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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Cultural encounters in literary works referring to William Trevor's "The Distant Past"



Cultural encounters refer to the ways in which people and cultures interact and how cultures can be transformed by these ways. Different cultures may overlap and lead to conflicts. Cultural encounters are mainly interactions that occur between two groups or two peoples who use different social systems and this may cause sensitivity in issues related to religion, gender, race and social classes or any other relevant issues. The current paper is discussing ho cultural encounters are dealt with in literary works referring to William Trevor's "The Distant Past" and how the differences between different groups of people based on cultural differences can lead to different conflicts. (Schirmer, 2014)


Cultural encounter explains to people how past and modern different life styles can represent social customs as in "The Distant Past" William Trevor sheds light on cultural encounter between two categories of people who are the Catholics and the Protestants, the rural and the urban and the new generations and past generations. These differences based on cultural encounter cause much conflict in the story. "The Distant Past" discusses the Middleton's life and how the sister and the brother who come from an old family of the Protestant Irish group can live in the Catholic Area of Ireland. The story presents cultural encounter as how Catholic and Protestant can face each other as people living in one area where one culture dominates and how this can lead to cruelty and passive feelings and attitudes towards each other. The story also explains how people can cope with new ideas in a new society with different culture as the family kept their religion in spite of the cruel feelings. The story shows how this can affect the human from different areas such as external and internal ones referring to the society and nature as the experience of the Middletons related to their values of issues such as the past and the religion and that most conflicts ere external and some were internal referring to people's feelings and attitudes towards others. The story shows how the conflicts can fade as the Middletons were able to cope with local people as when violence grown is Northern Island, the Middletons face conflicts of ostracism from people who were formerly treating them as friends which tells how far the past affects the present. (Allen, 1993)

The author of the story is aware of the cultural encounter theme which can be clear in his way in presenting his characters as the names of the protagonists can explain that the characters are trying to avoid stressing their religion origin, this can be in this example:

"The Middletons of Carraveagh the family had once been known as, but now the brother and sister were just the Middletons.'' Page 4.

The author origins is Ireland which shows that he understands the issue well and discusses based on reality, he explains how society is having many barriers that stand against communication between peoples from two different cultures as the protagonists come Britain and are trying to work hard to live in Ireland. The author explains that the sibling found that their inheritance had reduced than the limit they had expected and their blame was on the woman and the new Irish government too. They were able to socialize with local people, sell their eggs and have good relationships with those folks but at the same time they couldn't have a good future in this place and when they grow up, they remained loyal to Britain and old hostilities with the local people declined in spite of all the difficulties they suffer, this shows that the author is well aware of the culture encounters in his own country. (Cengage Learning, 2020)

The main characters in the story who are the Middletons are aware of the cultural encounter and this is clear in the way they deal with people in the new society as they were in need to be marked by their cultural habits and features so they engaged in the society and people in the market and they tried to make friends and they were aware that this is very difficult but they needed to have respect in the society which they maintained. The characters had loyalty to the past as they lived in Carraveagh long time and their loyalty to the past is embodied in their arrogance towards the history and that they think the new regime will end but they were proved wrong by time. The father's mortgaged their house as he had a relation with the Catholic Dublin woman and spent the money on her and this made them blame her for the decline they had in life and here appears their feelings towards such culture and how it had passive effects on them. (Mortimer, 1984)

The Friday's visit to town highlights the theme of cultural encounter in “The Distant Past" These visits were for purchasing goods or for praying and they represent the town's changes in many areas such as the hotel, tourism and the grocery store and they also reflect the changes of people such as the desire of retirement the butcher has as he gets old and this also appears in the death of the dog of the Middleton after it grew old too as this death represents how friendship change throughout time and they were considered absurd, this can be clear in some points from the past such as the town youngsters and the new Bradshaw they considered silly, they also showed the differences between the old and modern generations and that the behaviors acceptance differs from time to time and this is apparent in the attitude of the Middleton in removing the symbols that refer to their expectations and temperament. (Cengage Learning, 2020)

The story contrasts tend to show cultural encounter such as focusing on differences between the past and present that show how new cultures emerged and that there are only certain times when cultural issues can be revived and that people change from having hostility against each other to be friends as time can change these feelings and attitudes which reflects the human nature and how it helps in making cultural encounter changes and make things change. Contrast is also apparent in the feelings the protagonist have towards others and themselves and the degree of tolerance they have, for example, this can be clear when Mr. Healy spoke about blowing up of the sub-post offices event and the reply of the Middleton was that they didn't want anything to be done with this event. (Allen, 1993)


In conclusion, it is important to refer to the importance of realizing the cultural encounters that cause differences in people's feelings and how they can change throughout time, the story of William Trevor "Distant of the Past" shows how cultural encounter can be apparent in the way people live and think of others' religion and characteristics based on social life and other measurements and that time can also be a factor of change of such cultural encounter.    





1.      Allen, B. (1993). 'Review: William Trevor and Other People's Worlds.'

2.      Cengage Learning. (2020). 'A Study Guide for William Trevor's "The Distant Past". Gale.

3.      Mortimer, M. (1984). 'The Short Stories of William Trevor.'

4.      Schirmer, G. (2014). 'William Trevor (Routledge Revivals): A Study of His Fiction.' Routledge.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Convergence Culture” of Henery Jenkins



In his book “Convergence Culture”, Henery Jenkins addresses the life story as a form of narrative which he defines as many linguistic media oral, written image based or other different non verbal symbols. He mentioned that life stories and research on them occur across disciplines, it examines how these life stories creativity operate within the complex relationships that lie between these stories, lives and truths passing through different media and genres. In this paper, there will be a discussion of the grounds of Jenkins’s optimism supplied by a support to his views with the reasons behind it that are supplemented with examples from real life from the current digital age we live in. (Smith, 2019)

Creativity of Life Stories

Creativity has its critical impact in the lives of older people providing them with stimulation and giving sense of self worth. Through creativity, they can explore new endeavors, develop their sense of identity and help them better cope with the process of aging. Every one of them can tell his or her story of life and how creativity affected their life to learn new values and get involved to better life patterns and end up with having determined life stories. Older people may lose opportunities for growth, however, creativity and creative patterns of life can teach them much about themselves. Creative flow can produce better opportunities and enhanced expertise with greater psychological growth and transformation. Through it, the individual is capable of deepening his understanding of self and cultivates purposeful involvements. (Banks, 2019)

Life Stories and How They are Creative

According to Jenkins, the lived material of life gets shaped as narrative in life stories. In the sector of narrative psychology, we cannot find an individual’s life story on any kind of internet biography, giving the facts and events of life, rather, it is the way an individual integrates those facts and events internally and weave them back together to make a certain meaning. This narrative shall shape his identity in which everything he or she picks to include in the life story can reflect and shape who he or she is altogether. A life story does not only tell us what happened in someone’s everyday life, it, on the contrary, tells us why the events in this life were important, what they meant for that individual and who exactly he or she is. When we tell other people about ourselves, they tell our story in a narrative manner, this is how people communicate. But we think about our lives to ourselves in a narrative manner as well, we set a plot that leads us from one point to another. An old adage implies that everyone has a book inside his mind. Some people tend to write down in their diaries what occurs to them every day; nevertheless, researchers believe there is a large percent of people in the world who see their life as a story, and this is a common thing. These stories are not necessarily quite simple like fairy tales, the can have its own complications with lots of events going on in the environment surrounding people. (Beck, 2019)

According to researchers, narrative identity is constructed through the life development in adolescence and young adulthood. There is a relationship between the autobiographical reasoning and the psychological functioning of young adulthood. Young adults can construct life story narratives coded for the presence and valence of autobiographic reasoning, which is measured by the connections that lie between the events of life that are described in everyone’s self in negative, positive, neutral and mixed manner.( Fox, 1983)

Two Kinds of Stories to Tell About Ourselves

We all create our histories marked with highs and lows, and we share it to the world so we can shape our lives more meaningfully and purposely. Unlike any story we might have heard, our life does not follow a predefined path. Our experiences and identities are shifting constantly telling how we make sense of it. By taking these pieces of our lives and putting them together into a narrative we can create a unified whole which let us understand our lives coherently as a source of meaning. Researchers describe narrative identity as an internalized story we create about ourselves, as our own personal tailored myth. It contains heroes and villains like any myth who keep helping us or holding us back. Our life story is not an exhaustive history of everything that has happened, but we make the narrative choices ourselves. It focuses on the most extraordinary events, good and bad ones, because these experiences are what we need to make sense of and shape us therefore. (Medium, 2019)

How Media Affects Our Life Stories Path

Sometimes, it is hard to believe that it was only over a decade ago that our life was different from how we live now. Social media sites were available long before that but most people did not have access to them before that time. It is not just social media it is all kind of media that we encounter today and deal with, all of these media types have shaped our personality as we shaped it, we are the creator of it and they impacted our life and change how the story telling will be. On the one hand, businesses everywhere can now send their message to wider audience inside their countries and outside it. For small businesses they became capable of creating their own path in the marketplace which affected the life of people working in these companies and how they respond to different things around them. On the other hand, on social life, media has broken down the barriers when it comes to communication and provided different choices for contacting each other. Social media, for instance, made it easier to express ourselves and provided numerous ways for that not only with people we know but to the whole eternal world as well. It affected our character as it made it possible to track people down. To find older friends who we no longer meet which can open chances and opportunities in front of us in different ways. (Singer, 2013)

Amira and Media

This is time to tell an example of how media affected us so we became part of it, this is Amira, a middle aged woman who used to deal with direct contacts only at work or in social life. Few years ago, Amira had no idea about media and different tools it provide to us, then she met one of her old school friends who asked her to add her on her facebook account. Amira did not know anything about facebook until this time, she asked her friend to clarify what exactly she meant by adding on facebook. Her friend gave her a quick explanation and created an account for her. Now, Amira has a store on facebook where she sells cloths online. But if media has helped Amira financially, how can it change her life story? The answer lies here, Amira used to be a shy person, her life story was limited to those who are close to her, her family and friends, now she owns her business and she became open to different social opportunities, not just business opportunities, her character is changed, she became more social, she can talk with everyone fluently, with no shy, now she has more details to add to her life story compared to before she used the media.


According to Henery Jenkins, life story is a complex narrative and everyday truth, he says that as everyone was learning how to become a more active participant in the media environment, as more and more people were producing and circulating media themselves, they became part of a larger media landscape. We agree with him and we provided the support in this paper. We begin by focusing on life stories and creativity, it has its critical impact in the lives of older people providing them with stimulation and giving sense of self worth. Through creativity, they can explore new endeavors, develop their sense of identity and help them better cope with the process of aging. In the sector of narrative psychology, we cannot find an individual’s life story on any kind of internet biography, giving the facts and events of life, rather, it is the way an individual integrates those facts and events internally and weave them back together to make a certain meaning. According to researchers, narrative identity is constructed through the life development in adolescence and young adulthood. There is a relationship between the autobiographical reasoning and the psychological functioning of young adulthood. Then we discussed how media affects our life stories path either socially or in the field of business, how it shaped our personality. On the one hand, businesses everywhere can now send their message to wider audience inside their countries and outside it. On the other hand, on social life, media has broken down the barriers when it comes to communication and provided different choices for contacting each other. We provided an example of Amira who participated in the change of media and the media changed her life story as well eventually. (Smith, 2019)




2.     Beck, J. (2019). The Story of Your Life. [online] The Atlantic. Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2019].

3.     Fox, R. (1983). The past is always present: Creative methods for capturing the life story. Clinical Social Work Journal, 11(4), pp.368-378.

4.     Medium. (2019). Ways social media has changed our society. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2019].

5.     Singer, J., Blagov, P., Berry, M. and Oost, K. (2013). Self-Defining Memories, Scripts, and the Life Story: Narrative Identity in Personality and Psychotherapy. Journal of Personality, 81(6), pp.569-582.

6.     Smith, E. (2019). The two kinds of stories we tell about ourselves. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2019].

The Victorian realist tradition as this can be clear in Wuthering Heights by Emile Bronte, Conan Doyle's The sign of Four and The Beach of Falesa of Stevenson.



The nineteenth century literary works presented an image of the Victorian realist tradition as this can be clear in Wuthering Heights by Emile Bronte, Conan Doyle's The sign of Four and The Beach of Falesa of Stevenson. The three works depict brutal truths about reality of domestic life and social exclusion as well as dispossession as realist elements that reflect real issues. This is going to be discussed in the current paper referring to examples from the three texts. 


Wuthering Heights can represent the convention of Victorian realism such as brutal truth of social life. Realistic elements were represented in the characters of the middle and lower classes such as the peasants and Earnshows and this can also be clear in the domestic subjects the novel presented as people relationships, conflicts and the socio economic factors that moved events from the childhood of the characters to the end of their lives, Heathcliff and Catherine were faced by these facts which prevented them from their love and from living with each other as social factors surrounded her life as a woman from a high class stopped her from her love and natural life she lived with Heathcliff and this led him to suffer his real nature as a brutal man who came from lower social class and this also turned him to take revenge from those who prevented him from his beloved. Realistic elements in Wuthering Heights were also represented in the family history chronology and the cultural geography that realistically particularized elements as place, time and culture against gothic fiction and fantasy in the novel. (Bronte, 2016)

Realistic elements can also be regarded in the novel's plot as although there is irrational access in forming the characters and the super-natural element role, the plot presents conflicts that are based on the cause and effect in some kind of a chain that form characters' decisions and choice in life as Catherine is seen turning from living as a natural girl who does all she loves with her friend Heathcliff to be a lady who follows rules of the high class society at that time, speaking a s a lady and dressing as a lady in spite of the fact that she loved to live naturally and this results in the realistic consequences that Heathcliff too turned his life from what he really loved to what could bring him in the high class society owning Wuthering heights and taking revenge from all who caused him suffer. (Islam, 2018) This can be seen in Nelly's words about how Catherine turned to be a lady to match realism of her social class:

"Catherine kept up her acquaintance with Lintons . . . she imposed unwittingly on the old lady and gentlemen."  (Ch VIII. Page, 3.)

The Sign of the Four by Arthur Conan Doyle also represented some realistic ideas that were related to the Victorian age as the author tends to present Sherlock Holmes as a foil for that time shortage of the police forces that was a truth as this can be clear in the words of Mary Mortson when she told Holmes how the police wasn't able to find her father when he disappeared and this is also clear in the note of Thaddeus Sholto when he asked Mary not to bring the police and he states later that:

"There is nothing more unaesthetic than a policeman. I have a natural shrinking from all forms of rough materialism"(52).

This shows how the police is regarded as brutal and not helpful and provincial. Holmes also discerned that killers could escape by ways of the Thames and mistakes of the police as they mistake the culprit of Thaddeus Sholto. (Cooke, 2010)

Imperialism is also represented by Doyle in the Sign of the Four as a symbol for reality at that time. This can be apparent in the plot of the story as the story revolves the treasure of Agra and associates the East with the riches as the treasure in the story relates to Indian rajah and the plot suggests it relates to the British Empire as even Holmes didn't think of returning it to the original owner which reflects brutal truth of imperialism in Britain at that time. The story here represents reality of the British Empire which exploited the treasures and resources of India as its colony with no regard or consideration to the original people. (Oliver, 2016)

Stevenson’s ‘The Beach of Falesá' represents realism through the sea story that presents real South Sea character and real life details through romance and human life. Stevenson in that long story tried to follow realism as he portrayed the manners of people of many different social classes in the island society as it is considered a novel of manners, the author also tended to choose names as those in reality, names for people and names for ships although the island itself is a fictional one. The author tried to use all the real things and real experiences he had in sea in the story and thus he addresses British colonialism through making a confront between miscegenation and the taboos and referring to domestic elements such as gender and race picturing human nature through the natives having gullibility and superstition, presenting the traders with treachery and crudeness and the missionaries who are characterized with misguided zeal. Realism in the story also appears in Wiltshire characterization as he is rough and uneducated but at the same time has rudimentary decency and courage. Realism in the story is also presented in shedding the light of the Europeans' hypocrisy that is opposed by the islanders' honesty and simplicity which can make a conflict. (Buckton, 2007) The story also presents how the island bears many different people without problems as this is common:

"By this time we had come in view of the house of these three white men; for a negro is counted a white man, and so is a Chinese! a strange idea, but common in the islands." Page 4.


In conclusion, realism was used in literary works of the nineteenth century as many authors at that time presented their works based on real facts and truths of life at that age. This is clear in Wthering Heights as Bronte presented her characters and thir attitudes based on facts and brutal nature of human beings, this was also clear in Doyle's The Sign of the Four and Stevenson's The Beach of Falesá as authors referred to colonialism and other issues that were so attached to real life in their nature and experiences.










1.      Bronte, Emily. (2016). 'Wuthering Heights (Fourth International Student Edition) (Norton Critical Editions).' W.W. Norton and Company.

2.      Buckton, O. (2007). 'Cruising with Robert Louis Stevenson: Travel, Narrative, and the Colonial Body.' Ohio University Press.

3.      Cooke, M. (2010). 'Fear of and Fascination with the Foreign in Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes Adventures.'

4.      Islam, D. (2018). 'Character Analysis of "Wuthering Heights".'

5.        Oliver, K. (2016). 'The Sign of the Four, EMC Resource Pack.'

The Tale of Peter Rabbit as being suitable for today Children Literature



The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a clear example of a pictured children book that represents a moral message in a form of words and pictures through the characters of Peter rabbit and his family members to show childhood in the Victorian society that can be suitable for today's world too. 

The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a popular novel that is relevant to today's readers as it is a story of family and the Peter rabbit is not different from any child of today's world who wishes to discover forbidden things, he has feelings of fear and needs the caring of his mother. It bears lessons mothers of today can learn such as how parents can engage and understand their children and their needs and ways of handling their desires and wishes in order to control them and guide them to the right behaviors.


The story of Peter, his sisters, animals he met during his adventure and his mother sheds the light on the childhood life through animal characterization as Potter presents readers who are mainly five years children with the main character that is Peter the rabbit, a rebellion who likes adventures in spite of the mother's warnings, the author tries to make Peter near humans making the rabbit wearing shoes, blue jacket and walking straight up on the hind legs. This makes the characterization of the animals clear in eyes of children who read. Childhood is presented by the author through many ways such as mother's warning to the rabbits: "You may go into the fields or down the lane, but don't go into Mr. McGregor's garden, your father had an accident there." Mothers usually warn children who should obey but the nature of male child that he seeks adventure that's why Peter visited the garden of McGregor, his behaviors there show how far childhood is characterized, he ate too much till he became sick, ran from the man, jumped into a can and did many risky but interesting things all children will wish to do. The Victorians considered childhood a separated stage of life from that of adults but the child should also obeys orders and guides or many troubles will be faced by them away from parents. (Ryan et al, 2007)

Adventure in the book was supported by pictures that open the imagination of the reader and add much colorful imaging to the adventures of Peter, the author has also portrayed different incidents in the book to make suspense and attraction to the story that the reader wants to learn more about what is going to happen and how the rabbit will act and what harm may occur to him at the end. The language used was suitable to reflect the different adventures Peter went into such as: "Peter ran straight away to Mr. McGregor's garden", "whom should he meet but Mr. McGregor!", Peter was most dreadfully frightened.", he had forgotten the way back to the gate.", shed big tears." and wriggled out just in time. He here tries to raise the attention of the readers and gets them into the adventures. The gender role in the story is clear as Peter clothes were different from clothes of the sisters colored reddish while Peter's clothes were blue, sisters were obedient while Peter was not and this makes it clear that the author wants to focus on the difference in gender and their relation to the adventures each sex has or should have. (Guijarro, 2010)

Although the Victorian considered the childhood a separated phase of life that a child should encounter certain morals and lessons to learn, this doesn't contradict with today's morals as parents of today always fear that their children may lose childhood and its morals which makes them interested in a story such as The Tale of Peter Rabbit and the lessons and morals it includes. Children of today yet has much knowledge and openness to the world than the Victorian child had which makes parents seek old texts such as the current one so that they may find imaginary world children can learn lessons from. The character of Peter is presented by a large amount of courage, risky attitude and love for adventure which makes it suitable to the children of today and makes them love to have adventures such as those ones who had especially that he wasn't defeated at last by the outer world he entered in spite of warnings. The end also can be satisfying for children of today as the mother's punishment wasn't hard and Peter only lost a nice dinner meal his sister enjoyed: "I'm sorry to say that Peter wasn't very well during the evening.", "But Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-tail had bread, milk and blackberries for supper.".  (Chozick, 2012)

The book can be used as a teaching material for children under the age of six because it is well illustrated with pictures drawn in a high artistic way and its language simple and thorough at the same time. The story itself can be a good source material for classroom activities such as role play and acting scenes due to the richness of events and the number of many characters the story has such as the character of Mr. McGregor, the mouse, the sparrows, sisters and the mother and Peter the rabbit. The author tried to send some messages to both children and parents who are both supposed to be readers for the book. Among those messages are the difference of freedom given to children based on their sex as male are really different from females in nature although the life of today reduced the differences between make and females even children but parents should take care of this issue and give it much care. Another lesson is that children can take risks and do adventures but they have to learn that passive results and outcomes may occur as although Peter wasn't caught by Mr. McGregor, his father was caught once and made a pie for the family of McGregor. Lessons can also include cooperation and helping others represented in the acts of the mouse and the sparrow. An important feature the author yet didn't focus on and parents should is stealing because Peter shouldn't have stolen vegetables from Mr. McGregor's garden. (Winckelmann, 2012 )


In conclusion, it is important to refer that The Tale of Peter Rabbit can be a story for all ages because the author has presented a character that is rebellion enough to suit all ages and the story is illustrated with pictures which makes it a teaching book that is interesting for all children. Childhood and adventure are presented in the story to give certain lessons related to difference between males and females and having adventures and what results in this according to what occurred to Peter.


1.      Chozick, A. (2012). ' Bet Your Camomile Tea, Peter, You’re a TV Star Now.'

2.      Guijarro, A. (2010). 'A Multimodal Analysis of The Tale of Peter Rabbit within the Interpersonal Metafunction.'

3.      Ryan, M. Hannah, N. Lobb, J. (2007). ' The Tale of Peter Rabbit: A Case Study in Story-Sense Reasoning.'

4.      Winckelmann, A. (2012). ' Stealing as a moral feature in animal stories: A comparative analysis of "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" and "The Wind in the Willows" GREN Verlag.




Monday, September 28, 2020

Managing Change in Healthcare


  1. Introduction

The article is discussing managing change in healthcare and how change management is related to handling its complexity. The article focuses on the strategies and tactics relevant to managing change as effective change means to unfreeze the old behaviors and applying new ones. Change is connected with competitive advantage so it is important to face the challenges that may work against it. It is important to set a clear vision about the needed change in order to reach successful change. Leaders should help all stakeholders apply change effectively and leaders have to share a vision for change, face the challenges to it and measure the change results to state how far it is successful. The current paper is relating the article to theories of change management, it also critically evaluates the point of view of the author with its strengths and weaknesses and discussing its positive and negative points and it also prevents the current paper's writer's point of view based on self-evaluation and relevant theories.

  1. Content and Analysis

Kurt Lewin's change model is used to state how change can be applied in the business organization, change is applied through individuals in the organization and it requires to pass to change, the model has three phases which are the unfreezing phase that means to prepare for the change, the change phase that includes involving individuals into change and communicating it and the freeze phase where change should be applied and asserted. (Ali et al, 2017) The ADKAR model for change management depends on five main change concepts which are the Awareness concept and it refers to making people aware of change, the Desire concept that refers to raising people's desire towards applying change, Knowledge concept that focuses on learning techniques that are used to apply change, Action concept that includes involving the activities of change within action and applying them and Reinforcement that includes adding more actions to reinforce change. (Mary and Dijesh, 2017). Other theories of change is Kotter's eight step model of change as it includes eight steps of applying change which are creating sense of urgency, building a guiding coalition, forming strategic visions and initiatives, enlisting volunteer army, enabling actions by removing barriers, generating short term wins, sustaining acceleration and instituting change. (Appelbaum et al, 2011)

The author's opinion has strengths such as the author's opinion that change is a complex process that needs deep handling such as evaluation, planning and implementing different actions as change according to Penbek et al, (2012) is a very important action that requires many steps and phases to go through. The author also sees that promoting change is a difficult process that needs the manager to face different challenges and fight them by many strategies, this was assured by Nickols, (2016) who confirmed that there are many barriers to change management and those barriers are challenges that need planning and tactics to fight them. There are also weaknesses in the author's point of view such as when he mentioned that the ability to change is the only sustainable competitive advantage today as according to Johnson et al, (2016) there are many competitive advantage that can be sustainable such as innovation and creativity and others in addition to change of course so the author has to mention or refer to other factors. Another weakness is that the author only referred to Lewin's model of change management by referring to change management as unfreezing old behaviors without reference to Lewin's model, the author also had to mention other models to discuss change management.

Regarding my own point of view regarding change, change can be a process of moving from the application of certain culture with all its elements such as values, vision, goals, plans and needs to another completely different culture that involves completely different elements such as values, vision, goals, plans and needs and this requires deep and clear awareness for what, why and how changes are going to be applied and then the main lines should be set for all stakeholders who should express their opinions about the change in order to have full awareness of its benefits for them and for the organization in order to be convinced with changes and then the next step should be applying change that should be aligned with training and adding more information about change and its elements, the last stage should be focusing on sustainability in order not to waste the change culture that was gained and communicated.

  1. Conclusion

In conclusion, it is important to refer to the need to apply change in the business organization in order to develop it and reach competitiveness. Change management is very important and there are many models for applying it such as Kotter's model, Lewin's model and ADKAR's. The current article has strengths and weaknesses related to the author's opinion in change management. Change can be applied when the organization realizes how the models are understood and applied according to the organization's needs.











  1. Alabri, R. (2007). 'Managing Change in Healthcare.'
  2. Ali, M. Hussain, S. Haider, M. Akram, T. Lei, S. (2017). ' Kurt Lewin’s change model: A critical review of the role of leadership and employee involvement in organizational change.'
  3. Appelbaum, S. Habashy, S. Malo, J. Shafiq, H. (2011). ' Back to the future: revisiting Kotter's 1996 change model.'
  4. Johnson, M. Murphy, T. Monahan, K. (2016). 'Humanizing Change.'
  5. Mary, R. Dijish, J. (2017). ' Analysis of change models and evolving business strategies for proposed change in dynamic environment.' International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
  6. Nickols, F. (2016). 'Four Strategies to Managing Change.'
  7. Penbek, S. Zaptcioglu, D. Gunerergin, M. (2011). ' The need of effective strategic management during a planned change: An example of bologna change process from a Turkish university.'











Writing and Correcting a Composition about the Internet


Writing a composition for a student as an assignment requires the deep understanding of writing regulations and taking care of punctuation and grammar. It is essential, as well, to realize the importance of coherence and cohesion of clauses and statements by the writer in order to produce understandable texts containing relevant ideas and academic meaning. In this paper, there will be a discussion of the writing issue of a student supplied with an analysis to it.

Original text with mistakes

The internet became the most important thing in our world.  No one can do work without internet. There are many programs work by internet. Internet has many benefits of users.


 Using internet is losing time. We use internet in many ways. We can chat with people who are online .  And we use it because we don't know how we use our time. Internet is useful for us 

Nowdays Internet was part of learning in our schools, universities  and collages . We are searching for information in the internet.  If we have any question defficult we seach of about it. Internet had a classes online of some universitis. So its become a good envention and better than going to classes. 

Internet has many social Program like; Instgram, twiter, whatsapp and facebook. Thes programs make us more social with others and make relation ships . And that Programs tell us what s on  , what's new and what's happen in the world. In the internet we can shippengging online so we not need to go to the malls.


Using internet can effect in eyes, get headache and feeling sick.


Internet became the first Program to searching and learning online. People who use the internet is more socialiced. We should using internet in Few hours not all of aday to keep eyyes. And we should search useful information.     


The text has six main paragraphs. The first paragraph is an introduction that contains four main clauses. The start of the clauses lack thematic progression which makes the macro them weak, the author repeated the word internet without "the" which makes the hyper theme. According to Ghadessy, (1995) the macro them should have clauses that are embraced together to present one main strong clear idea the reader can understand. The second paragraph includes three main clauses that can represent the topic sentences of the essay presenting the hyper theme as weak as the micro theme because the first sentence includes many great mistakes making the reader puzzled as meanings are not in relation to each other making the ideas skimmed with low relevance. Using clausal nominalization is not proper as the author divided the last clause into two parts using the conjunction: "and" wrongly, punctuation is misused too in this clause and the sentences need to be more concise. The third paragraph has four main clauses that lacks effective nominalization, the cohesion of the sentences is poor as cohesive devices are not used effectively, for example, the writer uses "Nowadays" then following it with the past use of verb to be: "was" that should be "is" representing the present time. Coherence has no relationship with cohesion in the text as it has weak textual coherence; the writer gives meaningless sentences that are not correlated to form strong clauses, examples are in the use of the conjunction "If" as there is no modal verb in the second part of the sentence in addition to lacking the right punctuation marks for such a clause. The use of adjectives is poor too, for example: "question difficult" that should be" difficult question" which makes the sentence meaningless. The fourth paragraph includes many grammatical mistakes such as using: "program" instead of the plural form of the noun: programs". The use of punctuation marks is wrong as the writer leaves a space before the full stop in the last of the sentences, writes capital letters without need for them such as in ships . and And. Grammatical and spelling mistakes reduce coherence of the sentences and making them meaningless, for example: what s on, shippengging online and not need. The fifth paragraph is one only clause that should reflect the disadvantages of the internet but it presented them in poor words with mistakes such as using the word "internet" without "the" and using the noun: "effect" instead of the right use of the verb: "affect" without the preposition: "in". The last paragraph that should be the conclusion lacked the main cohesive device which is the concluding sentence: "In conclusion", this makes the meaning poor and can't attract the reader's attention that this is the concluding paragraph. Text connectors are not enough to tell the reader that this is the conclusion, giving advice needs to be asserted by more contracted nouns or adjectives that can give meaningful clauses in the final paragraph. (Dueraman, 2007)   

Number of words=497      

Rewritten text

The text will include only an introduction, three main paragraphs and a conclusion as follows:

The internet became the most important thing in the world as no one can work without it. There are many programs that work through the internet and there are many benefits users of the internet can get.

Using the internet can be timewasting as people use it in many ways such as chatting with people who are online without watching how much time they use it. Yet, the internet is useful in many ways. Nowadays, the internet is a part of learning in schools, universities and colleges. We look for information on the internet, search for difficult questions and there are classes for some universities on the internet which makes it a good invention that is better than going to classes. 

The internet has many social programs such as Instgram, twitter, whatsap and facebook; these programs make us more social with others and able to make relationships. These programs can tell us current news, new things and events happening in the world. On the internet, we can go shopping online so we don't need going to the malls anymore.


There are disadvantages for the internet as there are benefits too. Using the internet can passively affect eyes, cause headache and make people feel sick of using it for many hours.

In conclusion, the internet became the first program for searching and learning online. People who use the internet are more socialized. We should reduce hours of using the internet daily in order to keep eyes and we should use the internet for looking for useful information and learning.

Table of analysis


Type of participant

Type of circumstance

Type of process

Circumstance's role


Noun Groups

Using internet is losing time.











Nowdays Internet was part of learning in our schools, universities  and collages












Internet had a classes online of some universitis. So its become a good envention and better than going to classes.
















In the internet we can shippengging online so we not need to go to the malls.










Using internet can effect in eyes, get headache and feeling sick.













We should using internet in Few hours not all of aday to keep eyyes. And we should search useful information.   














Evaluation of rewriting

The essay was reconstructed and refined to perform the required modification that is capable of making it more plausible and meaningful to the readers. In the first paragraph, the conjunction: "as" was added before the sentence “no one can work without it” to make one string clause. The conjunction: "and" was used to join the two other sentences to make one correlated clause that has much coherence and can convey the meanings effectively. According to Choo, (2009) conjunctions are important for making strong clauses that are coherent as conjunctions are cohesive devices that can be used to make clauses effective. Paragraphs 2 and 3 were mixed together to make one strong paragraph that can convey meanings as the wrong sentence: "Internet is lossing time" was replaced with: "Using the internet can be timewasting." And the cohesive device "as" was used to join the two sentences together. Punctuation marks were corrected such as capital and small letters and the whole second clause was rewritten to be: "Nowadays, the internet is a part of learning in schools, universities and colleges." Spelling mistakes such as "collages", "enventions" and "universties" were corrected. The" If" clause was replaced with mixing it with the previous sentence to make stronger clause joined by "and" and "which" to make it a relative clause that can take the attention of the reader. Commas were added correctly to help the nominalization of the sentences become clearer and stronger. The writer used prepositions wrongly which was corrected, for example, using the preposition "on" with the internet instead of using the preposition: "in". Grammar mistakes such as "had" were omitted and expressions such as "there are" were used to present nominalization and declaring the hyper and macro theme. The third paragraph was rewritten to correct mistakes such as spelling mistakes: relation ships" to be: "relationships'", shppinging" to be" shopping" and grammar mistakes such as: "not need" were corrected to be: "don't need". According to Poudel, (2018) spelling and grammar mistakes reduces the cohesion of the text making it meaningless and poor as grammatical cohesion is very necessary to present a good text. The fourth paragraph was formed by adding another clause to the only clause it had which is:" There are disadvantages for the internet as there are benefits too." The clause that was already existing was rewritten and some words were added to it such as: "of using it for many hours." for making it meaningful. The last paragraph which is the conclusion was reformed and a cohesive device which is the concluding words: "In conclusion" was added at its beginning to take the attention of the reader that the essay is at its end. Prepositions were corrected as using: "for" instead of "to" with the verb searching. Sentences of advice were kept as they were with adding different words such as: "daily" instead of: "not all of a day." The conjunction: "and" was used to connect the sentences and make one strong clause in the end.       


Number of words =496


 Finally, the writing of an essay needs more understanding of some rules from the writer part so he or she can make the text sound more meaningful and plausible to the reader who should feel excited when reading it and have the desire to complete it to the end. These rules are related to cohesion, coherence and cohesive devices from the one hand, and to grammar, spelling and punctuation from the other hand, so that the text can be more clear and strong.


1.      Goonaratna, C. (2014). Writing well (6) Wordiness, alias verbosity. Ceylon Medical Journal, 47(1), p.1.

2.      Laine, M. (2000). Semantic errors in a deep dyslexic. Neurocase, 6(2), pp.159a-159.

3.      Swift, M. (1981). Writing a Conclusion. ABCA Bulletin, 44(4), pp.19-21.

4.      E304B Book 3 (Managing communication flow: Textual meaning-making)