished, unique  and effective. This description can be given to Jacques Louis David 's masterpiece "the death of Socrates ". The amazing picture was painted during the time of the Neoclassicism movement which was featured with enthusiastic artists and vivid works that affected people politically, socially and emotionally. In fact, the painting needs to be read, translated and discussed in order to know what the artist wanted to convey and the messages that the painting carried and how it could be suitable for any age in which there are sufferings and injustice. The painting was distinguished with every thing such as light, colors, shade, signs, special style and in the way that the images were put in order to express special feelings, impressions and expressions. It is clear that the painting expressed the artist's point of view of life at his time and what he refused clearly and how he excellently conveyed this through  "the death of Socrates ".

          If we are to speak about Neoclassicism, we can say that it was a Western artistic movement which was characterized by elegant music, literature, arts, theatre and other kinds of arts. This movement was affected by both Ancient Rome and ancient Greek. It began and continued in the centuries 18th and early 19th. This was in some European countries. Revolution was the basic inspiration for that movement, this was clear through the works that used revolutionary ideas to tell what people felt and desired at that age. Successful revolutions always let real artists emerge and express what they suffer through the great art and the great works, this movement was a good example to this as David was one of those artists to emerge at the time of revolutions to excite people and encourage them at the same time.

          Jacques Louis David added a lot to that movement by his
works which were spectacular and impressive. The ideas of revolution were embodied in his works that represented the  neoclassic movement and the French life of that age. His birth in Paris affected him a lot as an artist as he was born in 1748 on the 30th of August and died on the 29th of December 1825. He had the chance to be well raised by his two uncles who raised him after his father died. He had the good chances of going to fine schools and meeting lots of artists and authors who affected him a lot. Joseph-Marie and François Boucher  were examples of such artists who affected him a lot to the extent that he was given the title of the Emperor Chief Painter one day to prove his success and his support to the French revolution with its aims and ethical principles that he really believed and expressed through his art and his works. It is important to mention that the most of all figures to affect David was Jean Jacques Rousseau who is known to be a great philosopher, thinker and writer. He had those elegant attitudes and concepts that David was affected by such as the freedom for all human. Jacques Louis David ideas of liberty were the result of such great relationship.

This oil on canvas masterpiece " The Death of Socrates" tells us about the death of Socrates who was executed as a result of his ideas, concepts and beliefs. The painting tells about how this happened and the feelings and reactions of everyone at the time of execution. The painting representing Socrates happiness while drinking the poison that he chose as a means of death. The painting is that the spiritual one that leaves deep impressions on any one who sees it. Socrates was giving a mortality lesson to his students by his acceptance to death and receiving it with pleasure. Socrates expressed himself to be that hero who accepted all the severance and serious actions with faith and patience. The painting conveyed all feelings through every tiny detail, colors and shades. Some specific areas were highlighted through using the colors in special ways. Sacrifice was the main theme of the painting as well as self denying. The artist was so intelligent and professional in telling us the whole story from his point of view and according to Plato's story who was the faithful student of Socrates. He told people how Socrates was brave and was not afraid of death and be executed by a tyrant who refused his ideas about freedom and humanity. David pictured the moment of his courage and bravery when receiving death with no fear smiling facing his fate to tell everyone to express his ideas without fear of anyone or anything. Pain was expressed through the figures of the painting and their facial expressions. Elements were used effectively such as colors that take the viewer to Socrates time, the act he chose which was a heroic one, the details of all images in the painting , lights, shadows, clothes and positions. Socrates appears in the middle of the painting in his robe which is white as his soul, poison is in his hand, smile is on his face yet it is a strange one that you are puzzled if he was sad or happy. In fact the painting is that great work that leaves deep impressions inside souls and mind, the work that arouses many questions and answers at the same time and it is the work of all ages and of all peoples who rejects tyranny and injustice and fights for principles and freedom.   

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The prevalence and (causes) of (infertility)


Infertility could be defined as a case of being not able to get pregnancy after male female intercourse that lasted for one year or more, the intercourse is not protected. (Gnoth et al 2005) Past studies concentrated on the female  conditions more than the male, most of these studies through history just discussed the women conditions only. Studies of today are different, it is said that males have about 30% of infertility and 20% for both males and females conditions. (Shefi and Turek 2006). Yet there is still shortage in studying the male condition concerning infertility, it needs much more interest to study its effects. Testicular failure affecting about 1% of men. The men who are evaluating their fertility about 10% of whom are affected by Testicular failure
The male factor is carrying big responsibility in affecting infertility as a cause of it to represent half of the cases that suffer infertility. (Madbouly et al 2012) To discuss etiological factors, it is found that there are many of that cause differences in the infertility of men. There are many examples of such factors such as: genes effects, environmental conditions, radiation effects, social habits, chemicals and exposing to severe heat. Evaluating infertility for men is very important, it took a great in the notes of clinical history. , in analysis and in the examinations. These examinations all looked for hormonal assay and antisperm antibodies. Additional kinds of testing were used, for example: Transrectal ultrasonography and testicular. Vasography was also found to be used.  (Dohle et al 2005)  Azoospermia was found in about 1% of all men and  it is found in about 15% of men who are suffering infertility. . (Madbouly et al 2012)  
Literature review:                                                                             
Males infertility proved to affect about half infertile cases which was asserted by statistics. Statistics found that it is basically one of the causes for infertlity in general but more investigations and studies on males infertility are needed urgently. Focusing on the females concerning infertility more than males cases and conditions  lead to have male conditions which are undertested and they need more diagnosis infertility tests. A clinical history for testing men concerning infertility is needed to be made by evaluating male cases in order to look for antispem antibody.  (Abdullah and Bondagji 2011)

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Injuries is the most common problem among children today. It may lead to death in many cases. It could be considered as a disaster in most communities of modern world. Injuries increase prevalence of illness among young children of all age groups.  In the first world, there are high numbers of disabilities caused by injuries. .(Bener et al 2007). As to Gad (2011) falls were stated to be of  (40,4%) of injuries that are common mostly.He found out that (RTA) which means Road Traffic Accidents were recorded to be representing (15%) while food toxicity had the percentage of (8%) of injuries.  Statistics showed that females were less in having injuries than males percentages as they had (18% ) while males stated the percentage of (26%). There are factors lead to the fact that males are more in having injuries than females. Street playing, being dwelled next to clubs or playgrounds, doing sports and getting involved into fights and violent actions. Rates of childhood death, treatment I hospitals or having different kinds of disabilities show that injuries caused by road accidents are the main cause of them.
Pedestrian injuries are very common among children, they are increasing in a very dangerous way. Children are usually liable for being burnt, drown, being cut or having electric shocks. It is strange that children often face such kinds of injuries at homes. (Hall et al 2006) Trauma has great effects on children lives as it causes many dangerous results. Trauma can be defined as a physiological cut that an external element did or a real wound as a breaking or a strong hit.  (Campbell and John 2011) Trauma happens when a person fall off a ladder, being hit by a car or hit with hard objects. Trauma can lead to death or to having disabilities. It is very dangerous and could affect the brain when the head is injured. It could affect the patient's health for long times and could affect his body, his movement or his whole life. It could harm the body of the patient forever. These kinds of injuries are considered of great danger and need good intensive caring for patients after having them in order to reduce effects resulting from them. Long term treatment is suggested. (Campbell and John 2011)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Although the main heros of the novel loved each other greatly, the theme of revenge is the most powerful and influencing one throughout the events of the story. When the readers think of the love between Catherine and Heathcliff, they find it such a great one yet revenge is the thing that made the story is not just mere love but a great suffering and conflicts novel.Heathcliff's childhood is that poor hard and severe one that lead him to bear revenge feelings into his soul. When it was hard for him to live with the woman he loved and spent childhood with, he turned to take actions towards revenge. He determined to destroy Hindly, his adoptive brother who despised Heathcliff during childhood by all means.Becoming the master of the two houses is an image of taking revenge. Hindly's desires of gambling and drinking helped Heathcliff a lot in fact to achieve what he wanted and desired. Despite his success in becominh a master of the two houses, Heathcliff admitted at the end of the story that revenge lost its taste at last and that he wished something else of love and he wished the happy life with his beloved Catherine. Hareton appears at last to show the decent picture that emerged out of all evils to prove that revenge was vain and that there is still happiness in that story of strong love and bitter revenge.