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Friday, August 14, 2020

Sherlock Holmes of Arthur Conan Doyle, The Character and the Inspirer


Many authors have written about and analyzed the character of Sherlock Holmes since 1887 when Sir Arthur Conan Doyle presented the character for the first time in the first story called: "A Study in Scarlet" that was first published in “Beeton’s Christmas Annual”.  Sherlock Holmes the character was presented by Doyle in four novels and 56 short stories with specific character traits the author has put into Holmes with inspiration from Dr. Joseph Bell who was one of the teachers at the medical school of Edinburgh University. Arthur Doyle met Dr. Joseph Bell when Arthur was seventeen years old and the doctor was thirty nine and his character left an indelible impression on Doyle the student at that time. He liked that thin wiry man with dark attitudes, a high-nosed acute face, penetrating grey eyes, and angular shoulders.” Dr. Bell “would sit in his receiving room with a like a Red Indian face, and diagnose the people as they came in, before they even opened their mouths. He would tell them everything of their past life; and hardly would he ever make a mistake”.

Doyle presented the stories of Sherlock Holmes to his teacher who supported him with his words saying that: " “You are yourself Sherlock Holmes and well you know it,” Holmes was made to have deductive powers and abilities to understand the people from their outer appearance, feelings, attitudes and ways of talking and reacting. He could have abilities to realize motives and actions and attitudes of people with accurate observation and this helped him reveal the veil from many criminals. 

He wrote many stories groups and the last of them was In His Last Bow, set in 1914, Holmes was 60 and this tells that he was born in 1854. He lived in London at 221B Baker Street and shared rooms with Dr. Watson was his friend and helper in solving many problems and crimes and his marriage was in 1887 and then again after his wife’s death. Nothing known of Holmes’ parents through the stories as he does explain this but it is said that his ancestors were “country squires”. He claims that his grandfather was the artist Horace Vernet and we know that he has a brother Mycroft, a civil servant, who is seven years older than he is. Holmes worked as a detective for 23 years and retired in the Sussex Downs shortly before 1904. People loved the character and the stories all over the world and the stories were translated to many worldwide languages.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Fear of Death as a Fate, Hamlet as an example


Fear has many generators that people may bear but death is the most powerful among them all. People deal with fear according to each person's ability to reconcile with their fate and others too. When people aren’t able to cope with death or other passive feelings and accidents, they become filled with grief and sorrow and this can make them unable to accept death as a reality. People who can't accept death may fill into psychological suffering as people are naturally extroverted and the society is social by nature as in fact this can lead people to be lost when someone they love die. Individuals who suffer death of someone should emerge that stage and pass it to another one of acceptance of fate and this decides how civilization regards people in different cultures as people who put death as a matter of fate and continue life can have better and easier lives after that. This can be very ideal as a result and emotions of people can then range from having deep depression to suffer high insanity and this can be not accepted in a society. An example on that is Hamlet as a play that William Shakespeare wrote as it depicts how people can cope with death in their lives as Hamlet shows the levels of inability to cope with death or accept it in certain cases such as what happened to Hamlet when his father was murdered and at the time he found his skull. Failure of Hamlet to cope with his father's death turned to be a struggle as he couldn't cope with the relationship between his mother and his uncle, as a child, he doesn't encounter with death and he lacks dealing with death since his childhood. When Hamlet discovered his father's death reason and the betrayal that occurred by his uncle and mother his feelings turned to be complicated and his struggle turn to be madness and insanity as he was incapable to realize all this pain and grief or handle death and the result was madness. Yet he coped with death when he went to the funeral of Ophelia that left him with greater losses to deal with added to the already existing troubles he had. People who couldn't cope with death as a fate may suffer serious consequences than others who can deal with it. Death may cause complicated psychological problems people suffer from and can affect the growth of children who may not be able to realize it as a fate and a nature that every one encounters one day.             

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Impact of COVID 19 on Education

There is an apparent impact of COVID 19 pandemic on educational systems and learning processes worldwide. The virus has affected schools, universities and colleges and caused many of them to near-total closing. Governments all over the world have decided to apply the system of temporary closed educational institutes in a way for containing COVID 19 prevailing. Statistics state that there are about1.725 billion learners around the world have been affected by the virus and school closing and the UNICEF confirms that there are 106 countries are currently implementing school closure.  This was aligned with having substitution school systems that depend all on virtual learning and semi-virtual education. Online learning and distant education depend on the internet and its online applications that make teachers able to communicate with the students online and provide them with explanations and discussions for different subjects as well as making tests online. These procedures have been made to confirm the social distant and at the same time this helped in making economic and societal results as many schools and universities have applied online education systems that enabled them to make good profits and continue the learning process. The impact yet was more severe on learners themselves and children in particular and families because distant learning programs were not applied as required in many educational institutions especially those in the developing countries. Distant learning needs many important things to be perfect such as strong internet line, good quality of voice and camera, available e-books and adequate timing for teaching the lessons, these conditions are not all supported by many developing countries and this affected students and their families as learning process was not being done effectively as usual. Many students are not able to communicate well online such as children in primary schools as they need face-to-face learning while families couldn't be able to provide them with the needed methods for teaching and studying. The impact of COVID 19 on education included cheating processes that prevailed among many students in developing countries where privacy and accuracy of testing is not effective and this led to fake results of many students and reduced the quality of the learning process as a result. The UNESCO made some recommendations for online learning that include examining the readiness for online learning and choosing the most effective and relevant tools such as technology solutions and local power supplies, ensuring inclusion of the programs distant learning depends on, protecting data privacy and ensuring high level of secrecy for information, addressing psychological challenges solutions and planning a study schedule for programs of distant learning. There are other conditions that should be available to ensure effective distant learning such as supporting teachers and families with applications that enable them to communicate effectively and providing applicable digital approaches that can monitor students' learning and testing processes. The impact of distant learning on education will last after the finishing of COVID 19 epidemic issue and this will be clear in mixing different online and distant learning methods within the educational programs everywhere.  

Monday, August 3, 2020

Four Types of Market Segmentation

It is important to use different types of market segmentation. There are four types of market segmentation and it is important to target customers using unique characteristics for each segment as this raises competitiveness and create better marketing campaigns and make market opportunities better for the business organization. Market segmentation is necessary because it makes it easy to focus on the market through dividing it into segments and focus on the resources that enable the company to reach the most valuable scales of audience and this helps achieving the business targets. The four types of market segmentation include the demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation, behavioral segmentation and geographic segmentation. Each type of the four types requires different work from the business organization that is going to penetrate the market. Demographic market segmentation depends on addressing certain ages, gender, income, family situation, location, annual income and education of customers and making deep analysis on these issues and collecting data related to them. This technique can help the company understand the audience it is addressing and can target the audience it can make good sales from, for example, car companies that sell expensive cars should focus on people whose income is high enough to purchase such products while companies that sell candies and gum should focus on families that have children and no matter their income is because the product is not expensive. Demographic segmentation provides accurate data and information. Psychographic segmentation yet depends on categorizing the audiences and the customers according to the factors that are relevant to their personalities and features. The psychographic segmentation depends on studying values, personality traits, lifestyles, interests, motivations, priorities, psychological influences and attitudes of customers. These factors are difficult for the organization to identify than others but they are very important because they can shed the light on the needs of customers and how to meet them. The company that sells cars for example can here focus on values and interests of customers rather than their incomes in order to develop products that match these values and interests. Behavioral market segmentation depends on the purchasing habits and behaviors of customers and how they spend their money as well as the status of customers who buy the items. Geographic segmentation depends on segmenting customers based on the geographic borders they belong to and where they live. This should include collecting information about the country where the company is going to penetrate and market products, the ZIP codes of customers, the climate of the place, the status of urban and rural areas in the country and the city where the product is to be sold. This is very necessary when the company is going to penetrate a new market with new products as innovation can help the company develop its products to suit the people of that area in particular based on geographic issues. An example is when to market new types of wine in countries that religiously don't support drinking wine such as Islamic countries as this may not be easy to market such products and there should be innovative ideas for doing this.     

Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Impact of COVID 19 on using interviews in qualitative Researches

There is a great and strong impact of COVID 19 left on many areas of life such as the way business organizations and educational institutes get their resources for qualitative researches such as surveys and interviews. Making qualitative research about COVID 19 is a process that requires making interviews that include many questions that ask for information. This is difficult today because COVID 19 reduced social meetings between people and led business organizations make their meetings and interviews online and this also raised the need for questionnaires and surveys in spite of the shortage they may have. Interviews can be considered kinds of researches that depend on training because they usually depend on questions and answers that relate to certain issues. Focus groups can have interviews too not only individuals as interviewers here present the questions to the group as a whole and follow the discussions and surveys can be made too when the identity of the respondents shouldn't be clear and the surveys are made with known number that includes a group of people only. Interviews that are made with children are necessary too as ethnographic and phenomenological research depend on interviews to discover the way they consider life in their own perspectives.  

Interviews are completed based on interviewees' answers. The interviews are personal to a great extent when they are compared to the surveys and the questionnaires and among the important domains they have is the economic industry and electronics in particular. Interviewers usually work directly in making interviews as they have to meet the interviewees while surveys and questionnaires can be easily made online, by e-mails or on sites such as Google. Yet interviews are different because they can let the interviewer realize feelings and impressions of the interviewees and they take more time and need more resources. Interviews are made face-to-face as meetings and this can reduce any conflicts and make them less difficult than surveys. Interviews enable the organization to surprise the interviewers and measure the reaction of the surprise on them and this can lead them to present different answers than those they would present if they answered the same questions through surveys or questionnaires. COVID 19 has made researchers and business organizations that depend on researches turn to online surveys and questionnaires instead of interviews and others tend to make online interviews that are made through means for video conferencing online using different applications and social media sites that enable making easy and effective meetings and interviews online where all things can be made online and measured impressions too.  This shows how far the impact of COVID 19 has been left on many areas of life, business and education. This makes it important to consider the effectiveness of online meetings by having a strong internet streamline and broadcast and make the needed preparations for holding these online meetings.