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Friday, August 7, 2020

Fear of Death as a Fate, Hamlet as an example


Fear has many generators that people may bear but death is the most powerful among them all. People deal with fear according to each person's ability to reconcile with their fate and others too. When people aren’t able to cope with death or other passive feelings and accidents, they become filled with grief and sorrow and this can make them unable to accept death as a reality. People who can't accept death may fill into psychological suffering as people are naturally extroverted and the society is social by nature as in fact this can lead people to be lost when someone they love die. Individuals who suffer death of someone should emerge that stage and pass it to another one of acceptance of fate and this decides how civilization regards people in different cultures as people who put death as a matter of fate and continue life can have better and easier lives after that. This can be very ideal as a result and emotions of people can then range from having deep depression to suffer high insanity and this can be not accepted in a society. An example on that is Hamlet as a play that William Shakespeare wrote as it depicts how people can cope with death in their lives as Hamlet shows the levels of inability to cope with death or accept it in certain cases such as what happened to Hamlet when his father was murdered and at the time he found his skull. Failure of Hamlet to cope with his father's death turned to be a struggle as he couldn't cope with the relationship between his mother and his uncle, as a child, he doesn't encounter with death and he lacks dealing with death since his childhood. When Hamlet discovered his father's death reason and the betrayal that occurred by his uncle and mother his feelings turned to be complicated and his struggle turn to be madness and insanity as he was incapable to realize all this pain and grief or handle death and the result was madness. Yet he coped with death when he went to the funeral of Ophelia that left him with greater losses to deal with added to the already existing troubles he had. People who couldn't cope with death as a fate may suffer serious consequences than others who can deal with it. Death may cause complicated psychological problems people suffer from and can affect the growth of children who may not be able to realize it as a fate and a nature that every one encounters one day.             

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