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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Shakespeare's Hamlet," The Mystery of Death"

Hamlet is puzzled, thinking of death as an idea specially after the death of his father. Over the play course and throughout its time periods, he has many perspectives for death considerations. Death in Hamlet's insider is of two sides, the physical and the spiritual. His father's murder was a transformation point that raised his inner feelings with death. There are other themes in the play which are connected to death such as truth, existence, uncertainty and spirituality as Hamlet's deep questions can be answered if all discussed from the death consideration. Hamlet's world which is ambiguous and gloomy can not provide him with problem solutions that he needed. Revenge and justice achievement are also all connected to the theme of death. Committing suicide which is one's death is also a puzzling matter to Hamlet who questions himself about his existence value and whether he was vain or not. Yet taking actions was difficult for Hamlet which made him suffer more and have more complex feelings as he did not fear what comes after death. "To be or not to be, that's the question". Hamlet, the boy that soliloquies exhausted him in his very young age had many questions and inquiries but all are connected to death.    

Saturday, March 1, 2014


 SEO refers to the initials of Search Engines Optimization which is a process that is being performed to change or affect a web page visibility on search engines in order to be better appearing when searching for or when words or pictures or videos on the page are looked for. When the page is more likely to be viewed, this means more visits and a better page rank. SEO is a marketing strategy based on the work of search engines and the key words people search. Keywords are important in SEO. Targeted audience is addressed and editing is a main step when optimizing a website. Coding and HTML are basic factors that need SEO work so as to increase levels of relevance of the page to the main issues appearing in keywords as SEO improves the indexing process which raises backlinks number which is one of the SEO strategies. SEO began in late 1990s by early webmasters as they tried to make their pages better by crawlers and indexers. As to SEO practicing, it is interesting. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Organizational Change

Change is a necessity for elevation as for example, change in an organization must lead to development, to a higher level than the real existed one. Change can be made in any department in the organization by any of its members. Managers are the most important persons to encourage other employees to do changing steps yet they have to explain why changes are going to be made, what benefits are going to be gained out of change and how such changes can be achieved. An employee has to cope with changes made in the organization so as to keep the job he or she masters and to be promoted due to working for the welfare of the organization. Change needs many things in order to be well performed such as delivering the tasks specifically on all employees, specifying all steps needed to reach successful change and doing the change on the exact suitable timing for it. Change sometimes is radical and then it is called transformation. Change may be required to replace retarding parts of the business with progressive ones and sometimes it is rejected by some employees but competitive leaders can perform change with neglecting this resistance. There are many areas of change such as technological change, strategic change or people change. There are techniques for managing change such as learning everything and understanding the current situation of the business and analyze it in order to identify all weak points and problems faced by the organization and hindering its progress, stating the future wishes and ambitions is also another technique to set all future desires required to make the business reach its extreme success and competitive advantage in the market. Ordering the steps of change is a must when trying to implement a change even if it is small so as to prepare everything needed to perform such change effectively. Change can be a tool for leading a company towards development and success or to lead it to failure which occurs when change is not performed as planned and not made for the purposes set before so any company that try to implement change has to be cautious when it thinks of performing change.    

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Business Administration

The study of business administration has been very important nowadays for all business entities. To study business administration, this means to get a program that includes leadership roles for students to play in business situation and to be prepared for real roles in the business world. To study business administration, this means to be provided by all the needed skills in business such as the analytical and perceptual skills as well as having abilities to make decisions, make assessments and evaluation processes. Each student who study business administration must have a career goal, looking forward for the best financial institutions and have an idea about the famous good firms where the student can get a job opportunity after finishing the required course of education. Business administration has many major interests such as human resources, procurement, feasibility studies, business, managing business successfully, competitive advantage, marketing, secretary,  banks and many other topics that are important in business. There is a strong relation between business administration and management, business administration relates to those people who are responsible for making business plans or those policy makers who do researches and think in order to set the main aims for the company then comes the management role which is executing the administrative aims for the business. Working in a company, firm, entity or any other business institution or organizations requires good study for business administration and business management. Sales and marketing is a very important branch of the business administration processes and it has many specific topics to be studied such as purchasing, retailing and market plans. Human resources takes a great part in the study of business administration as they are considered an important asset for any business that seeks success and reaching a good level in the business market as well as a good reputation.    

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Importance of Nursing Interventions

Nursing interventions are regular visits nurses do for the patients whether at hospitals or at patients homes so as to follow the patients' cases and present the special treating courses needed for the patients. Such interventions have special classification systems that are prepared in most advanced countries in the medical organizations that have professional nurses, all nurses can use such standardized systems in order to provide the patients with the high level qualified caring which improves the patients quality of life and that promise with a better comfortable healthy period of treatment for the patients. Nursing interventions have four min stages which are: the assessment, planning, treatment implementations and evaluation. In ach stage the nurse has specific points and procedures that should be done in order to specify what is exactly needed to be done and what treatment should be provided for the patients each and then at last to evaluate the patient's case and see if the interventions were successfully done or not. Work of the nurse can be done individually or within a team. A multidisciplinary tem that consists of many specialists including nurses is a good idea. This makes no difference with the work of nursing interventions, it is the same in both cases. The nurse responsibility is the most important when coming to interventions as nurses are those who care for monitoring the patient case, recording all changes and also educating the patient and his or her family about the disease and how to manage it. Things like referrals, counseling, medication administrating, advocacy of the patients and other medical steps which could be minor are all included within nursing interventions. This all done in order to prepare the patient for being ready to manage the disease or he pain and keep a case of stability that helps doctors complete the treatment procedures easier. Another important factor that nursing interventions have is the process of evaluation for the treatment and for the patient case. Nurses can ask for the help of other professionals if the patient case needs this and they should be working in a secured safe quiet and clean environment in order to let them present their best without having any stress or anxiety. Student nurses can share in such interventions so as to make a nursing plan and know methods and theories about how to assess patients in such interventions, they have to work within teams and get their experiences in order to be able to face medical and nursing difficult situations and be prepared for interactions with patients, their relatives and their families. Nursing interventions must be given the ultimate care and interest by all nursing schools and hospitals.     

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Marketing Communications

Marketing communications have many tools which are important for business entities and organizations that seek competitive advantage among other organizations in the market. Among these tools there are media advertising such as television channels, radio advertisements, paper magazines, paper newspapers and other online magazines and newspapers. Another tool is the direct response and interactive advertising techniques such as online advertisements as well as direct mails and telephones. Place advertising is a good tool also which includes bill boards, bulletins, posters and cinema ads. There is also the technique of point of purchase advertising which focuses mainly on external store signs, shopping cart ads, radio and television ads. A tool is trade and customer which means the oriented promotions such as trade deals, samples, premiums and coupons which could be presented for customers in order to attract them so as to tempt them by the free materials and offers with the good prices as well. Event marketing and sponsorships is an another tool that concentrates mainly on shows, sport events, theatre shows, art shows or any other gathering places to put big advertisements for fans there. The personal selling is considered a direct and difficult tool which sometimes could bring good results when choosing the right persons to perform the tasks asked by the advertisers in order to attract customers according to how far the persons who do the tasks are convincing. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Writing a research paper

Writing a research paper is an easy task if you know how to manage it, what to do, when and why you are writing. Research papers are written for educational and research purposes so you have to set notes before doing anything. First bring some cards and write down your own ideas about the topic you are going to write about. It is better to begin earlier than you have decided to begin writing in order to leave time for revising and editing your work. Secondly, arrange the cards on which ideas are on then begin searching for resources that will help you with your research. Remember to gather and discover as many resources as possible even if not used as references, you can put them in the bibliography list at last. Some people say that you can delay writing the introduction and the abstract to the end when you have finished your papers as you will be able to write a good introduction for your work. Choose a good style for writing which could be APA or MLA style, usually it is better to double space your writing from choosing the double spacing option from the format list in Word program. Do not write many things n the introduction but summarize your ideas and organize them then present for your work and explain if there are chapters and the numbers of chapters in your research. Do not write in the paper you are supposed to present but in a draft paper. Choose a good writing format which is usually Arial or Times New Roman 12 or 14. Titling your research is a very important point so choose a good title which is a step that could be also delayed when you finish but I think it is better to find a good suitable title and subtitles before writing. Begin writing the draft from the sources you chose and remember to paraphrase and summarize using your own language as much as possible or you can put the copied text in quotation marks and refer it to its source as research has ethics such as copyrights and intellectual properties that any researcher has to put in mind while writing a research. Leave margins to let your instructor mark and comment on your work. When you finish writing, you have to edit your work and omit or add whatever you think more suitable and proper. Be careful as some researches need to be written in a specific number of words or pages assigned by the teachers. Correct errors of spelling and grammar as much as possible and then write a good conclusion that summarizes what you have done with some own views as well as some critical points and a future look of yours. Remember to reference your work with adding any suitable bibliography you used or read fast about the research topic. Be accurate and present your paper in a time prior to the specified deadline in order to do any asked modifications by your teacher.