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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Shakespeare's Hamlet," The Mystery of Death"

Hamlet is puzzled, thinking of death as an idea specially after the death of his father. Over the play course and throughout its time periods, he has many perspectives for death considerations. Death in Hamlet's insider is of two sides, the physical and the spiritual. His father's murder was a transformation point that raised his inner feelings with death. There are other themes in the play which are connected to death such as truth, existence, uncertainty and spirituality as Hamlet's deep questions can be answered if all discussed from the death consideration. Hamlet's world which is ambiguous and gloomy can not provide him with problem solutions that he needed. Revenge and justice achievement are also all connected to the theme of death. Committing suicide which is one's death is also a puzzling matter to Hamlet who questions himself about his existence value and whether he was vain or not. Yet taking actions was difficult for Hamlet which made him suffer more and have more complex feelings as he did not fear what comes after death. "To be or not to be, that's the question". Hamlet, the boy that soliloquies exhausted him in his very young age had many questions and inquiries but all are connected to death.    

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