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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Important Definitions for Nurses

1-Registered Nurse:

A nurse who is well and totally trained and having a certificate of competence such as a Bachelor of Nursing from a university and has the ability to communicate with people in her community in order to provide them with the needed healthcare.
2-Multidisciplinary Team(MDT)
A team of specialists in the healthcare field who work as one unit consisting of many members of professional skilled persons working in the medical field such as a physician, a nurse, a nurse manager, a social worker, a psychologist, a pharmacist and others in order to provide patient with the best care and treatment in order to improve patients' outcomes.
 3-Quality Assurance
It is a process that includes many procedures set with the purpose of reaching excellence in the care and services provided to the patients by training nurses to reach the highest standards of delivering quality patient care in addition to ensuring safety in the care environment.
 4-Care Plan
It is a plan that a nurse prepares for a patient, a family or a community and it outlines what nursing care is going to be provided and how through some organized actions to be implemented by a nurse in order to support the nursing diagnoses and it also helps a nurse when doing the evaluation process.