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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Leadership Dalem Oman Company

    1. Create insights into your leadership style by answering questions about your personal leadership inside your organization. To enable critical assessment and analysis:
  1. Identify within your organization the range of leadership mindsets. What evidence do you see in leaders to underpin your assessment?
  1. Give examples of leadership traits you may have observed in the organization that typify the selected leadership mindset?
  2. Apply the seven mindset theory to your key members of your team at your workplace.
The author is working at Daelim Petroface Company where the leadership uses different mindsets which are varying between the Grave's value system vMemes as there is a stress on the red and blue levels of thinking used by leaders who are preferring the usage of transactional leadership style. Leaders prefer the red level of thinking as they think that employees are only followers who should follow orders, rules and regulations only and be adequate and organized to rules, this makes the employees in a state of order but they don't feel at ease to innovate and create new ideas. The leadership also focuses on the purple level in order to raise the importance of the leaders themselves and raise employees' respect to them as this level regards the organization as a sacred place that needs to be respected. Many authors have discussed the leadership styles and techniques and how leaders can choose the leadership style and system in order to improve performance, for example, Rosen, (2014) discussed how leadership can lead to organizational change and he explained that the leaders are responsible for the means of applying changes and how to communicate the changes with employees in order to ensure effective change management. In Daelim, focusing on the red and blue and purple lead to lack of flexibility in applying the changes so the leadership is beginning to use the orange level to motivate employees, the green level to make them communicate and the yellow level to make them learn means for applying changes.
In Daelim, there are many examples and features for the leadership traits that relate to certain leadership Memes as leaders who are focusing on the transactional leadership style and are more attached to the purple, red and blue levels of thinking are always very strict, giving orders, following and monitoring employees and checking attendance and work flow but they are not interested in the way the work is done or in finding and encouraging new innovations and creations of employees. The work environment lacks flexibility and communication because leaders who are transactional are not communicative with employees and they don't give them time or allocate specific time for communication. According to Giiley et al, (2009) communication in the work environment is very important and leaders who are communicators are more effective in communicating changes, improving the work performance and raising revenues and profits of the business organization. They added that organizational change should be communicated with employees by flexible leaders who can choose the most effective leadership style that can better communicate such desired changes. Yet at the same time there are leaders who are trying to be charismatic and transformational and they have traits that relate to the orange level of thinking and the green and the yellow levels as well as the turquoise, those leaders have traits such as patience, communication, listening to employees, discussing problems and suggestions, flexibility, motivating employees and training them and educating them on the new innovative ideas and techniques that are able to bring the changes to the organization and present new ideas and products to the market.  
The author is working in Daelim within a team and there are members in this team, each member has a style of work and these styles can be related to the mindset theory as the leader of the team prefers the orange and yellow levels of thinking as he likes to motivate team members, encourage them to innovate and suggest new ideas and he also likes to educate them as the yellow level of thinking as he sees training and learning are very important for development and progress of performance. Other members are rather transactional than transformational as they have different views of leadership and the work flow, they think that following rules and orders of the leader is better than being inspired as they here relate to the red and blue memes as they think orders and rules are much more important when it is to work within a team as they think it is easier for them to follow rules and orders instead of having the responsibility of committing mistakes. Llopis, (2015) discussed how the mindset theory can present different views for life and human thinking development and how leaders should be motivators not only giving orders. He referred to the importance of green level and how harmony and balance are important for the team. In the author's team some employees prefer the green level as they like to ensure good work atmosphere and environment where team members can cooperate together and present their best of work. Others see that dignity and respect are very important as the blue level of thinking and this is very good when it is mixed with other levels such as the orange and the green and others.
    1. Having analyzed your own leadership and others within your organization, produce a reflection assessing your leadership capabilities and a plan for CPD development.
    1. Highlighting your areas of growth, strengths and improvements.
    1. Planning for present and future role taking into consideration everything you have read about leadership mindsets.
    1. After you have designed your CPD, answer:
    1. To what extent is your leadership style aligned and typical to that of your own organization.
    2. How likely is your leadership style to be one that will support the organization change to become a key leading 21st century business.
Omar, (2015)  discussed how leaders can use a CPD plan in order to develop its leadership style, add new skills and experiences to his and develop its business as he added that a development plan is important in bringing in better results related to the leader performance and his organization performance. A CPD plan can provide many competencies and experiences for the leader as it sheds the light on his strengths, weaknesses and areas that require improvement. King, (2004) explained that the CPD plan is important in drawing a future vision for the leader regarding his skills and talents and it is also important to find out the areas of weaknesses and provide ideas for improving them, he added that the CPD should be focusing on the learning style of the leader, experiences, skills, ambitions, career and how to develop and improve them. It should also have main goals to be achieved and career goals in order to be reached currently and in the future. The author's CPD plan can be as follows:
Goals of the plan:
  1. Finding out areas for growth, weaknesses and improvements in the author leadership.
  2. Studying new levels of education related to the business field and other areas such as human resource management, IT, computer and languages.
  3. Improving performance and efficiency.
  4. Training on different things in the organization and outside it or even by oneself.
  5. Trying to apply many different leadership style via taking many different leadership roles.
  6. Achieving personal ambitions and organizational ones in order to reach job satisfaction and success.
  7. Having better career opportunities.
  8. Being empowered and working in different teams.
  9. Presenting new innovations and suggestions related to the business field.
  10. Adding skills, learning styles and new skills.
  11. Being more communicative and communicating changes.
  12. Facing different challenges and finding new effective solutions for them.
There are some major strengths the author has such as the following ones:
  1. The ability to think in a creative way, think critically and provide innovations and new ideas that add to the work quality.
  2. Working in busy and difficult work environment and conditions.
  3. The ability to work under pressure and less time.
  4. Delivering work on time and following schedules and plans.
  5. Working with teams and under leadership.
  6. Applying and communicating changes that are able to improve performance and results.
  7. Having the abilities to analyze, compare and relate results to conclusions and discussions.
  8. Doing effective researches and discussions.
  9. Accepting different roles within the job and responsibilities.
  10. Inspiring others to provide new work ideas.
  11. Having good communicative skills, listening skills and talking and discussing skills.
  12. Dividing work and roles according to the needs of the work and the time.
  13. Managing time and plans.
  14. Training team members when learning new things.
  15. Working with people from different cultural backgrounds.
The author has to focus on the following points for growth:
  1. Time management:
The author has to find new techniques and strategies for managing time such as scheduling, planning on the short term and long term, saving time and making tasks in short time.
  1. Languages:
The author is in need for learning new languages and enhancing the current levels of the English language in order to be able to work in a cultural diversity work environment.
  1. Speaking skills:
The author has to learn effective speaking skills that can help in communicating with team members and other people in the organization in addition to clients.  
  1. Leadership styles:
The author is in need to try different leadership styles such as transactional and transformational leadership styles.
The author has to improve many areas in order to develop current and future potentials and among them are the following:
  1. Research and education:
The author has to do different types of research using many methodologies and at the same time more educational courses should be taken in many areas.
  1. Goals setting and planning:
The author has to be trained on setting different types of goals and put plans for current time and for future.
  1. Communication skills:
The author should do much effort in adding communicative skills in order to be able to communicate changes and other ideas within the work environment and team.
  1. Innovation and creativity:
Innovation and creativity are according to Horth and Buchner, (2014) very important for any leaders as they are enabling the leader inspire team members for being creative and innovate new products and ideas that can develop the business and achieve competitive advantage.
Current and Future Role taking
The author has to work according to a clear vision that is related to the role taking currently and in the future. Roles taking relates to the needs of the organization, the market and the experiences of the author. Roles can be changed according to the business needs and leadership capabilities.
The author is following a transformational and charismatic leadership style that according to McCleskey, (2014) is a motivating and innovating leadership style that is based on the charisma of the leader who is able to inspire the team members and guide them towards providing new ideas and innovations that can improve performance of the individual and the organization. He added that a transformational leader can find different motivation and compensation techniques that can help employees reach higher levels of performance and achieve competitiveness. The transformational leadership style of the leader is a flexible one that can help the organization implement changes and lead employees towards achieving the changes that can increase profitability and competitiveness.  
Khan et al, (2009) confirmed that transformational leaders are inspiring their followers to have self-confidence and self-efficacy through motivating them to work better and increase the level of success and achievement they have in addition to raise productivity by making employees feel belonging to the organization. They are also able to invest in human resources and train them to be leaders themselves. The author is trying to apply it in order to reach competitiveness and apply changes that are revolutionary and can bring the required consequences to the business organization. Jiang et al, (2017) affirmed that transformational leadership is that of the future and it is characterized with being flexible to receive amendments and updates so it is important to be implemented in the organizations that seek success and high effective change management and communication.

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