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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Loss angels abrasion and aggregation impact

1.      TITLE: Loss angles abrasion and aggregate impact value.
2.      AIM OF THE EXPERIMENTS: To knowledge the difficulties  course of Aggregate  that through Angles abrasion loss test.
In experiment 7, The test is to determine the total impact value of coarse aggregates as IS: 2386
( Part  IV ) – 1963
3.      THEORY: In experiment 6, The Testing for Loss Angles Abrasion in Machine composes a hollow through steel cylinder and closed in both ends, an inside  having diameter of 28" and an inside length 20". Cylinder is placed in the shafts stub  that will be attached to both ends of the steel cylinder, which do not enter and mounted in such a way that it can be rotated around its center in a horizontal position. Slot is provided in the cylinder for the introduction of the test sample and that it can be closed dust-tight with the removable cover closed in place. The cover is designed to preserve the Contour of the cylindrical inner surface. They are placed on the shelf so the charges do not fall into the cover or come in contact with them during the probationary period. Steel rack removable radial projection 3- ½" into the cylinder and extending its full length is mounted along one thing of the interior surface of the cylinder. Also, The shelf is such thickness and so mounted by bolts or other approved means to be strong & firm. The position of the shelf, which is like the distance from the shelf to the opening of the measure along the perimeter of the cylinder, which should be in the direction of rotation of at least 50 ".If It stops the lid on the bottom, so it can be difficult to access the site, and move the barrel through the panel and then the weight of the external push forward and then reverse with the withdrawal of move the barrel to the wanted position.
In experiment 7, the road aggregate it was  has been manufactured to a specified grading stockpiled,  transported, spread loaded into trucks, tipped, and set up when was manufactured. Some degradation may take place and result in a change in grading and the production of excessive and undesirable fines if the aggregate is weak. However, when an aggregate complying with a specification at the quarry in the pavement, it may fail to do so. It can be quite high for  the Granular base layers and surfacing to be prone to repeated loadings from big truck tyres and stress at the contact points of aggregate particles. These crushing tests can manifest aggregate properties vulnerable to mechanical degradation of this form. The table below shows requirements.  A . KAIKADE,  J . (2005).

4.      APPARATUS:  
Experiment 6:
Standard Sieves ,  Los Angeles Machine ,  Drying Oven , Steel balls Charge , Scales and 1.70 mm(No.12) sieve.

Figure 6.1: Equipment’s of experiment
Experiment 7:
·      Weighing Tools: Impact testing machine conforming to IS: 2386 Sieves and sizes  10 mm 2.36 mm and 12.5 mm).
·      A cylindrical metal measure of ( 75 mm  dia.)+( 50 mm depth ).

5.      MATERIALS:
Experiment 6
Aggregate Coarse

Experiment 6:
1.Wash and so ovendry 5000 grams  sample  of the aggregate - dry to a constant mass at 230 ºF ( + / - 9)( 110  ° C  ( + / -  5 )) nest sieves in order of decreasing size of the opening, and place sample  of aggregate on the top sieve.
2.  sample of separate  to the individual size fractions with sieving material retained weight in each sieve.
3. Reassemble material  sieved to the required grades - the total mass of the nearest record 1 gram.
4. Rotate the drum for five-hundred revolutions at a constant speed of 30 to thirty -three rpm - approximately a quarter-hour  -  shelf recommendations up charge  + sample at bottom of drum  -  charge  +  sample dropped as drum goes around  crushing - charge  & sample roll at lower side grinding.
5. It should remove sample from machine.
6. Dry Sieve over a No. 12 sieve
7. Passing Material=degraded
8.  Retained Material=intact
9. Wash and oven retained dry material ( if required  )
10. Near of weigh 1 gram
11. Calculate percent loss because abrasion with calculating the difference between the original sample of weight and larger particles  for retained material. The difference  weight is reported as a percent from the original weight and called " loss  of percent  ".
Experiment 7
1) The sample test should adjust to following grading:
Passing on IS : (12.5 mm )Sieve 100 %
Retention through IS: ( 10 mm ) Sieve 100 %
2) The sample which will be oven-dried for four hours from 100 to 110 oC temperature and cooled.
3) The measure is about one - third full prepared aggregates and compacted with (25 ) strokes of the compacting rod.
A more similar quantity of aggregates will be added and a further tamping of ( 25 ) given strokes. The measure will finally be filled to surplus, tamped (25)times and the overflow aggregates struck off, using a tamping rod for straight edge. The net weight aggregates in the measure will be determined to the nearest g ( Weight A ).
A) The effect testing machine cup will be fixed securely properly on the foundation of the machine. The total of the sample test  placed in it and tamped by(25) strokes for tamping rod.
B) The hammer will be elevated to ( 380 mm ) over an upper surface of the aggregates in the cup and allowed to fall freely onto the aggregates. sample test will be prone to an overall total of ( 15 )such blows, and each one will be delivered at an interval which not less than one second. 

Loss angles abrasion
2500 grams of 9.5 mm
2500 grams  of 12.5 mm
Retained from 1.7mm  =    4285 grams
LAN= ( 5000    -   4285  /   5000   )  *   100% =  14.3%

Aggregate impact value
1- The sample will removed by IS sieve (2. 36mm). The fraction moving will be through ( Weight B ) and the fraction salvaged on the sieve will be ( Weight C). So, if the overall weight B+C  is less than first ( weight A ) by more the 1 gram, the end result will be rejected and a new test will be achieve.
2- The weight of rate fines formed to the overall sample weight should be as a percentage.
Weight 1=   38.2 grams
Weight 2=   33.6 grams
W.  of  Coarse Aggregate =Weight 2 – Weight 1 =38.2-33.6= 4.6grams
  passing A = 33.6 + 4.6  = 38.2grams
  retuning B  = 33.6grams
Aggregate impact value= (   B  /  A  )  x 100  %
Aggregate impact value= ( 33.6   /    38.2)  x 100% =    87.95 %

8.      Discussion
Experiment 6:
The Loss angles test to scrape test pilot. Therefore it is not directly linked to the performance in the field of aggregates. Observations generally do not reveal A good relationship between the values of Loss angles abrasion  and field performance. Loss Angles friction loss is able to field performance expected. Specially, the test may not be satisfying for some types of aggregates. Some aggregates, such as some limestone and slag, tend to perform adequately in the field but have high Loss angles abrasion. Loss angles abrasion loss seems to be well related with dust be during handling and production of HMA in those aggregates with higher Loss Angles. values of abrasion loss  and usually generate more of dust. Through the result gained in the experiment, it is clear that rubble fit in the use of construction such as the foundation because it was given less than 17% and this resists external affecting factors. We all used, 11 balls for 500 cycles and which gave required  result of specifications
Experiment 7:
This experiment discussed the geological description of the aggregate, particle size and the source quarry. Also, it showed  the applied force,  dry is different in the weight and the masses of material after sieving  while calculations for result  was 5.3% . Moreover, it will discussed the results using in the range and collect results using from other group, then compare the  obtained values. Millard, R.S. (1993).
9.      Conclusion
The experiment investigated  the possibility of assuming the loss angles abrasion from the crushability index and the results of  loss angles abrasion, density, crushability and porosity tests . These tests were analyzed using multiple regression analyses and simple. Important relations  were generally gained from both multiple regression analyses and simple. The Simple equation is practical and reliable enough for the estimation of the loss angles abrasion from crushability index. However, who wants to make more precise assumption which can alternatively using two multiple regression equations.

Externalities Impact

In economics, there has been great interest given to the effects of externalities on many fields of business and on the development and progress of different infrastructures. An externality can be defined as an effect of a third party that occurs as a result of services and goods production or consumption without paying suitable compensation for it. Market failure can occur when full costs and benefits are not considered by the price mechanism. There are negative externalities and positive externalities. Negative externalities occur if there are imposed costs on a third party caused by consumption or production. This can lead to harms to the environment such as pollution or noise. A positive externality occurs when there are benefits for a third party due to the consumption or production of a good or a service. The current paper is discussing the negative and positive effects and impacts of externalities on an infrastructure which is transportation.  (Reggiani and Button, 2011)
An example of a positive externality associated with the development of transportation
Accessibility is a positive externality which is associated with transportation development as the development of transportation enables people to reach services and activities everywhere and it represents the time and costs people spend on transportation.  There are many impacts of accessibility on transportation development as transportation needs to develop in order to raise accessibility quality. Transportation development depends on improving accessibility and the factors affecting it. Accessibility is considered a positive externality associated with transportation development due to many reasons as when traffic jam is reduced, this improves accessibility as congestion costs are reduced, this provides both individuals and society with benefits. Transport options improvement can also improve accessibility. The improvements can be seen in many aspects such as speed of means of transport, luxury, comfort, security level, service level, affordability and high quality services of transportation which is made for serving Accessibility and raising its level. To develop transport, it is necessary to understand people's needs of accessibility in addition to learn about the travel mode constraints and people's ability to afford costs of transportation. Transportation information is required to evaluate accessibility and such information should include users' information and information about the transportation quality. System integration can affect accessibility, for example, parking convenience and transferring between transportation modes should be improved in order to improve accessibility. Links and modes connections among each other affect accessibility that's why transportation development takes this into consideration. Accessibility of transportation modes is also affected by transportation terminals location and quality as accessibility is affected by the modes' quality such as bus stops, ferry terminals and train stations and other modes of transportation. Automobile accessibility is affected by transportation availability, price and parking convenience. This makes it very important to develop facilities of transportation and raise the quality of transportation modes. Accessibility needs to be evaluated from time to time in order to learn about the needs of users of transportation, efficiency of means of transport and level of services provided to people whether to serve transportation to local areas or long destinations. (Jimsd, 2006)
An example of a negative externality associated with the development of transportation
Accidents are considered a negative externality associated with transportation development for many reasons. Accidents resulting from transportation use cause many costs on both individuals and society such as the increasing number of deaths, injuries costs on injured persons and their families and on the society embodied in many costs that affect both individuals and society services as such costs can be difficult to be affordable by the government.  (VYSKOČILOVÁ, A., TECL, J., VALACH, O, 2013 )Development of transportation means increases the of accidents on individuals and society due to the rise in using transportation means and studying such costs and evaluating them can help develop transportation means in a way that reduces negative results from the accidents such as the costs which can be divided into direct costs and indirect costs. Accidents can also be divided into accidents with fatal injuries, accidents with serious injuries and accidents with slight injuries.  Direct costs resulting from accident caused by means of transportation include police effort, healthcare, fire rescue services costs, court, material damage, administrational costs and insurance costs.  Indirect costs which usually appear in the long term after accidents include production losses which result from delaying of production according to the jobs of injured people and social costs represented in the pensions provided for orphans, widows and disabled persons as a result of road accidents. (Rodrigue, 2015)
How the positive and negative externalities relate to the willingness to pay (WTP) analysis
Positive and negative externalities are related to the (WTP) analysis as the impacts related to externalities can be assessed economically by contingent valuation in order to find out new policies to address the negative externalities and help improve the positive externalities. For example,; measurements  and estimations of transportation negative externalities such as pollution, accidents and noise can help realize the volume of such externalities in each local area in order to reduce their impact on transportation development.  Surveys  and questionnaire analysis can be used to make such assessments. Willingness to pay (WTP) is what a person can ultimately provide to pay for a service or avoid its negative effects, so externalities which could be positive or negative can be studied and evaluated in order to measure people's WTP for them. Goods and services have prices which should be balanced between buyers' willingness to pay for them and sellers' willingness to accept them.  WTP value can be measured through many methods such as choice modeling. There are many approaches for WTP analysis that are used to measure costing and benefits of externalities such as the HC human capital approach, WTP analysis is used to reduce risks of negative externalities such as death rates and air pollution as negative externalities related to transportation and they are also used to improve positive externalities such as accessibility which is related to transportation. (Ortu¨ zar et al, 2000)
Transportation is a very important infrastructure which has many externalities related to it as they can be positive externalities or negative ones. Accessibility is an example of positive externalities related to transportation development as users' needs have to be well assessed in order to develop transportation. Road accidents are among the negative externalities which are associated with transportation development and they cause many costs on both individuals and society and they can be either direct or indirect costs.  WTP analysis is used to measure and estimate how positive externalities can be improved and how negative externalities can be avoided or reduced so there is a relation between externalities and WTP analysis.

Monday, March 25, 2019

The physical construction of the proximity sensor, its characteristics and working principle of i-phone 4

  1. Physical construction
Proximity sensors of the mobile phones are capacitive sensors that are able to detect both metal and nonmetal things and they are  generally constructed of capacitive proximity sensor are plate, output circuit, oscillator and a threshold detector. When the person comes near the field of the sensor, it works to stop the works of the touch screen. Capacitance is raised when the object comes close and it is reduced when the object goes away.
  1. Characteristics
A proximity sensor is characterized with its ability to recognize the existence of an object within a certain detection range which is specified according to the device abilities and the sensor boundaries, the sensor can recognize the person when the mobile phone is near his ear or face with certain distance, then the sensor can stop the work of keys of the mobile phone and other touching screen jobs in order to prevent turning the keys off or doing any unwanted actions that occur by touch. Proximity sensors include many types of sensors such as those found in mobile phones especially smart phones such as iphone 4. It depends on the physical contact in its operation. Manufacturers use proximity sensors in a commercial purpose which is raising the efficiency of the smart phone to attract more customers to buy it.
  1. Working principle
The principle that proximity sensors work according to is its emitting for a beam or an electromagnetic radiation which is usually infrared, then the sensor works to detect the existence of changes in the field and if it doesn't find, the signal is returned by it. When the object is found, the sensor begins its operation. The found thing is called the proximity sensor's target.  There is a specific distance where the sensor can detect humans or things and it has a maximum known as the nominal range. There are sensors that are adjusted to the nominal range by a certain distance for detection. As proximity sensors don't have mechanical parts or physical contact with the sensed object, they are able to last for long time working properly. 
A proximity sensor is a type of sensors that can be found in applications such as iphone 4 and it is using a detection process for objects or human found within the detection field and within the sensor's boundaries. The proximity sensor is based on the non contact detection which is different from other sensors. It can be helpful when the users of the iphone are talking and they don't fear the work of the touch screen such as turning the phone off or doing any relevant actions. Proximity sensors are accurate in detection jobs and they add extra commercial values to the product they are added to. The only disadvantage they have is the limited area of detection they sense. Proximity sensors are important for mobile phones manufacturers who consider them very important applications as many users of iphone look for such application so it is considered a commercial and an industrial success. 
Analysis and Discussion
A sensor is a device which works by receiving signals and sending certain signals which are used to express the needed task such as light, voice, sounds or motion. The sensor's job is turning the signal to a digital representation or to analog that represents the output. There are many different conditions that sensors work according to the specific job they are assigned to. Proximity sensors are set mainly for detection purposes. They work to convert the signals into readable outputs. The proximity sensors are not including mechanical parts or missions as they only use signals.
The type of sensors used to enhance the efficiency of iphone 4 is the capacitive sensors as they can detect both metallic and non metallic objects. This means that any smart phone can bear the capability of having a proximity sensor. Targeting motions is meant to be the basis of using this sensor in mobile phones.
The sensitivity of the capacitive proximity sensor and the application uses it can be measured by a method prepared mainly for this purpose, the application is iphone4. For tuning sensor placement, 2D sensor data plots were used and found more accurate but a 3D sensor data plots were found to be more effective for comparing sensors according to their efficiency and intensity as the differences between sensors used by many applications are shown and declared. Sensitivity measurements are important to measure the level of performance of the sensors. The phone is used by the users holding it with many possible ways and the sensor can work when the user is talking or browsing tasks. The sensor is physical sensitive and working in electric fields. Many modifications can be made for sensors of the mobile phones as most people look for new versions and updates of the iphone they have and issuing a new update of the mobile phone means that there is an improvement in the sensor applications. Thermal stress analysis can be done for other types of proximity sensors such as the inductive proximity sensors. Element analysis also can be made by the finite element method.
Conclusion and Future Work
In conclusion, it is important to report that sensors are widely used in many applications of computers and mobile phones especially those smart phones such as iphone4 which uses sensors for doing many tasks in the mobile that raise its efficiency and meets the needs of the customers. Proximity sensors are sensors that use signals in a way that is meant to detect the face of people talking or browsing the iphone 4 application screen in order to stop the touch screen work until the person goes away as the sensors send the signals and the function of the touch screen is delayed. Sensors are considered a commercial helping factor that manufacturers focus on in order to use them in new innovated applications that are helpful to the person and the society and provides welfare and luxury options in mobile phones. More future work is needed to enrich the literature review about this topic which is sensors and this future work can mainly depend on researches, questionnaires, surveys and discussions with the customers in order to measure their satisfaction with the application. Sensors have a long time validity but they soon can be updated to new versions which can be able to extend the field where detection process is occurring. More modifications can be added to the device in order to enhance its capabilities and raise its efficiency and abilities of performing the jobs required to be done by him. More studies will also be helpful in the field of sensors. Many researches should be conducted with different ways of analyzing the data collected about the use of inductive proximity sensors.

PESTLE Analysis Orpic

Anatonova, (2017) confirmed that a business organization can compete with others when it gives much interest to its strategic forces and develop them. He confirmed on the continuous need on having updated and developed strategies and try to find out what is the problem with these strategies and then to develop them. This can be done by using different types of analysis and try to realize the most suitable scenario to be applied with the organization. Among the important analysis is the PESTLE analysis that can tackle Orpic strategies according to the Omani market as follows:
1.      Political
Orpic is a company that is based mainly in Oman and this makes it enjoy the safe political climate of the country as Oman is a safe country where there are no wars or political conflicts with other countries, Oman's political environment represents a great climate for business and for making good profitable work that can succeed without fears of loss that are associated with passive political climates. The country's system and government strategies support business and provide great projects with different positive opportunities to flourish and make good profits. This makes it good for Orpic to have more business opportunities to survive and develop and grow its business there.

2.      Economic:
Oman is a country that enjoys good economic conditions as there are different projects and businesses that are successful in addition to having the advantages of supporting new projects by intelligent clients who understand and appreciate the types of products and the level of quality. National and individual incomes are very reasonable and can be considered high which makes making business there is a good opportunity for businessmen to make good projects and successful businesses.
3.      Social:
Orpic is a company that has strong position in the Omani society as a result of the preference to its oil products by the Omani society that is always looking for the best in everything. The Omani society is a great society that is a part of the Arabian Gulf and it is characterized with the same features of Gulf societies that welcome new products and prefer high quality products. The Omani society is characterized with being different with lots of different people from a variety of nationalities who can identify new projects and products and realize the levels of quality locally and internationally. Related to oil products of Orpic, the Omani society is interested in oil products  
4.       Technological:
The Omani environment is characterized with being preferring and seeking for technology and new applications in everything which makes this a great challenge for any business that needs to flourish as this means that there should be high technology in the project that is being made in Oman and as for Orpic, it is important to Orpic to update the different areas of technology it has and it is important also to recognize the different parts of technology needed for producing high quality products that can meet the needs of customers and match the high developed technologies they have in their lives such as cars, homes and other life parts. Technology in Oman is a basic and important for all people and in all fields which makes Orpic in need to update all the machines and devices used in manufacturing and dealing with oil products in order to produce high quality products that cope with the updated development in Oman.

5.      Legal:
Oman has a clear legal system that is characterized with being fair and flexible for business owners who are in need for different laws that facilitate their business and provide them with the different facilities that make their business succeed. Oman legal system supports different types of business and give different facilities to business owners and factories that make the Omani economy flourish such as Orpic and its activity.
6.      Environmental:
The environment of Oman is a desert environment than depends mainly on big cars in travelling and making different important businesses which makes it good for Orpic to have its own development of business there and develop and innovate in its products and people in Oman like to find new oil products for their vehicles and machines due to the nature and environment of Oman. This makes it a good chance for Orpic to promote its business there. (Valeri, 2009)
(Haydu and Hodges, 2001) discussed the techniques and methodologies that business organizations use and apply in order to assess and improve the used strategies aiming at reaching a better level of performance by developing the applied strategies and improving them. The Porter topology is one of these techniques as it is well used for finding a suitable strategy that the business organization can use in order to develop its organizational performance and strategic management.  According to Porter, (2011) the there are three main business strategies that can be used by the business organization in order to develop its strategic management and they can be applied separately or joined together based on the basic needs of the organization and the work environment as there should be deep analysis for them to discover which strategy of the Porter's topology can be best used. There should be a strategy that matches the specific features of the work environment and what is really required to develop the business in addition to meet the needs of leadership and organizational structure. The three main strategies are cost leadership, differentiation and the focus strategy and the analysis of the organization can tell what strategy is the best to be applied and used by the organization. Orpic is a big company that needs development of its strategy in order to be improved which makes it important to choose from the three generic strategies of Porter and apply it on the company's strategic management in order to help the leadership and management team of Orpic. Applying the new strategy can help Orpic develop its innovations, produce new products and raise more profits and revenues through applying the most needed changes for the company and clients in addition to raise the company's productivity and encourage employees to do better. The current paper is discussing the three strategies of Porter and then explaining how Orpic can make full use of each strategy in order to develop its organizational strategic management.   
Flouris and Oswald, (2006) discussed the Porter's strategy and how the three of the generic strategies can be used all or only one of them according to the needs of the organization and the level of competitiveness in the market as they can help the company specify a target strategically and then to focus on it or make it different. The authors referred to the differentiation strategy in particular in order to detail using it as a generic strategy and to apply it to bring in difference to the organization as this can be applied on products or services that are produced by the company and this can be applied in Orpic to being in more sales for current products that can be made in a different way to meet the needs of the market and customers.  
Moon, (2010) discussed how the differentiation strategy can be used and applied by a business organization in order to improve its position currently and lead it to more success via applying the differentiation strategy on specific products or projects in the company or on a part of the business. In Orpic, the company can apply the differentiation strategy on some of its products used in Oman such as oils for cars or other products as the differentiation system can depend on presenting different products than those in the market and adding more differentiation qualities to the products in order to make customers seek that differentiation and have the desire to try it. The company should depend on studying the market deeply in order to apply any differentiation as this study will shed the light and focus on the needs of the customers and what can be presented from the company. PESTLE analysis can be effective and useful in this case as this analysis can focus on many parts of the Omani business and social environment in order to guide the company towards the right differentiation. It also will inform the company with all about laws and needs of the market to present a new differentiation that is suitable to both the customers and the company and can be successful. Tanwar, (2013) discussed the Porter topology and the three generic strategies involved in it showing that each of them needs deep understanding and the differentiation strategy in particular needs, he referred to some gaps that can be found in implementing the strategy and that they have to be found before applying it. He confirmed on the importance of analysis to find out the gap before implementation of the strategy as he stated that there should be specialties who can identify the business environment and understand the internal and external needs for it. The leadership of the business organization should be deeply realizing for this matter and should be able to form a strategic management team that is able to apply the strategy effectively based on the analysis and understanding.      
Porter, Magretta and Kramer, (2014) asserted that the differentiation strategy is very important and needed to the organization that is in need for expanding the business and opening new markets in new areas. Orpic can then try hard to apply the differentiation strategy in order to expand the business and reach more areas in the market and greater number of clients. The company can find specific attributes that can help in presenting effective differentiations. This can include developing new products and updating others in a different technique that marches with the needs of the market and customers. The company can launch new product lines that depend on presenting higher quality products that meet the needs of the market and that are attractive to customers. There should also be better communication strategies with customers via the internet and other communication channels as this encourages them to be more attracted to the company's products. Other services can be also presented to the organization such as services of delivery and higher stronger distribution services. 
Orpic should take care of the way the differentiation strategy is applied as the analysis made before implementing the strategy can guide the company towards the best method for this implementation. Orpic has to study the differentiation operation at first and then to build a basis for avoiding risks and following the best strategy to be followed based on the analysis. Orpic can make a comprehensive differentiation system on the whole company or to choose specific lines of business or products to work on. This can include new different services such as online shipping for different countries and online purchasing in Oman and other countries around the world. The company is suggested to  add different facilitations in order to make ordering, purchasing, delivering and payment easier than before such as facilitation of communication with clients easily and recognizing their needs and desires. Options of online payment should be provided by the company and asserted through different means. Other differentiations can be made over organizational structure such as applying a new leadership style that is more suitable for new transformations occurring in the market and in the industry. This can help the company make good profits and better revenues. 
The differentiation and the analysis associating it can help Orpic realize its needs and the market needs in addition to having guidance towards reaching these needs and aspirations through the development of its strategic management and improving the strategies applied by the company to apply the differentiation. The company can also open new plants and refineries for its products in new areas and find new places to work in locally and internationally. This can add new experiences to the business and raise profits and work opportunities in Oman and abroad through innovations and creative ideas that can help the company develop its production and profitability. This can be applied in the Gulf area and in other different areas worldwide such as the Middle East and other areas internationally. Globalizing the business can help Orpic develop its business to be better in the local and international markets.
The differentiation that will be chosen to be applied in the company has to be well studied and analyzed before implementing the differentiation. The analysis can focus on what the company and customers really need and wish from it and can tell how far the differentiation can be successful. All leaders and employees have to be involved and included within the differentiation in order to help communicate the differentiation properly with them and make it succeed. Their opinions should be considered and taken into consideration before implementing the differentiation. Orpic should be careful before implementing any changes as the company has to recruit talented employees who are able to apply the changes and differentiations effectively and are able to use their talents to apply more differentiations in the organization.  
Recommendation Criteria
Any business organization should seek developing its strategic management policies and techniques in order to improve its position and business in the market and reach higher levels of success. This can be done in Orpic by many ways such as following any or all of Porter's generic strategies and it is recommended for Orpic to apply the differentiation strategy in order to present new products and services that are different and innovated in order to reach more customers and open new markets in new areas locally and internationally. The company is recommended to make different analysis such as the PESTLE analysis in order to measure the status of the organization and identify an area for applying new differentiation. The company is recommended to make open discussions with managers and employees in order to make them aware of the differentiation that will be applied. The company is also recommended to find suitable techniques to meet the needs of the market and customers in addition to reaching better levels of success in services as distribution, delivery, shipping and presenting the products to the markets in Oman and outside. Orpic is asked to take care of the way the differentiation is applied as analysis is very important to be made before the implementation of the differentiation    

ORPIC Strategic Management

Strategies of the business organization are very important in its development as the business strategy can change the company's current and future positions and it can help it reach and better competitive advantage in future. This makes the company in need for wise management and effective strategic management that can run the business based on a supportive change and a new strategy. (Babatunde and Adebisi, 2012) This report is discussing how strategies of the business organization should be changed for purposes of development and improvement using the theoretical views and ideas and implementing them by experts in the work environment. Orpic is used an example that can follow the differentiation strategy of Porter in order to present its services and products to the market in a new way. The research is based on views of authors in the literature and presents different relevant analysis that targets the Omani market and life. The research is considered an attempt to guide a company towards achieving higher levels of success in its filed and industry which is the oil refineries and petroleum industry as the company is one of the greatest oil companies in the Gulf and the Middle East and changing its strategy can develop and upgrade its competitiveness to beat international companies in the same industry.

 Analysis of the industry and the firm
Orpic is a large oil company in Oman and it is one of the fast growing oil company in the Arab Gulf area. The company has many refineries for oil in Muscat and in Sohar. It also has plants for producing aromatics and polypropylene in Sohar for presenting products made of plastic, fuel, aromatic products, chemicals and other petroleum products to the Omani market and to other different areas in the world. The company is characterized with having a strong management and a strong strategy but the current strategy is in need to be changed in order to develop the company's business and competitiveness. The company is owned by the Omani government and with shares of Oman Oil Company SAOG. It has different growth plans that made it bear an ambition of being more prevailing as a local and an international oil company. This makes the company has forward thinking techniques to build up its future based on research, theories and real practice. In the oil industry, the company is considered one of the most important companies that recruits more than 2000 employees and that has a good human resource management. it has a shared common goal with its employees which is building a strong integrated Omani refinery and petrochemical business that can easily be internationalized. Orpic is a company that depends on safe operations and reliable management as it gives high care for the environment and the society as it has different corporate social responsibility activities in Oman aiming at developing and improving it. Orpic has a number of plants in Oman such as the Mina Al Fahal Refinery in Muscat and in Sohar it has Sohar refinery, polypropylene plant and the Aromatics plant. It also has an integrated complex that includes four main industrial plants working in Muscat and in Sohar and they are joined by a 266 KM pipeline delivering feedstock from Mina Al Fahal Refinery to the Sohar plants which shows how far the company has strong infrastructure and is able to develop its abilities to improve its processes. The company's business depends on taking the raw materials including mainly the crude oil from Oman in order to process them for creating a number of important high quality fuels and other petrochemical products. The company also uses its other plants such as that in Minal Al Fahl for processing its crude oil into fuel products that are marketed in Oman and in the Arab Gulf and in other different international markets. The company's products also include plastic products, Benzene, industrial chemicals, paraxylene and thermoplastic polymer that is sued in many products such as carpets and banknotes. The company's two refineries have a high production capacity estimated with 222.000 crude oil barrels that is turned to naphtha, gas oil, gasoline, fuel oil, jet fuel and liquid petroleum gas which confirms that the company needs a new strategy in order to innovate in its products and in marketing them well in Oman and in the world. The company depends on a growth strategy and it has different projects based on this strategy and aiming at improving its environmental performance and extracting greater business value such as Sohar refinery improvement project, Muscat-Sohar product pipeline and the Liwa plastic industries complex. (Orpic, 2016)
The petroleum and oil refinery industry is very important today on Oman and in the whole world as there are different developments in the industry daily locally and internationally which raises competiveness and makes Orpic work hard to develop and improve its production. This makes it seeks a new strategy to apply and new techniques for improvement. This industry includes different processes such as exploration of oil, refinery, transportation and marketing the different products which includes plastics, petroleum and other products. In Oman, this industry is very strong and has different fields. The biggest and most important field is fuel industry as it has the largest volume among oil industries in Oman. Fuel oil and petrol are the two main important products found there. Yet there are also other chemical products that can be gained through this industry such as using the raw petroleum materials for making fertilizers, solvents, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and plastic products. Petroleum products means that they are relevant to a big number of other industries such as agriculture, furniture, plastic, kitchen tools and others which makes it a vital main tool for different businesses and industries. It is also important in the industrial civilization such as in making roads, building and maintenance operations. Oil is very important in energy consumption in the world ad it accounts for a big part of it internationally especially in the Middle East as it accounts for 53% of all energy consumption. Oman oil industry plays a very important role in the country's economy as this sector is considered the most important industry in Oman and it is still growing to compete different countries in the Gulf area and in the world. There is a great focus from the ministry of oil and gas in Enhanced Oil Recovery techniques and raises the products used in Oman's gas and oil consumption and in improving the applications used in the industry. The ministry of oil and gas in Oman gives high interest in improving the production of oil and gas and in developing plans and policies used to maintain optimum oil and gas exploitation. The government also tries to develop its laws and legislations and make them suitable to the developments occurring in transportation and dealings of oil and oil prices locally and internationally and to cope with changes occurring in the different needs of energy worldwide. The government is also keen to establish petroleum agreements with international companies working in oil and gas to agree and recognize the different laws and legislations related to oil production and consumption internationally. The industry in Oman is developing with a high need for change and applying new strategies that can cope with the great changes occurring worldwide in promotion techniques, marketing techniques, development and production. (Jccp, 2016)

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Loss angles abrasion and aggregate impact value.

  1. TITLE: Loss angles abrasion and aggregate impact value.
  2. AIM OF THE EXPERIMENTS: To knowledge the difficulties course of Aggregate that through Angles abrasion loss test.
In experiment 7, The test is to determine the total impact value of coarse aggregates as IS: 2386
( Part IV ) – 1963
  1. THEORY: In experiment 6, The Testing for Loss Angles Abrasion in Machine composes a hollow through steel cylinder and closed in both ends, an inside  having diameter of 28" and an inside length 20". Cylinder is placed in the shafts stub  that will be attached to both ends of the steel cylinder, which do not enter and mounted in such a way that it can be rotated around its center in a horizontal position. Slot is provided in the cylinder for the introduction of the test sample and that it can be closed dust-tight with the removable cover closed in place. The cover is designed to preserve the Contour of the cylindrical inner surface. They are placed on the shelf so the charges do not fall into the cover or come in contact with them during the probationary period. Steel rack removable radial projection 3- ½" into the cylinder and extending its full length is mounted along one thing of the interior surface of the cylinder. Also, The shelf is such thickness and so mounted by bolts or other approved means to be strong & firmThe position of the shelf, which is like the distance from the shelf to the opening of the measure along the perimeter of the cylinder, which should be in the direction of rotation of at least 50 ".If It stops the lid on the bottom, so it can be difficult to access the site, and move the barrel through the panel and then the weight of the external push forward and then reverse with the withdrawal of move the barrel to the wanted position.
In experiment 7, the road aggregate it was  has been manufactured to a specified grading stockpiled,  transported, spread loaded into trucks, tipped, and set up when was manufactured. Some degradation may take place and result in a change in grading and the production of excessive and undesirable fines if the aggregate is weak. However, when an aggregate complying with a specification at the quarry in the pavement, it may fail to do so. It can be quite high for  the Granular base layers and surfacing to be prone to repeated loadings from big truck tyres and stress at the contact points of aggregate particles. These crushing tests can manifest aggregate properties vulnerable to mechanical degradation of this form. The table below shows requirements. A . KAIKADE, J . (2005).

Experiment 6:
Standard Sieves , Los Angeles Machine ,  Drying Oven , Steel balls Charge , Scales and 1.70 mm(No.12) sieve.
Figure 6.1: Equipment’s of experiment
Experiment 7:
  • Weighing Tools: Impact testing machine conforming to IS: 2386 Sieves and sizes  10 mm 2.36 mm and 12.5 mm).
  • A cylindrical metal measure of ( 75 mm dia.)+( 50 mm depth ).
Figure 7.1 : Equipment’s of experiment

Experiment 6
Aggregate Coarse

Experiment 6:
1.Wash and so ovendry 5000 grams  sample  of the aggregate - dry to a constant mass at 230 ºF ( + / - 9)( 110  ° C  ( + / -  5 )) nest sieves in order of decreasing size of the opening, and place sample  of aggregate on the top sieve.
2. sample of separate  to the individual size fractions with sieving material retained weight in each sieve.
3. Reassemble material  sieved to the required grades - the total mass of the nearest record 1 gram.
4. Rotate the drum for five-hundred revolutions at a constant speed of 30 to thirty -three rpm - approximately a quarter-hour - shelf recommendations up charge + sample at bottom of drum  -  charge  +  sample dropped as drum goes around  crushing - charge  & sample roll at lower side grinding.
5. It should remove sample from machine.
6. Dry Sieve over a No. 12 sieve
7. Passing Material=degraded
8. Retained Material=intact
9. Wash and oven retained dry material ( if required  )
10. Near of weigh 1 gram
11. Calculate percent loss because abrasion with calculating the difference between the original sample of weight and larger particles  for retained material. The difference  weight is reported as a percent from the original weight and called " loss  of percent  ".

figure 6.2: weight of aggregate

Experiment 7
1) The sample test should adjust to following grading:
Passing on IS : (12.5 mm )Sieve 100 %
Retention through IS: ( 10 mm ) Sieve 100 %
2) The sample which will be oven-dried for four hours from 100 to 110 oC temperature and cooled.
3) The measure is about one - third full prepared aggregates and compacted with (25 ) strokes of the compacting rod.
A more similar quantity of aggregates will be added and a further tamping of ( 25 ) given strokes. The measure will finally be filled to surplus, tamped (25)times and the overflow aggregates struck off, using a tamping rod for straight edge. The net weight aggregates in the measure will be determined to the nearest g ( Weight A ).
A) The effect testing machine cup will be fixed securely properly on the foundation of the machine. The total of the sample test  placed in it and tamped by(25) strokes for tamping rod.
B) The hammer will be elevated to ( 380 mm ) over an upper surface of the aggregates in the cup and allowed to fall freely onto the aggregates. sample test will be prone to an overall total of ( 15 )such blows, and each one will be delivered at an interval which not less than one second.
figure 7.2: weight the fine aggregate

Loss angles abrasion
2500 grams of 9.5 mm
2500 grams of 12.5 mm
Retained from 1.7mm =    4285 grams
LAN= ( 5000    -   4285  / 5000   ) *   100% = 14.3%

Aggregate impact value
1- The sample will removed by IS sieve (2. 36mm). The fraction moving will be through ( Weight B ) and the fraction salvaged on the sieve will be ( Weight C). So, if the overall weight B+C is less than first ( weight A ) by more the 1 gram, the end result will be rejected and a new test will be achieve.
2- The weight of rate fines formed to the overall sample weight should be as a percentage.
Weight 1=   38.2 grams
Weight 2=   33.6 grams
W.  of  Coarse Aggregate =Weight 2 – Weight 1 =38.2-33.6= 4.6grams
  passing A = 33.6 + 4.6 = 38.2grams
  retuning B  = 33.6grams
Aggregate impact value= (   B  /  A  ) x 100  %
Aggregate impact value= ( 33.6   /    38.2) x 100% =    87.95 %

  1. Discussion
Experiment 6:
The Loss angles test to scrape test pilot. Therefore it is not directly linked to the performance in the field of aggregates. Observations generally do not reveal A good relationship between the values of Loss angles abrasion  and field performance. Loss Angles friction loss is able to field performance expected. Specially, the test may not be satisfying for some types of aggregates. Some aggregates, such as some limestone and slag, tend to perform adequately in the field but have high Loss angles abrasion. Loss angles abrasion loss seems to be well related with dust be during handling and production of HMA in those aggregates with higher Loss Angles. values of abrasion loss  and usually generate more of dust. Through the result gained in the experiment, it is clear that rubble fit in the use of construction such as the foundation because it was given less than 17% and this resists external affecting factors. We all used, 11 balls for 500 cycles and which gave required  result of specifications
Experiment 7:
This experiment discussed the geological description of the aggregate, particle size and the source quarry. Also, it showed  the applied force,  dry is different in the weight and the masses of material after sieving  while calculations for result  was 5.3% . Moreover, it will discussed the results using in the range and collect results using from other group, then compare the  obtained values. Millard, R.S. (1993).
  1. Conclusion
The experiment investigated  the possibility of assuming the loss angles abrasion from the crushability index and the results of  loss angles abrasion, density, crushability and porosity tests . These tests were analyzed using multiple regression analyses and simple. Important relations  were generally gained from both multiple regression analyses and simple. The Simple equation is practical and reliable enough for the estimation of the loss angles abrasion from crushability index. However, who wants to make more precise assumption which can alternatively using two multiple regression equations.