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Wednesday, June 11, 2014


What is Preeclampsia?

Women in pregnancy are liable to be affected with many health diseases and there are conditions when complications occur and affect pregnant women. Preeclampsia is a very severe problem that affects pregnant women as it is a complication that happens to many pregnant women around the world. Many scientists and researcher have worked hard to know about its diagnosis, symptoms and treatment and they tried hard to reach a definition for it, it could be defined as a condition that affects women after their pregnancy with twenty weeks or six weeks after giving birth to the child and it is characterized by finding a hypertension and proteinuria. It does not have a clear known defined cause yet. It is also accompanied by high blood pressure and could lead to the death of the mother and the fetus.    
Diagnosis of Preeclampsia
When a case of hypertensive occurs to the pregnant mother associated with proteinuria and sometimes edema accompanies them then preeclampsia is medically diagnosed. Before pregnancy it is not a necessary to find high blood pressure in a woman who is affected with preeclampsia but during pregnancy a woman with preeclampsia usually has high blood pressure measures. When a urine sample of a pregnant woman which is a twenty four hour one, shows having protein milligrams that are about 300 or more so preeclampsia is diagnosed and if the amount of protein in the uria exceeds 5000 mg the case is considered severe and it is also severe when the blood pressure is more than 160/110mmHg. Eclampsia is one of the disease's complications if left without treatment.
Symptoms of Preeclampsia:
There are many probable symptoms for preeclampsia such as high blood pressure and proteinuria in some cases and in other cases the disease is not discovered till late stages of pregnancy which requires pregnant women to be cautious and monitor themselves well with following with a good care provider. Another sign of having preeclampsia is having severe edema on hands or face and also gaining weight rapidly can be a sign of having preeclampsia. Vomiting and nausea can also be monitored as signs of preeclampsia as well as some vision changes and some pains in different places of the body such as back pain or shoulders pain or headaches.  
Risk Factors for Development of Preeclampsia:
There are a big number of risk factors associating preeclampsia such as some risk factors which could be controlled as activity level, patient weight and diet but there are other risk factors which seem to be difficult to be controlled as renal disease,  insulin resistance, diabetes,  heart disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, vascular disease, previous preeclamptic pregnancies, autoimmune diseases and multiple pregnancies.  

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

How to Manage Your Business Human Resources

What is meant by human resources?
One important asset of any company or business is its human resources which is a term used to refer to the company's employees of all areas and from all levels, it means those people who work in a company and must be a strong resource for its profits, earnings, competitive advantage, high ranked levels of success and good reputation.
How to invest in human resources?
Investing in human resources is a very essential matter for any business that seeks success and have its own inspirations for coping with the biggest companies in the market, this means to look forward to having extra gained points and extra profits by working on promoting the human resources of the company and making them feel job satisfied, investing in human resources involving providing the company's employees with the salaries they deserve, motivation tools, job upgrading opportunities, training programs, any information required for improving their job performance and all comfortable luxuries such as food, drinks, suitable places to work in, breaks, plane tickets, vacancies, weekends, promotions and awards when doing special jobs in addition to providing them with chances to discuss their opinions regarding the work, listen to their suggestions, respect them and encouraging them to be creative by making work competitions. This leads the employees feel belonging to the company which reduces human resources turnovers and make the human resources a main part of the business as they get some of the extra profits they bring to the business. By doing this, the business is spending extra expenses on its human resources but at the same time the profits are rapidly increasing and the business could reach the required competitive advantage among other companies in the market.
Functions of the Human Resources Department

Any successful company has a special department for its human resources as there are many different functions performed by the human resources department of any business such as manpower planning, job analysis, job description, determining salaries, doing the recruitment and selecting tasks, doing the processes of performance appraisal, providing the company with training programs, motivating the employees, addressing employees' grievances, implementing new and most relevant organizational policies, managing the requests of employees, providing opinion reports and questionnaires for the employees to learn about their job satisfaction levels and their inspirations, monitoring and guiding employees to encourage them to do better in work, writing reports about the employees' performance and doing the dismissing tasks when necessary. 

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a term used by the public to refer to a neurological condition that affects the human body and it involves a developmental disability and a damage that cause some dysfunctions which vary according to the place and the degree of the damage which occurs in the developing brain and this case affects the patient's muscle coordination as well as the patient's normal movement. This case usually affects the child during birth or after it with little time and then the child suffers slow motor development related to muscles' weakness which results into a difficulty in walking and having balance which affects the whole family psychologically besides the retard in the child's psychological state.
 Most cases of cerebral palsy affect fetus before birth time due to a problem in the brain development which occurs in a specific part of the brain so development stops being normal. It could be caused by a shortage in oxygen supply during pregnancy or an infection. Yet sometimes no cause are specified for cerebral palsy but birth complications can lead children to have it, among such complications are during delivery asphyxia. Head trauma could also be one of the reasons for having cerebral palsy in children during delivery.  

Cerebral palsy is of three main types and there are conditions that mix between two types. The most common type is spastic cerebral palsy and it affects the body in one side or in both sides, the muscles become contracted bending the limb. Another type is athetoid which is also called dyskinetic cerebral palsy  which leads to slowing in muscles and the whole body is affected by it and it leads to writhing hands and arms movements that are lessened when the child sleeps and are high when the child is stressed. Speech could also be affected by it. The rarest type is ataxic cerebral palsy which affects coordination and balance as it causes problems in the child's motor skills.   

Monday, June 2, 2014

Should every college student take a course in public speaking?

Every college student is practicing class presentation which mainly requires public speaking besides other aids which could be visual, audible or others. To present a speech or a project into class and face class mates is not an easy task and most students hate it but it is a very essential part of most college programs. This gives an answer for the main question of this assignment which is:  Should every college student take a course in public speaking? The answer is Yes of course.

There are many reasons for taking a course in public speaking as any student needs to learn how to face an audience, learn tools of speech and practice it. Joining a speaking circle can enhance the presentation skills of students, encourage them to use all potentials and abilities they have and this can happen through earning how to use gestures, word influence, intonation, humor and body movements to affect their listeners, this helps students when they present their projects and when they share in college's events and activates as their communicative abilities are raised and strengthened besides having enough self confidence through the good training courses on public speaking. In colleges, students could be asked to share in debate events or interpretation events which could include oral interpretations so a student is in need for having a good course in public speaking where he or she can be well prepared for real life situations when an event which involves public speaking activities is like a burden without learning how to act and react with others.
Even If the student is having the public speaking craft and is gifted with the oral abilities and self confidence, a course in public speaking will add much experience to such a student as well as adding extra skills that can help the student get good education outcomes.